From astronomers to archeologists; from historians to atheists, people often discover God by surprise, but what about calamity?
“Have Astronomers Found God?” is a Reader's Digest article (July, 1980) found online. Archeologist discoveries support the biblical record of Abraham's grandfather (Genesis). Historians support the rise and fall of kingdoms foretold by Daniel 2500 years ago. Famed atheist, Antony Flew, confessed faith in God after considering DNA complexity that could not have evolved by chance. Will geologists discover clues for the ''Big One” before it decimates California?
Seismologists estimate the risk of a major LA earthquake as 85-99%, LA Times, 10-22-15. Geologists have said the San Andreas Fault is “locked, loaded and ready to roll.” Is it time for a 'God factor' to discern more than geologists know? A 'vision' from someone claiming God showed him may leave skepticism, even if on TV--
But here's an account from a century ago...
The Judgments of God on our Cities
While visiting the school that she helped found, Ellen White, esteemed a prophetess by Seventh-day Adventists, had a vision at Loma Linda, California on April 16, 1906. She saw “houses shaken like a reed in the wind.
Buildings, great and small, were falling to the ground. Pleasure resorts, theaters, hotels, and the homes of the wealthy were shaken and shattered. Many lives were blotted seemed that Judgment day had come.” Testimonies for the Church, Vol 9, p 92
In the same book Ellen White described a visit to New York City and “buildings rising story after story toward heaven. These buildings were warranted to be fireproof...But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch. The fire engines could do nothing to stay the destruction.” The Last Crisis, Vol 9, pg 11-13.
Ellen White asks, “Are we to wait until the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end before we say anything concerning them? Of what value will our words be then? Shall we wait until God’s judgments fall upon the transgressor before we tell him how to avoid them? Where is our faith in the Word of God?” 9Testimonies for the Church, pg 20.
In her earthquake vision, Ellen White cited “evil-doers.” Why would that be? She wanted the school to train thousands with natural remedies and nutrition and she said “no” to requests for teaching pharmacology.
Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda. He cites his father who graduated from Loma Linda and said about 65 years ago that 85% of his patients would get well, no matter the treatment, 10% he helped, and 5% would die no matter what he did. If you apply those figures to what Ellen White wanted for her school, 95% would be getting well with no need for MD visits and
The American Medical Association pressed the school leaders to become accredited. They needed to teach pharmacology, but when they asked Ellen White, she said “No” twice. On the third trip to see her, she would not discuss it, and on their return, they decided she didn't say no. Loma Linda was purchased with her $5000 check mailed from New Jersey that arrived on the deadline, but it was hijacked to become a professional school, now with six hospitals and building more!
Ruhling cites Scripture that “Judgment must begin at the house of God,” saying Adventists will be blamed for the earthquake that will destroy much of southern California when evil in the cities is more to blame, but God holds all to accountablility of His gifts as seen in Christ's last parable of Matthew 25.
To make merchandise of the body's healing mechanism when people could be well if they were helped to identify the cause, is not what Christ would do, says Ruhling who adds, “In most cases, what we put in our mouths is what makes us what we are.”
For reasons beyond the scope of this article, Ruhling believes judgment is impending for 2018. He says, “the day of the Lord” will be signaled by nations against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14) with judgment on the US a month later. He offers more information at his website,
Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH was board-certified in Internal Medicine and had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda, He is author of Why You Shouldn't Ask Your Doctor! and he is available for interviews and speaking. He may be contacted at His website is
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