There are so many ways to act with kindness toward others. I also think this is a great time to share a few things that we can do to show kindness in our world. Especially now when there seems to be such division. I believe if we lift others, it will affect all.

Below I will give 50 simple ways to act with kindness. Feel free to comment below with some ways you can share to promote kindness on this earth. There are many.

Here are 50 ideas to Act with Kindness:

1) Pay for the person behind you in line at a coffee shop.
2) Leave a kind note on someone’s car.
3) Donate gently used clothes to a shelter.
4) Compliment a stranger.
5) Volunteer at a local charity or nonprofit.
6) Leave a generous tip for your server.
7) Write a positive review for a small business.
8) Donate blood.
9) Send a handwritten letter to a friend or family member.
10) Leave quarters in a vending machine or laundry room.
11) Offer to help someone with their groceries.
12) Mow a neighbor’s lawn or shovel their driveway.
13) Donate books to a library or a little free library.
14) Surprise a coworker with their favorite snack.
15) Hold the door open for someone.
16) Visit a nursing home and spend time with the residents.
17) Plant a tree or a garden in your community.
18) Donate pet food to an animal shelter.
19) Offer to babysit for free.
20) Leave a bouquet of flowers on someone’s doorstep.
21) Cook a meal for a friend or family member.
22) Pick up litter in your neighborhood.
23) Pay for someone’s parking meter.
24) Send a care package to someone in need.
25) Let someone go ahead of you in line.
26) Donate school supplies to a teacher or school.
27) Smile at everyone you pass on the street.
28) Offer to take a photo for tourists.
29) Leave a positive note on a coworker’s desk.
30) Sponsor a child or family in need.
31) Send a thank-you note to someone who has impacted your life.
32) Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog.
33) Pay for someone’s bus or subway fare.
34) Leave a gift card in a public place for someone to find.
35) Donate to a cause you care about.
36) Offer to teach someone a skill you know.
37) Help someone carry their bags.
38) Send an anonymous gift to someone in need.
39) Make a playlist and share it with friends.
40) Visit someone who is lonely or sick.
41) Leave a book you’ve read in a public place with a note.
42) Surprise someone with their favorite coffee or tea.
43) Offer to run an errand for a busy friend.
44) Pay for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant.
45) Write a positive note and leave it in a public bathroom.
46) Bring in treats for your coworkers.
47) Support a local artist by purchasing their work.
48) Share your umbrella with someone caught in the rain.
49) Leave an encouraging message on social media.
50) Bake cookies and share them with your neighbors.

These acts can brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of kindness in the world! What might you do today to lift others? Comment below and let us know.

Author's Bio: 

Kelly is the owner of Illuminating Self Growth and loves helping others grow and succeed. She is an Author, Reiki Master, and is dedicated fully to sharing all that she has learned through education and the experience of her own growth.