Another way to save money on entertainment, is to check out your local library. When you think about libraries, most people think about books. You can check out all kinds of books from the library - how-to, personal finance, fiction, cooking, children's books - you name it. Any time you hear ... Views: 1167
The All American Dream is to own a home of your own. Many people think that paying rent is a waste of money. But when you do buy a house, you have more expenses than when you rent that many people do not consider. The monthly house payment may be similar to your rent payment but you will have ... Views: 1284
One way to see what you spend is to track your expenses for a week. Either have a small notebook that you keep track of everything you spend money on. Or keep track of your receipts and add them up each evening. This helps you see what you spend money on and which expenses may be able to be ... Views: 1136
One of the major expenses besides your housing expenses is for food. Even though it is cheaper than eating out, it is still helpful to find ways to save money at the grocery store. Most grocery stores have what they call "loss leader" items. These are items that they sell at little or no profit ... Views: 1046
Go Shopping in YOUR Closet
How often do you stand in front of your closet thinking you have nothing to wear? Instead of heading to the mall, take a second look at your closet. I bet if you look way in the back you will find items you have not worn for awhile. It will feel like a new ... Views: 1520
One of the arguments I hear when I talk to people about saving is that they are too old to make a difference. Whatever you can start saving now can make big difference
One big step is to forget the past and focus on the future. In some cases it was being irresponsible but other cases it was ... Views: 1356
Budget doesn’t have to be a 4-Letter Word
Many people dread the word budget. Money is active, you have to tell it where to go. The basic principle of making a budget is recording how much money you have coming in for the month. From that you subtract expenses for the month. First ... Views: 1083
I feel it is very important to teach children about financial matters. One reason that parents do not teach their children about money, is because they are not sure they know how to handle money either. It is one of the things that is not always taught in school. We earn degrees in order to ... Views: 2142