When I was 6yrs old I had my first experience of death of a family member. My mother explained the passing as one of transition where my family member was now “one of my guardian angels”. I took her word for it, believing as an innocent child would that that was exactly what happened. I immediately started connecting with the angels with the expectation that they were there to guard, guide, and protect me. I also seemed to receive messages from them about questions I had, communicating through the heart.
I often pray for my angels to guide and protect me. I also call on them to watch over my car, home, family, travel experiences and to guide my sessions. In fact I call on them so often that I feel their presence with me at all times and I honour that by expressing gratitude for their help and following through on their guidance.
There are angels are around you too. They stand by and wait for your call, eager to help in any way they can. Ask for their guidance. When you do, notice how your life starts to shift in wonderful and unexpected ways. Be aware of the joy angels can bring, as well as more peace and happiness in your life.
Each angel has a special healing gift to share with you, and some angels stand guard over you, protecting you and giving you a gentle nudge when needed to stay on course. They remind you that you are never alone and that you are always supported.
I remember one winter I was up to my waist in snow trying to shovel a path for my car to leave the driveway. I persevered for an hour then started to grow weary, struggling to keep going yet feeling very overwhelmed, tired, and angry and getting into a fearful place of feeling like it was an “impossible task”.
I decided to take a break before claiming defeat and I asked my angels to help me. I prayed that the angel of highest vibration who had expertise in clearing out the driveway come to help me now. Not even two minutes later I looked out my window and saw a snowplow truck do a clean sweep of my driveway. They just seemed to show up from nowhere and I tried to quickly get my boots back on so I can get out to thank the driver but it was too late. They were gone. I thanked the angels instead, knowing they must have sent that person to me.
No task is too small or too big for the angels. They are waiting for you to invite them and by them helping you they fulfill their divine assignment. The angels really do help, and often with rapid results, IF we ask, believe, and open to receive.
Do you have an angel story to share? I’d love to hear from you.
© Copyright MMXIV Jennifer Regular
Jennifer Regular is a respected Master Integrated Energy Therapist, Motivational Counselor, Reiki Drum Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, and an inspiring seminar leader. She She is also a member of CAIET- Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies and the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. Her business practice is Enlightened Wellness where she helps you keep your Spirit intact by transforming stress into ease. www.enlightenedwellness.ca
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