Yes, money can be a key measure of success!
Barely a news bulletin goes by without more financial bad news or job losses. With so many negative issues of money in the news these days, it is not surprising that you are seriously worried about your financial future and the affect it may have on ... Views: 8777
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”
How much money do you have in your bank account? And when was the last time you spent some quality time with your family?
We tend to give ... Views: 1836
Albert Einstein once said, “Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”
Do you love what you do? Are you satisfied with your life? If you are, then congratulations—you’re one of the few lucky people in the world. But if you are NOT, you must ask yourself why. ... Views: 1251
Albert Einstein once said: “A perfection of means, and a confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.”
Look around you. Many people seem to be as busy as bees, working hard and striving to excel. There they are in their little hives, aspiring to succeed and seeking perfection in everything ... Views: 1245
Albert Einstein once said: “There are two ways to live - you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”
You see, most people nowadays look only at the DARK side of life. For them, life is as black as coal. As a result, they ATTRACT negative events into ... Views: 1411
The wisest man in history summarized success and achieving full potential in just two words - literally!
Who was this man?
He was an ancient Greek philosopher credited with exerting a powerful influence upon the founders of Western philosophy, particularly Plato and Aristotle.
His name was ... Views: 1751
Do you want to be a wise man? It is true that being wise is a blessing, but have you ever asked yourself what is the true meaning of wisdom?
If you’re like me, I always pictured a wise man as a very old man with white hair and a long white beard - a pensive man of few words who offered ... Views: 7224
Hats off to James Allen.
In his book “As a Man Thinketh,” Allen wrote a phrase that I consider to be the grounding principle for anyone who wants to transform his reality and achieve great success.
Here is what he said:
"A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He ... Views: 3616
You probably already know that negative thinking can harm your chances for success more than anything else. But how can you change your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones?
Let me share with you a proven 4-step process for changing your negative thoughts:
1. Search
In his ... Views: 1258
"I wish to be successful." "I wish to get promoted." "I wish to lose weight." "I wish to get rich."
What is your wish?
Unfortunately, wishing for something is not enough. Your wishes will never come true unless they are justly earned!
Let me explain...
In his masterpiece "As a Man Thinketh," ... Views: 1216
Sometimes I really wish I could become deaf and blind to all the naysayers and negative people who seem to want to sabotage my dreams and stand in the way of my goals. Don't you?
The people who surround you, even the closest ones, can often be the hardest obstacle to overcome on your way to ... Views: 1129
If you are like most people, you might have already wasted countless hours and effort trying to change your reality, without success.
The surprising truth is that when successful people want to change their reality, they focus their energy on only ONE thing - and before long, they get better ... Views: 945
Have you ever watched a blacksmith at work?
You may be surprised to find out that the blacksmith offers one of the most precious lessons about success that you will ever learn - a lesson that will help you succeed in your own life.
Look at the procedure for working with raw metal that every ... Views: 879
Imagine that you have an unexpected meeting with success. What would you do?
Now, you might ask, "What do you mean by a meeting with success? Is this a new fiction story?" But the better question might be, "How can I have a meeting with success?"
You might also be thinking, "I'm working very ... Views: 868
Tell me...
How are you living your life?
Are you living it your family's way, your society's way, your friends' way - or your OWN way?
Are you living an inherited life that has no taste or meaning for you? Are you living how other people expect you to? Are you giving other people full control ... Views: 849
Are you determined to achieve massive success?
Then this article will show you the simplest formula for reaching heights of success you've only dreamed about.
Remember that simplicity is not the same thing as ineffectiveness, for true power lies in simplicity. As the saying goes, "Common sense ... Views: 848
Can you imagine your life without problems?
Or to be more precise...
Can you imagine having the capacity to absorb and overcome any problem or challenge you face, no matter how tough it is?
Can you imagine wearing a tag on your lapel with a powerful statement – "Problems Don't Matter" – ... Views: 789
By the time you finish reading this short article, you'll discover the #1 secret to reaching your peak performance level.
It has been proven again and again that all successful people have used this secret at some point in their lives, and that this secret is responsible for generating ... Views: 1036
Are you a perfectionist? Let me reveal to you this important fact…
Perfectionism can hinder you from achieving excellence at anything you do.
Usually, Perfectionists are procrastinators. They don’t start unless everything is just perfect. They don’t even finish a task. They keep on delaying ... Views: 1841
I’m so excited today as I’m going to share with you one of the top success secrets that is going to change your life forever.
Yes, I mean it. This secret is going to change your life on condition that you put it in action.
First, let me ask you this question:
In your opinion, why is Bill ... Views: 924