There is more to a “great nation” than economic prosperity. Wine, women and song have preceded the fall of more nations than Rome, and it's time to understand some issues.
60 years ago this author spent a summer in Venezuela and Colombia where most of the people that he interviewed wanted to ... Views: 963
“Even if a day arrives when the Catholic Church is pure, none of us will live to see it,” says Margery Eagan in her Boston Globe article (1-29-18) discussing the pope’s visit to Chile.
Some people can stumble over the truth, get up and go on as if nothing ever happened. Dr. Richard Ruhling, ... Views: 1158
Scientists advanced a ‘doomsday’ clock to 2 minutes till midnight. How did we get from Stephen Hawking’s 1000-year estimate (11-16-16) to his 100-year estimate (5-4-17) to nearly midnight?
It’s like seismologists giving LA an 85-99% risk of a major earthquake (LA Times, ... Views: 926
H.R.4760 – Securing America’s Future Act of 2018, is a bill that entails everything from Education and the Workforce to Homeland Security to the military. Its 400 pages include details of a new biometric National ID card to be required for everyone. ... Views: 1054
Seven “When-Then” Signs of Biblical End-Times Marked 2015
1. A rare solar eclipse on the equinox followed by
2. A blood moon on Passover. “The sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before [paniym, facing] the day of the Lord.” Joel 2:31.
3. The Iran Nuclear Treaty signed by 7 ... Views: 1067
Assignment Asserted Christians, Muslims and Jews believe in the same God.
Dozens of people spoke against a homework assignment in an Elgin, Illinois school meeting. Is ... Views: 1340
A false missile alert sent Hawaiians scrambling for 38 minutes.
Thousands of Hawaiians panicked...Children climbed into manholes. Cars raced through streets. Stores closed their doors to people desperately seeking ... Views: 1037
It's the 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade and the pope is offering 'plenary indulgences' to church members who participate in the March for Life in Washington.
So what's a plenary indulgence? Googling 'plenary,' it means complete or absolute, and indulgence is “remission before God of the ... Views: 1014
“New Forensic Evidence” seen by 200,000+ on YouTube is debatable. The video offers testimony by some scientists who came to believe the shroud was that which wrapped the Savior after the crucifixion.
On the other hand, some scientists, as with the carbon-14 dating, showed it came from the ... Views: 954
Joe Farah of offers 7 Reasons the Pope Is Wrong on Immigration:
Either the pope never read it, or he doesn't remember that God promised Abraham the Middle East, from the River in Egypt (Nile) to the River ... Views: 902
From astronomers to archeologists; from historians to atheists, people often discover God by surprise, but what about calamity?
“Have Astronomers Found God?” is a Reader's Digest article (July, 1980) found online. Archeologist discoveries support the biblical record of Abraham's grandfather ... Views: 917
Abraham Lincoln, perhaps the greatest of US presidents, said, “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.” With thousands of Muslims in Iran reported to be converting to Christianity, maybe it’s happening?
A third imam in the US has called for the killing of Jews. Abdullah ... Views: 843
This is an over-simplification, but men tend play at love to get sex; women play at sex to get love. When the game is over, both parties lose, but women lose more. Women often invite harrassment by dressing immodestly. Sexual harrassment is sad news daily. Dating problems don’t have to be so ... Views: 889
The cover story of Popular Science, Sept 1995 reported a little known Pentagon project, stating that bad weather is coming. If you can control your enemy by weather, that's good, but are we the enemy?
The National Weather Service tweeted that snow, ice, strong winds, and flooding will plague ... Views: 1149
Israel was to keep all God's statutes and judgments that the land “spue you not out.” Lev 20:22. Moses quoted God as saying that He would punish Israel seven times over if they walked contrary to Him, Lev 26:18-28.
Later the time period of 390 years is cited in Ezekiel 4:5,6. The math, 7 x ... Views: 1045
War, famine, earthquake, pestilence, society chaos are seen, end-times in Matthew 24.
Summary: Trump’s ok of Jerusalem as capital of Israel sets the stage for a papal-influenced United Nations to react with hostility. Jerusalem’s destruction would be a sign of impending judgment on the US ... Views: 1129
How to Get a NEW START for the New Year & Make a 30-Year Difference!
