When it comes to having impact, making a difference in the world, you can be deceived into thinking that you have to wait.
Wait until…
• Your business is big
• Your revenue reaches $1 million
• Some event happens when you suddenly have more wisdom, more time, or more permission to have ... Views: 683
True confession: I was a scientist.
I say that because that’s what I did two degrees in, and my early career was spent in that realm. I wouldn’t describe myself that way anymore, but there is one thing about science that suited me perfectly.
I’m very curious. And my curiosity is both ... Views: 639
I heard myself saying to my friend Carol, “I’ve just had a crazy day!”
I felt frazzled, worn out, and not feeling very confident that much got accomplished. Certainly, what I wanted to complete didn’t get done.
We’ve all had days like that, where there’s non-stop activity.
When you have ... Views: 663
On the other end of the phone, a prospective supplier was nattering on about a software platform that many of her clients use. I had just said, I don’t use that system and don’t have an interest in adopting it, and gave my reasons.
This is a great example of how we (yes, I include myself ... Views: 650
Do you have a really powerful and vivid dream of the difference you’d like to make in the world, the impact you want to have? Or is your vision evolving?
Either way, whether or not that dream comes to life depends very much on the answer to these questions:
What are you willing to do to ... Views: 681
OK, that was a little harsh. But really, it’s a valid and oh so important question.
As entrepreneurs, we can so easily get derailed. The temptations are many, and they center around one thing.
You are not connected with yourself.
When that’s the case, it’s easier to look outside of ... Views: 618
Podcasting has become more and more popular as a way to increase the visibility of your business. And besides, it’s tons of fun! At least it has been for me these past two years.
When it comes to my Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews podcast, I am fearless. I will ask anyone who I think ... Views: 665
One of the big fears people have about having their own business is that it is risky. And that’s true.
I don’t want to minimize that, because you’re taking a risk to put your economic welfare in your own hands. (You’re also taking a risk, and I would argue a bigger one, to put your economic ... Views: 638
So busy you can’t think? That’s not an uncommon situation for entrepreneurs. You work like crazy to get a flow of clients. Then you work like crazy to do the work that those clients want.
It can get to be a cycle of busyness, leading to poor decisions and a negative impact on your well-being ... Views: 623
Have you ever had a prospect say they want to work with you, and they suddenly decide to go with another company?
Have you ever poured energy into helping a prospect make a decision, with great content and multiple conversations, and then they have one conversation with another provider and ... Views: 599
Here’s some great news: businesses that consciously focus on impact, on making a positive difference, have 12-14 times more income than businesses that just focus on profit.
Impact is not a nice-to-have. It’s not an add-on. It’s an integral part of your business vision and strategy.
You ... Views: 793
Whether you’re up in front of a client, a networking group, or a conference audience, the success of your presentation depends on who you are as you present. It’s what’s in you that matters as much as what you do and say.
Your energy. Your enthusiasm. And I’m just going to come out and say ... Views: 705
One of the biggest and most profound shifts in my business was prompted by a book. My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey by Jill Bolte Taylor described the shift in her world view after a stroke.
While I gratefully did not have a stroke, her book affirmed a similar shift ... Views: 858
There’s been so much written about leadership in general, and more recently, about entrepreneurial leadership in particular. Lists abound of the characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders, like the ability to be creative, to inspire, to manage risk, to be adaptable.
All good stuff, right? ... Views: 626
Your network, your circle of connection, is a beautiful gift. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you didn’t ever unwrap it?
The wonderful thing about your network is that the people in it are willingly in connection with you. They want to help you!
Most people do. Healthy humans want to help each ... Views: 1167
What is the point of setting goals? It's not even that you are more likely to achieve what you want to achieve, though that’s certainly true.
Here are the two biggest benefits of goal setting:
1. Goal setting gives you with focus. You’ll zoom in on the actions you need to take to achieve ... Views: 770
One of the questions I get often from clients is, how often should I blog?
Though that’s the question I get, the underlying issue is really, what do I need to do in order to make my blog effective as a marketing tool. If it’s not effective, you might as well put your time and energy ... Views: 715
Ever notice how much energy super-heroes have available to them, ready whenever needed? Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to have that in your business?
