16-inch Worms in the Toilet! (w/photos)
4:00pm Monday, February 27, 2017:
As I write this, I'm about to start DAY 6 of what I anticipate will be a 7-10 day extended water fast. In other words, I haven't eaten any food, and I've been drinking water only for the past 5 days. I say ... Views: 1454
America 2017: So, It's Like, Literally, the Rise of the Idiocracy?
Forget the Apocalypse. The real threat to civilization
as we know it is already upon us, and it is the Idiocracy. [Historywewrite]
In 2005, filmmaker Mike Judge offered us a humorous look at a dystopian future in the movie ... Views: 2056
This house of cards we refer to as our society's current belief system is crumbling. The cloak of deception upon which that belief system is based is unraveling. Everything you've been told, believe and accept to be true about many aspects of reality is being challenged and exposed as simply ... Views: 1409
Excerpt from Living True To Your Self, by Walt F.J. Goodridge
How I define living true to MY self
So, here I am, sitting on an Air China flight about to land in Beijing, People's Republic of China, where, in a few moments I'll be starting a new life ... Views: 3047
The Short Answer
The Truths of Age Reversal
"In order to survive as a physical being,
you must master the physical universe.
In order to master the physical universe,
you must know its truths.
Without truths, life can hold no absolutes."
I know what you're thinking: "Isn't aging ... Views: 2780
Tao is a Chinese word which, loosely translated, means "way." The letter "t" is an approximation of a Chinese sound that does not have an exact English equivalent. The most accurate rendition would be a combination "t" & "d" sound, as in "Tdhow." Many pronounce it "Dow", as in "Dow Jones" (ie., ... Views: 2211
While I'd love to off the full report as an article for SelfGrowth.com readers, the length would
exceed the recommended article length. But fear not. The full report "Fit to Breed" is available absolutely free for download at www.agelessAdept.com. To pique your interest, however, I've provided ... Views: 1629
The only way to take control of your life, raise your standard of living and move beyond merely surviving is to create your own unique product or service that you offer to increasing numbers of people in exchange for the things of value that you desire. This simple formula applies to countries ... Views: 2918
[The following is an excerpt from the book Turn Your Passion Into Profit]
…Your passion is not just any entrepreneurial business idea that makes you money. There's a big difference between turning your passion into profit, and simply turning a profit. Any business can make you money. And ... Views: 3233
Selling Survival: The Evolution of the Entrepreneurial Paradigm and Where to Look for New Opportunities
Experts say that there are societal trends in play that are precipitating a return to pre-industrial era ways of survival. In the face of changing economic realities and disillusionment, ... Views: 1605
Walt's Life Rhyme No.450: Call Me When You Come Around
What are Walt's Life Rhymes?
Part affirmation, advice column, inspired observation, proverb,
prayer and life lesson all rolled into one, Life Rhymes are positive,
poetic expressions of the internal dialogue that creates success.
They are ... Views: 1741
So, do you want to be a coach? Do you believe you have some expertise or experience to share with others to help them achieve their goals? Do you see yourself as a life coach, a business coach, relationship or success coach? Or have you signed up as a coach for a children's or employee team? ... Views: 1333
The greatest challenge to being successful in business is not the economy, it’s not the market, your customers or anything external. The single greatest obstacle you will ever face in turning your dreams into reality is overcoming the way you currently think. Your thoughts determine your ... Views: 1126