Dr. Lester Breslow, Dean of UCLA’s School of Public Health, discovered that 7 Simple Health Habits make a huge difference in life with a 60-year-old being as healthy as a 30-year-old who followed only one or two ... Views: 1048
Robert Kennedy Jr. says that waste from pig farms is kept in lagoons and farmers spray it on crops as fertilizer. Hogs make ten times the fecal waste as humans, so a plant with 10,000 hogs makes as much waste as a city of 100,000 people.
The CDC has become a front for the pharmaceutical ... Views: 1340
California Mother Harassed by Police Asking If Her Children Were Vaccinated made headlines as President Trump appointed pro-vaccine, big pharma executive to head HHS
Dr. Ben Carson said Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery; Dr. Richard Ruhling says our loss of freedom is becoming clear. ... Views: 1018
“Why not sue the hospital?” asks Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician whose 40-year practice of medicine was not inhibited by his getting the flu, with one exception.
Ruhling also has a Masters Degree in Public Health and understands epidemiology most winters when people’s immunity is low ... Views: 984
Millions of Jews were wondering if 2017 would be a jubilee echo of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the Six Day War 50 years later in 1967. But 2017 is disappointing with daughter of a holocaust survivor deported because her father became a Christian (Newsweek 11-21-17).
Is Israel just ... Views: 954
$46 million was paid to 68,000 MDs for their opioid prescriptions as kick-backs, according to the CDC.
“This is outrageous and just the latest example of how drug companies are killing people with their products,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who once relieved a doctor for a ... Views: 1156
The above headline question in Newsweek (10/21/17) went unanswered as the article diverted into a political free-for-all citing Dr. Robt Jeffress, mega-church pastor, a Trump supporter in Dallas.
Newsweek also cited him as linking the church to the “Whore of Babylon” in Revelation, says Dr. ... Views: 1187
“Pope Francis said the death penalty is ‘inadmissible’ and called for changes to church doctrine to prohibit it,” Time Magazine Videos This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events, offering the following information.
Protestant reformers saw the ... Views: 979
A is for Attitude as a key ingredient. Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, either way you choose, you will be right. So why not give this your best shot. If so, it’s the last time you will have to face this problem.
A is also for Appetite Suppressant. No, not drugs. In your ... Views: 1285
Dr. Lester Breslow, Dean of UCLA’s School of Public Health, discovered that 7 Simple Health Habits make a difference in 30 years of life between the person who broke those Golden Rules compared to those who observed them.
So what are they? They are best remembered by this picture and ... Views: 1105
62 Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have accused Pope Francis of heresy., 9-24-17.
Martin Luther was a Catholic (Augustinian) Monk who visited Rome and said, “If there is a hell, Rome is built over it.” He was bothered by the luxurious living, the loose morals, and the ... Views: 1054
Media Mock Meade’s Misunderstanding of a Sign in Sky September 23 as ‘End of Days and Rapture,’ says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author of God Bless America? He explains the ‘Great Sign of Revelation 12’ is not apocalyptic for September 23, but its nine months ‘pregnancy’ points to next ... Views: 1189
The UN theme chosen for this year is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” The Bible says, “When they shall say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes on them…” 1Thess 5:3.
The United Nations is notorious for saying one thing and doing another. This was seen in ... Views: 921
“Give me your tired, your poor…yearning to breathe free.” The Statue of Liberty has welcomed “the huddled masses” from every continent since 1865, but immigration has transformed the US.
Early Americans took huge risks of death at sea and from Indians or starvation in the New World because ... Views: 1090
“A rabbinic court, or Sanhedrin, has ruled that a Jew who believes in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah is no longer considered a Jew for purposes of marriage in Israel. This makes it impossible for two Messianic Jews to get married inside the country.”, 9-2-17.
Didn’t Moses say ... Views: 890
“The jolting message contained in ‘No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You,’ is one of warning for America, which is in the process of building up its own no-go zones by making the same immigration mistakes now on full display in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, ... Views: 992
An email from a friend cites some guru who says next week’s eclipse means “the end of the world!”
This is baloney, and probably nothing huge will happen August 21 to endorse the significance of the eclipse. “Signs of the times” should be taken in their context and it is interesting that ... Views: 1088
Christ implies that we don’t understand the parables—we are asleep with lights out in Matthew 25:5. The next verse says ‘midnight.’ It’s dark, and hence a need of oil in the lamps to find the way to the wedding.