One thing that is clear from the almost 100 interviews I’ve done for the Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews podcast: your greatest asset as ... Views: 653
“No, it’s ok. I don’t need to meet her.”
This was in response to an offer I made to connect one of my acquaintances with an influential person, someone who could prove to be a valuable ally.
I was struck silent by his response. Wha?!
When this kind of thing happens, I’m always ... Views: 705
Really? You can change the world?
When you hear, “You can change the world!”, it’s often an encouragement, uttered to inspire. Sometimes, it’s an exhortation.
These days, it sure can feel like the world needs changing, more than ever.
But is it true? How much effect does any of us ... Views: 717
When I recommended it, Randi replied, “I just do not have time for a quarterly review!”
I know how she feels. And I bet you do too.
Randi’s not the only one who gets caught up in the day-to-day operation of her business. You’ve got decisions to make, things to get done, and people who want ... Views: 686
Many entrepreneurs cringe when they hear, ‘elevator speech’.
I admit, it’s not a term I like either. ‘Elevator pitch’ is even more cringe-worthy.
The reasons go deep.
First of all, it’s hard to put yourself out there. You’re making yourself vulnerable about a business you love. You ... Views: 751
Melissa’s mind races, all day long. She’s a small business owner, and between that and her family demands, she jumps from decision to decision quickly. It’s often a whack-a-mole situation, where she gets one thing dealt with and quickly moves on to the next.
That feels good to Melissa, most ... Views: 704
Melissa’s mind races, all day long. She’s a small business owner, and between that and her family demands, she jumps from decision to decision quickly. It’s often a whack-a-mole situation, where she gets one thing dealt with and quickly moves on to the next.
That feels good to Melissa, most ... Views: 751
Melissa’s mind races, all day long. She’s a small business owner, and between that and her family demands, she jumps from decision to decision quickly. It’s often a whack-a-mole situation, where she gets one thing dealt with and quickly moves on to the next.
That feels good to Melissa, most ... Views: 683
Melissa’s mind races, all day long. She’s a small business owner, and between that and her family demands, she jumps from decision to decision quickly. It’s often a whack-a-mole situation, where she gets one thing dealt with and quickly moves on to the next.
That feels good to Melissa, most ... Views: 740
Are you projecting a noisy marketing message?
Chances are, at least some of your marketing message represents static. That is, it interferes with your message’s clarity.
The purpose of marketing is to let people know the value that you offer. When you make that value very specific, you ... Views: 710
Profit, profit, profit. The focus of every business, right?
True, profit is important. Essential, in fact, for a sustainable business.
But it doesn’t have to be your primary focus.
When you make making a difference the focus of your business, you profit.
Businesses that ... Views: 829
In October of 2010, I was in my house in Toronto, drumming on the wall with my fists. After months of preparation, my house had just sold. I was elated!
Why the drumming? It was my voice awakening. Through my hands, but still, my voice.
I’d spent the previous 5 years feeling more and more ... Views: 751
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”
This quote from Wayne Dyer highlights one of the big truths of having your own business. Your choices define what happens.
Are you exercising your opportunities to make good choices? Do they serve you and your ... Views: 519
How unreasonable are you?
Odd question, isn’t it? I for one try to be reasonable most of the time, though my loved ones may not agree! Still, it’s a worthy goal, right?
That reasonable approach doesn’t always work. Sometimes, it pays to be unreasonable. On purpose.
Why? Being ... Views: 815
When you don’t like something, what do you do?
Most people complain about it. According to research, most people complain once a minute during a typical conversation.
Shocking, right? It was to me.
It’s so socially acceptable to complain that it may not even strike you as strange in ... Views: 802
You don’t have to start from scratch to create revenue in your business. You already have a great deal available to you, more than you may think.
To find those opportunities, use leverage. Leverage is the ability to optimize what you have already in place.
Don’t overlook or underutilize ... Views: 689
One of the resources that you have available to you that can’t be recaptured, can’t be built up again, is time. Once spent, it is lost to you.
