Change management is a well-defined approach that aims to ensure that whatever changes are implemented in an organization will be thoroughly planned and smoothly applied. Most importantly, this approach should guarantee that the benefits of the change will be lasting and will be achieved.
It is ... Views: 1053
For many people, the success of a woman is primarily out of “luck”. While it is true that luck is the ultimate game changer, it isn’t enough to make a woman a great leader. A woman becomes a true great leader because of her dedication, perseverance, commitment, and intelligence. These are the ... Views: 858
Money is not a bad thing at all, of course. It only becomes evil when you start to make earning and accumulating a lot of money your purpose and goal in life. So is making money the main reason you are alive? You would initially say “Of course not!” This seems like a really easy question to ... Views: 1630
Before entering the workforce, it is common for young people to study calculus and other higher academic subjects. While there is no doubt that training in such fields is valuable, it is also very important that young workers learn the idea of optimism. It can definitely be very beneficial for ... Views: 963
Even the job that you have long wanted can turn into a nightmare if you find yourself having more tasks and responsibilities than you expected. And when you start missing deadlines and getting assigned additional projects, things can get so much worse. These could even result in you having a ... Views: 1036
If you are currently searching for a job, you must have searched the internet for tips on how you can have a successful job interview. It is also likely that you have read various materials regarding the important job interview etiquette. Most of the elements of proper etiquette during job ... Views: 1589
Every year, an average employee is expected to receive an average pay raise of 3 percent. For top performers, another 1 percent of salary raise is given. While this would clearly not make a huge difference, a lot of companies are still struggling to offer their workers such a raise. This is not ... Views: 1385
Mixing business with pleasure is a very bad idea, according to many. However, staying in the office and working long hours have become so common that the workplace has eventually turned into a place where potential lovers meet. Career experts explain that while it is true that you can't choose ... Views: 722
No job search is easy. It takes quite a lot of time, patience, effort and commitment in order for you to succeed in finding a job that will make you more satisfied than your current job. If you have just started your search for a new job, you may be tempted to grab just any opportunity that ... Views: 1112
While it is usually very easy for hiring managers to determine just what the wrong questions to ask during an interview are it can be much harder for them to come up with the right ones. Asking effective interview questions is a skill that every great hiring manager has to possess though, as a ... Views: 1662
As a leader in your company, if you’re frustrated with your middle management, you have only yourself to blame. The success or failure of middle managers rests upon the support of upper management and how well both parties work together. For middle management to do their jobs properly they must ... Views: 1394
Generation Y is largest generation behind Baby Boomers. Often referred to as Millennials or Generation Next, these workers, born between 1982 and 2000, are just now entering the marketplace and seem to be creating quite a stir in companies all over the world.
Unlike the generations who came ... Views: 789
After the Holidays
Winter vacation time can be so relaxing, at times, maybe even lazy - sleeping in, spending time with the family and eating way too much. But now that the holidays are over and the kids are getting back to school, it’s time to rev up your work zone before the spring.
So, ... Views: 1167
This is an interesting time in the history of business - workplace dynamics are in the midst of a huge shift. Baby Boomers in their 60’s are running into the challenges of managing the very different needs of those in the Y generation. In fact, so much focus has been placed on these two sizeable ... Views: 1342
Making a career change over 40 isn’t any easier than it was in your 20s or 30s. Whether your decision is based on your desire to finally pursue your dreams or a need to find a new career path due to an ever-shrinking market or faltering industry, making a career change in mid-life can leave ... Views: 1400
Maybe you’ve recently graduated, are in mid-career shift or are recreating your life after economic downturn - whatever your story, if you’re looking to launch your career to greater heights, there’s no better time than summer. While your peers may be thinking of taking the summer off from the ... Views: 1128
There’s a lot of great job interview advice that’s available when you’re looking to get hired, but for those who are looking for a new job, sometimes the best advice isn’t conventional. One example of the less common advice involves looking into less common job interview techniques and options ... Views: 713
Businesses these days are in a unique position in which there are four generations in the workplace. First, there are those who have been working for years and who, in better economic times, would be close to retiring. Then there are the Baby Boomers who are approaching retirement and, in many ... Views: 915
Whether you are a fan of baseball, football, soccer or basketball, one of the things that you’ll notice is that only the teams that work well together are able to come out on top. As you strive to achieve all the goals you have set for your business, one of the things that you’re going to want ... Views: 1249
Hiring new employees is a very different experience for different companies. In some cases, there are challenges because of diversity issues and cases in which there are concerns about whether or not the fit will be right - especially when the company is hiring someone younger to lead a ... Views: 1646
Have you ever looked around your business and thought that there was something missing? Have you ever walked into the employee cafeteria to see clusters of your staff - the same small clusters that form in individual departments? If you have, or if you’ve simply noticed that the more that there ... Views: 1176
In business, making sure that you are taking steps to ensure your company’s continued success is important. One of the best steps that you can take when you want to know that your staff members have what it takes to keep things running smoothly is to implement a corporate mentoring ... Views: 1278
When some business owners and corporations start looking into mentoring programs, there is some initial confusion about what mentoring is. One of the biggest confusions that they have is identifying what differentiates mentoring from coaching and why mentoring can be so much more ... Views: 1338
Diversity in the workplace is extremely valuable - provided of course that all of the members of your team are making a strong contribution and are willing and able to learn from what others have to offer. After all, workplace diversity brings together those with different levels of education ... Views: 1253
The more that businesses start looking into mentoring and the advantages that it offers, the more that they are going to want to focus on the characteristics of a mentor. In order to develop a mentoring program, it’s important that you are bringing the right people on board to get the program ... Views: 1127
"Your past cannot be changed, but you can change tomorrow by your actions today."
- David McNally
The career you want doesn’t drop in your lap prefabricated the way it used to be. To have the career you want, you have to design and initiate your own path. In the past, on-the-job training ... Views: 821
I recently volunteered to review a client’s resume. She was applying for a job at a large Financial Institution. She had her artistic husband design a very creative resume, which showcased his graphic design skills. The resume looked great, if she was applying for an artistic position. You ... Views: 977
When you are looking for a job, being called in for a job interview is very exciting. Out of all the applications submitted, there is something about yours that stood out above the rest. You have made the final cut. Then, you realize that the interview will determine whether you are employed ... Views: 1016
Coaching clients in senior roles is often necessary because they lack self confidence. As a result, they are not seen as leaders. Instead, they all seem to have one quality in common. They all have a fear of making the necessary decision required of their position. Self perception affects ... Views: 1399
Many people view the holidays as a "slow" time for any business, except retail. A time when businesses prepare for year end, putting new projects on hold and instituting hiring freezes until after the holidays. But viewing this as a time to put away your business cards and shelve your resume ... Views: 719
Are you searching for future leaders in your organization? Before advertising a new position, look within the office walls first. With attention to mentoring and leadership development, any organization will benefit from leaders that have the knowledge required and the best interests of the ... Views: 1476
Never before in the history of mankind has the world been more mobile. People are constantly moving, in search of better opportunities. International relocations, for improved employment opportunities are also more common. As a result, the workplace is becoming more diverse every day; and, it’s ... Views: 1235
Finding a new job in the summer seems intimidating to many people. The prospect of job hunting, only to be rejected, keeps potential workers from realizing some of the best opportunities available. Summer is often the best time to make a career change.
What you Need to Know
If you want ... Views: 1380
Today, no one disputes the fact that the job market is very tight. Gone are the days when jobs were plentiful and opportunities practically dropped into a person’s lap. Now, it is the ambitious individual, with a tenacious proactive approach, that lands the coveted position. In fact, finding a ... Views: 1076
Job Interview success depends on more than what you say. What you do can also determine whether you become a new employee or remain in the unemployment line. Pay close attention to your body language, for a successful job interview.
Attention to Details
During the interview, the ... Views: 982
"Are managers mentors?" is probably one of the most common questions in the corporate workplace today. While a good manager should have mentorship qualities, and the ability to get the most potential productivity from subordinates, are both roles possible for a supervisor? Some executives think ... Views: 868
Job Interview success depends on more than what you say. What you do can also determine whether you become a new employee or another candidate steps out of the unemployment line. Pay close attention to your body language, for a successful job interview.
Attention to Details
During the ... Views: 806
You’ve been hired with a new company. Your trainer is moving up, moving on, or moving out of the business. If you are lucky, the person being replaced will be around for at least a couple of weeks to train in the various duties of the position. Sometimes, the person has already left or has ... Views: 1219
As job seekers broaden their horizons to include positions far from their home town, and human resources departments try to deal with the deluge of job applications brought on by the recession, telephone interviews have become much more popular. Here are some telephone interview tips that will ... Views: 2308
It can happen to anyone. For one reason or another - a late arrival, botching answers to key questions, failing to show knowledge about the company - you had a bad job interview. Although the proverb is true, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you do have an opportunity to ... Views: 1443
Over the last few decades, there has been an ever-increasing trend of people switching careers at least once rather than staying with one company for their entire working life. Recently, this trend appears to have accelerated dramatically. Whether you have decided to switch careers to fulfill ... Views: 2159
You did it! You impressed your future employer to the point where they called you in for a face-to-face job interview. This is your chance to go in there in person and shine. Now that you’ve been given this opportunity, it’s critical that you don’t waste it. Here are the top ten mistakes made in ... Views: 1406
As the worldwide economy becomes more strained and the demand for expertise in the workplace increases, people will be relocating from different cultures and countries, in order to provide for their families and establish careers. Individuals will be spending the majority of their waking hours ... Views: 1765
Given that the economy is nowhere near as strong as it could be, more and more companies are looking at layoffs as an option that will help them to stay in business. No matter how great you are at your job, there is a risk of the company eliminating your position - and if that happens, it’s ... Views: 2674
I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my career coaching and mentoring practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal vision is powerful ... Views: 4008
When you are looking for the chance to get ahead in the workplace - meaning, when you want to find a job that’s better than the one have or you just want to be sure that you can get in the door and work your way up - one of the most important things that you can do is to have a great resume. ... Views: 749
Before you can learn much about how to use personal branding for a competitive edge, it’s important to have an understanding of what personal branding is. Fortunately, it’s possible to take a look at the way many successful people have used personal branding to get a feel for what it is and how ... Views: 811
When you’re looking for a great opportunity - a chance to advance yourself within your field or a chance to find a completely different position over the course of your job search – one thing is certain: when you have goals for your job search, you are going to want to be sure that you are able ... Views: 877
Here are some tips for a job interview that will help you come out of the process on top. When you walk into a job interview, the product you are selling is YOU.
In order to successfully sell yourself, you must market your personal brand. That is, you must build a reputation that qualifies ... Views: 1185
Job searching is never fun, nor is it something that is particularly comfortable for the majority of people out there. It can be frustrating, but ultimately, it can prove to be an extremely rewarding experience. There are additional challenges that exist, however, when it comes to job searching ... Views: 885