1. The Christian marriage is revealed in the creation of man– In the second chapter of the Bible we find God’s purpose regarding the marriage union. In Genesis 2:7 we read, “The LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became ... Views: 1247
A great example of relationships that empower is told by Willie Morris in Parade magazine. The story is about major league baseball player Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play major league baseball. Breaking baseball’s color barrier, he faced jeering crowds in every ... Views: 1142
In looking at the shadow of shame I am reminded of a story author Max Lucado tells about that took place in the early seventies. One sunny summer afternoon two sisters were abducted by two men as they came out of a convenience store in Casper Wyoming. The two men drove the two girls to a canyon ... Views: 2002
The following are signs of a controlling relationship:
1. Flattery – Flattery is different than a compliment – A compliment adds to a person. It builds within you a sense of confidence free from any ulterior motives. Flattery on the other hand is insincere and selfish in its motive – which is ... Views: 3745
1. Safe relationships involve suspending judgment – I can’t begin to recount the times I’ve jumped to conclusions regarding my judgment of someone’s motives. Even though “what” someone has done is clear, “why” they did it is rarely as obvious. It takes time and patience to discover what is in ... Views: 2547
Your relationships are affected by your emotional health. The healthier you are emotionally the stronger your relationships will be with others. The best thing you can do for your spouse, family and loved ones is to take care of yourself. Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself so you ... Views: 1485
1. Don’t look to others to make you happy – The first step in discovering how to be happy in marriage is recognizing the true source of happiness. In most relationships we are initially attracted to another person because they make us feel good about ourselves. Yet, if the marriage is to grow we ... Views: 1240
Internet safety has increasingly become a significant issue in the area of relationships. A common and obvious threat to your home and relationships is the subject of pornography. Pornographic material from the internet comes in two ways: solicited and unsolicited. Unsolicited material is sent ... Views: 1259
What Women Want was a comedic film released in the year 2000. The film’s main character which is played by Mel Gibson, wakes up one morning with the ability to read women’s minds. With the significant role women play in our society, if it were possible for a man to read a woman’s mind, he could ... Views: 1127
Author Lynn Anderson tells the story about a shipload of travelers 350 years ago who landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town government. The third year the town government planned to build a road five miles westward ... Views: 1399
1. Difference One – Facts vs. Feelings: Between men and women the most obvious difference is men love to share facts, women share feelings.
To the Men – Be willing to enter her world of emotions. The facts are not as important to her as you being willing to listen to her. Be patient and allow ... Views: 2132
By Michael Fehlauer
1. Identify the core issues – The first step in saving your marriage is to make the distinction between the symptoms and the core issues. Only after the core issues are identified can you take the first step in repairing the relationship. There is a verse in the bible that ... Views: 1420
By Michael Fehlauer
Long-term healthy relationships are possible. There are fundamental skills, as well as a perspective in the way we approach our relationships, that enable us to experience solid friendships. The people we allow into our world either add to our lives or subtract from our ... Views: 4388
Good communication in relationships is a result of skills that can be learned. How to listen is a huge first step in developing healthy communication in your relationships. Even more so, learning what to listen for is another key.
David Schwartz says, “Big people monopolize the listening. ... Views: 1372
A bridge spans the gap between two locations. Trust in marriage spans the gap between two individuals. 4 ½ years ago, my heart was broken with betrayal in my marriage. A huge chasm spanned the space between me and my husband. My trust in Mike was completely shattered. All I could do was take ... Views: 1549
1. Spend time together – One of the marriage tips I want to initially suggest requires the importance of spending time together. Even though this point seems too obvious to mention, it is still surprising how this simple truth can get away from us.
Recently Reader’s Digest reported about ... Views: 1133
The fundamental importance of trust in relationships, and the destruction that happens when that trust is violated became a reality to me several years ago. It’s still a vivid memory; ugly and detailed accusations, followed by denials from me. I lied, got caught and our world crashed.
At ... Views: 1377
Surviving infidelity may not result in your marriage being saved, but it does include you finding the strength to live out your life in God's peace and hope. Yet, once infidelity has taken place, what are the necessary steps in surviving infidelity? The following principles are absolutely key ... Views: 1632