After that sobering beginning, let’s focus on what we can do with our time and our energy.
Let’s look at how you may be wasting your time and how ... Views: 1036
It’s a new year, which can mean new beginnings.
I’d like to raise your awareness of a place where you can contribute, something I don’t hear talked about much.
As entrepreneurs, we are all leaders. We have the opportunity to really change things, to make a difference in a positive and ... Views: 924
Your business is defined in the outside world by your brand. The voice of your brand is what helps set you apart.
Your voice is about person to person communication. Nobody wants to be spoken to like they’re a dollar sign. Your prospects and customers want authentic communication.
And ... Views: 913
I was sitting in my doctor’s office. She’d just done an exam for causes of my vertigo (fortunately benign) and was speedily typing her notes into the computer.
A little hesitantly, I said, “I forgot, I have another question”. She immediately stopped typing, and swiveled her chair to face ... Views: 651
You’re a leader. We all are. We all have the opportunity to lead and contribute.
Your ability to contribute, to have impact is affected by your leadership skills, in a big way. Your leadership can even be transformational for other people.
Take the leadership quiz, and see where you stand ... Views: 1021
Good writing is considered to be a key business skill. And yet, jargon and poor grammar are rampant in business, especially in marketing. Many writers sound cool, but often fail to communicate exactly what they mean.
I’ve been guilty of this too at times, trying to find eye-catching titles or ... Views: 849
Twenty years ago, I was fired from my corporate job. After being walked out of the building after the meeting with my boss and the HR director, I sat in my car and burst into tears. I was devastated.
True, I didn’t enjoy being in corporate. True, I knew that choosing to stand up to my boss ... Views: 834
Your business success depends on relationships. With clients, team members, suppliers, and other business owners.
So developing and honing your relationship skills makes sense, right?
This is a lifelong process, but you can make a great start by fostering empathy.
Empathy is the ... Views: 863
Your business can come down with maladies, wheezing and coughing and not functioning as well as it can. The infection can spread until multiple parts of your business are affected.
You can cure them if you make the right diagnosis and take action.
Bug #1. Nostrategitis. Lack of strategy is ... Views: 917
True or false: there’s an unlimited supply of income available for my business.
The answer is: true. And false.
Either way, it’s what you believe that will determine your level of success financially and in every other resource in your business.
Whether you believe in abundance or ... Views: 540
It’s the first anniversary of the Work Alchemy podcast! I’m so delighted to have brought you these inspiring and in-depth conversations with entrepreneurs and leaders who combine conventional business success with really making a difference in the world.
More than anything, that’s what I ... Views: 770
Ever have a project that was never completed and just haunts you? Yeah, me too.
I wish I could say I finish everything I start, but that wouldn’t be telling you the truth.
Like many entrepreneurs, I have a lot of ideas. A lot. And my starting energy is high for projects I’m excited about. ... Views: 936
“She was so clear about the vision for my business, but now, I’m not sure.” My client Lorraine had worked with a coach who felt super clear about what she should be doing next. At the time, Lorraine had felt it too.
Now that she was in the implementation phase and away from the coach’s ... Views: 988
Role models can be a great source of inspiration for you as an entrepreneur. It’s often lonely in your leadership role. Bringing in support of all kinds is so valuable.
What can you learn from a role model? Accountability, crisis management, innovation, and how they focus on others are just a ... Views: 765
Want to increase your business revenue, or at the very least, know how to ramp up revenue when you choose?
The good news is, you can.
And without investing big in new marketing avenues or sales staff.
Sure, there may be times you’ll want to do that too, to grow your business. But that ... Views: 760
Podcasts are a great way to reach out to your community of prospects and clients.
You have so much latitude to explore the topics that both serve your audience and most interest you. You provide people with new perspectives. You introduce them to new ideas and personalities. You can even ... Views: 710
Oh, that transformative beast - jealousy. It can transform friendship into resentment. It can transform honest effort into a reason to beat yourself up. And it can really mess with your business. One of my friends, a bright and articulate woman, was the object of my jealousy. She's also an ... Views: 592