There is parallel imagery in the Song of Solomon representing Israel’s wisest ... Views: 1093
Ricardo Beas, a concerned citizen and parent of three school-age children in California seeks to do the impossible. He is shedding light on the illegality and health hazards of mandatory vaccines, believing compulsory vaccination will be overruled by public opinion.
Citing our ... Views: 1708
The greatest discoveries that we can make are not those of technology, but how to have health, happiness and purposeful living that brings a better destiny, says Richard Ruhling, MD.
At 75, Ruhling is enjoying all of the above better than when he was 35 and had headaches that helped him ... Views: 1085
#1. When asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. Daniel and his friends faced life or death situations in chapters 1-6. “Daniel” means God is my Judge, and the book of Judges show they were deliverers like Gideon and Samson. God may deliver ... Views: 1043
“Every time a terrorist murders an innocent person and falsely invokes the name of God, it should be an insult to every person of faith,” said Trump.
Historians say Daniel 8 was fulfilled when Alexander the Great conquered the Medes and Persians (v 20) but they overlooked verse 17 where ... Views: 1243
“Every time a terrorist murders an innocent person and falsely invokes the name of God, it should be an insult to every person of faith,” said Trump.
Historians say Daniel 8 was fulfilled when Alexander the Great conquered the Medes and Persians (v 20) but they overlooked verse 17 where ... Views: 1198
Starbucks was ordered by a judge to pay a woman $100,000 because the lid to her coffee popped off and she got 1st and 2nd degree burns. A 1st degree burn means erythema or redness; a 2nd degree burn means a blister forms. Too bad we can’t all get a blister from Starbucks and collect $100,000. ... Views: 1138
The CDC is a vaccine company; drug companies own Congress & MDs who break their oath; drug makers lie and parents pay the price, says Richard Ruhling, MD who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.
“The CDC owns dozens of vaccine patents and sells vaccines, $4.6 billion/year. A US ... Views: 1513
Millions suffer from caffeine, and stay addicted because they fear withdrawal symptoms, but the sooner they make the break, the better their health, says Richard Ruhling, MD who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.
“Caffeine is the most common but unrecognized cause of health ... Views: 2635
As the US is divided, another Civil War looms. What lessons can we learn? ‘History repeats worse for those who ignore it.'
“Those who think this is ‘one nation under God,’ should consider how it fell. The lesson includes history that agrees with Bible prophecy in Revelation 13 where the ‘sea ... Views: 1058
A megaquake is expected to initiate the end-time ‘day of the Lord,’ clued by Christ’s closing parables “as the days of Noah” for May 12, says Bible author, Dr. Richard Ruhling.
“The fruitless fig tree that withered under Christ’s curse represented the Jewish nation then, but the US now,” says ... Views: 1069
“At the time of the end” a goat with a great horn stomps a militant ram, breaking its horns—“kings of Media & Persia” (Iraq & Iran) said Gabriel, Daniel 8.
“The biblical year begins in the spring with the new moon crescent (chodesh, Exod 12:2) after the equinox. A week later, Trump bombs ... Views: 1298
Arabs are descendants of Abraham with a claim on the land of the covenant that Jews say is theirs, but the terms need to be redefined after what’s coming.
“The day of the LORD comes…I will bring all [Arab?] nations against Jerusalem to battle. The houses shall be rifled and the women ... Views: 1039
Papal visits intersected the jubilee timeline to signal the end of 6000 years when “day of the LORD” prophecies are due; Jerusalem’s destruction is first.
“The day of the LORD comes…I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the ... Views: 1364
“Most children who have died of flu in recent years were not vaccinated” according to the Centers for Disease Control. (NBC News)
But physicians admit most children who get autism were vaccinated, and ... Views: 1007
“What is to come has been already, and God summons each event back in its turn.” Solomon, Eccl 3:15, NEB
The pope’s apology over nearly a million Protestant Tutsis murdered in Rwanda should make us wonder. People never thought it would happen again after Hitler—not in our ‘enlightened age.’ ... Views: 986
Touting the benefits of cold water training, a former Navy seal explains health benefits and encourages us to end our bathing with a cold shower in a 1-minute video.
Benefits cited include reducing inflammation for joints and vasoconstriction that squeezes lactic acid out of the muscles so we ... Views: 1423