You probably already know that negative thinking can harm your chances for success more than anything else. But how can you change your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones?

Let me share with you a proven 4-step process for changing your negative thoughts:

1. Search

In his masterpiece "As a Man Thinketh," James Allen wrote:

"Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul."

Search for the dominant negative thoughts that are engraved in your mind. Dig deeply to find their roots. Then make a conscious effort to isolate those negative thoughts that drive your decisions and actions.

2. Control

Guard your mind. Once you have identified the dominant negative thoughts that hinder you from moving forward, use your willpower to take control of them. Never let them control your life, and never make decisions or take action based on negative thoughts. 3. Alter

The most effective way to eliminate negative thoughts is to replace them with powerful positive ones. Feed your mind with motivating and empowering thoughts that support your goals and dreams.

Put those new positive thoughts in writing. Divide a piece of paper into two columns. In the first column, write down every negative thought you discovered in the searching step. In the second column, write down the corresponding positive thought that you will use to replace the negative one.


Negative thought: I always fail. Positive thought: I always learn new lessons.

4. Trace

Monitor the effects of the new thoughts on your life. The positive results you'll see will encourage you to implement this 4-step process every time you discover a negative thought that you want and need to change.

You can then replace your positive thoughts with even more powerful ones that will lead to better results.

Applying this process may not be easy at first, so keep in mind the three important characteristics that every smart farmer possesses and develops in order to reap a good harvest.

1. Patience:

Don't rush results. Changing negative thoughts that have been nurtured for years requires time. Be patient and work on one negative thought at a time.

2. Practice:

Like any new skill, mastering the 4-step process requires a lot of practice. But if you apply it to one negative thought after another, the process will eventually become second nature and you'll be able to implement it with ease and effectiveness.

3. Ceaseless Importunity:

This is the term James Allen brilliantly uses to describe what most of us call persistence! Never give up. Keep implementing this process until you weed out all the dominant negative thoughts that hinder your progress.

Changing your thoughts is the most powerful tactic you can use to change your reality and pave your way to a bright future.

The effort you put into the process is worth mountains of gold and diamonds, and the reward is a brand new life full of abundance and prosperity.

Search, control, alter, and trace with patience, practice, and persistence! That is what I call the 4x3 negative thinking crusher process.

"A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth." - James Allen

Cultivate your mind into the most beautiful garden ever seen - and let the beauty and light of your thoughts reflect on your life with abundance and happiness.

Author's Bio: 

Mohamed Tohami uncovers the success wisdom of the ages to help you transform your life from making a living to making a difference. Discover the world's most wanted and only emotion that can make you alive in his free special report, available at: