There are so many ways to act with kindness toward others. I also think this is a great time to share a few things that we can do to show kindness in our world. Especially now when there seems to be such division. I believe if we lift others, it will affect all.
Below I will give 50 simple ... Views: 142
In a world where fear is being put out for the masses to catch ahold of I am here to tell you that you don’t have to grab on to the darkness. You can actually look for and find the light in all situations.
When you are experiencing a dark moment in your life and you feel you are spinning in ... Views: 442
Everyone seems to be searching for happiness. We seem to search for it in the things we do, the people we spend time with, the things that we accumulate, how we decide to live our lives, and I can go on from there.
What is happiness?
The Webster’s dictionary says that Happiness ... Views: 944
I wanted to write a post that would let you know how much you are loved and how much you can shine brightly in this world we live in. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit so I am going to help give you a boost.
Yes You were made to shine and not just a glimmer of shine I am ... Views: 878
Faith to me is believing in something that can’t be seen. It is believing that no matter what you are experiencing even if it seems like there is no resolve you know that there is and a solution will show up.
I have experienced this so many times in my life that it is my life. I have seen the ... Views: 1093
Did you know that a smile can make all the difference in the world to you and to others? Also did you know that science has proven this to be true? Well this is true. Science says that a smile can and yes even a forced smile can make you happier and relieve stress.
There are many benefits to ... Views: 1041
Did you know that when there is stress it is usually carried in our bodies somewhere? Not only that but it can create health issues and sometimes these issues can play a role in how we function daily in our lives. These issues can wreak havoc in our minds and our bodies if we let it or we can ... Views: 1410
My thoughts have gone here many times in the past couple of years and here they are again.
What if we all lived as one world united? What if we just allowed everyone to be who they are with no judgment? What if we accepted all religions, races, opinions, sexual preferences, and ways of life ... Views: 1160
We all have loses in our lives or times where we feel deeply about a situation or experience. There was a time in my life that I blocked myself from feeling my experiences deeply. I would actually apologize for having them.I just stuffed them down and didn’t allow myself to feel. The mindset for ... Views: 1225
I say yes we can! I think this is what most people want. Yes most people want this but how many are willing to put in the time and effort that this may take to get there. I do believe it is a large task and it will take each and every one of us but I do believe it is possible.
I hear you ... Views: 1182
How many times have you begun a program to lose weight and become healthier only to stop and lose the progress that you made? I think we all have done this and when trying to return to the program it gets harder and harder the longer you stay away. I know this because this has been a hard place ... Views: 998