Transforming Stress in to Ease and Empowerment
Is your life feeling hectic and stressful? Are you someone who tries to please everyone? Are you one of the many who feels responsible for everything and is therefore busy all the time? People complain they have no time for themselves or even worse, feel ashamed and guilty if they do take a few minutes to themselves. Some will even keep the door open to the bathroom while they are in it, just in case someone needs something, not wanting to appear “unavailable” or that they are keep someone from something!
I used to be like that, always the one on speed-dial to rescue people in crisis and solve the family’s problems. I took care of the house, dogs, husband, and errands, and most of the time I even did it with a smile. I found that the lack of appreciation and need for acknowledgment unnerving. One day when I was feeling as if in emotional paralysis and exhausted, I realized no one was there for me. No one was tending to me while I was ill. They still expected everything to be exactly as it always was and had this expectation that I could handle it.
I began to step back and notice what was really going on. I realized I was being manipulated, taken for granted, and abused. I realized that in overcompensating to make it appear that everything was alright, I lost sight of the truth.
Where had all my energy and vitality gone? My growing self awareness allowed me to see how resentful, hostile, and depressed I had become. This awareness fueled me to start doing things differently. When I ended up on a stress leave from work, it was then that I realized the world did not crumble without me. During that time I found a new support network, one that honoured me, and one person that even gave me permission to take care of myself. I learned that I was teaching people how to treat me, and I learned that being humble allowed the love and support I craved from all my “doing”.
I discovered other ways to heal myself. I learned that there were cellular areas in the body that were holding all those emotions I had suppressed. Well once I heard that, I wanted them out, and replaced with something better!
It was a modality called Integrated Energy Therapy (IET®) that led to this breakthrough and I felt an amazing pull to become certified in this energy treatment. Once I had the training I knew I had to share it with EVERYONE! It provided so many layers of support and led me on a path of self-discovery, empowerment and healing that I couldn’t just keep it to myself. This became the new way I was going to “save the world”. I realized just how important it is to do the inner work, to become energy efficient and be the light for others who are still living in darkness.
Now, years later I feel as if my life has completely transformed. I feel lighter, freer, and more at peace. Journal now on how you would like to be experiencing your life. Then write how you are currently experiencing your life. Are there any gaps or room for improvements? What can you do to transform stress into more ease and empowerment?
Having worked in the helping profession with several different service agencies over the last 18 years I have seen and experienced the effects of compassion fatigue on individuals personally and professionally. Even with all the training in “detachment” and not “taking your work home with you”, there is an overriding need to connect with others. I felt a drive to contribute to another’s well-being and inspire a more fulfilling way of life. Rather than claiming to be an “expert”, I use my skills and gifted intuitive abilities as an Empath, counselor, and Master Intergrated Energy Therapist to inspire and empower you to tap into your inner knowing. Free your spirit to direct the life you were meant to live.
In addition to an Honours B.A. in Psychology I have taken numerous courses and workshops in energy healing, shamanic studies, sound healing, motivational counseling and meditation practices.
Often we mentally want change yet emotionally fear it. I guide those that are ready to move into your essential truth through clearing emotional blocks that keep you from reaching your full potential through energy healing; transforming stress into ease at work, inner healing practices, and personal discovery workshops leading to authentic empowerment. Visit your gateway to healing and empowerment.
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