Arabs are descendants of Abraham with a claim on the land of the covenant that Jews say is theirs, but the terms need to be redefined after what’s coming.
“The day of the LORD comes…I will bring all [Arab?] nations against Jerusalem to battle. The houses shall be rifled and the women ravished…then the Lord will go forth to fight against those nations.” Zech 14:1-3. Richard Ruhling, author on Bible prophecy says “the day of the Lord” was signaled as impending by events in 2015. They included the solar eclipse and blood moon on Passover, Joel 2:31.
But it will be a short-lived victory. The Lord will also roar from Jerusalem and the earth shall shake, Joel 3:16. Ruhling thinks this earthquake will be a month later, ‘as the days of Noah,’ and it may crash the Dome of the Rock, reminding us that the Philistines’ god crashed before the ark, 1Sam 5.
That earthquake may initiate end-times, Joel 2:10,11. Ruhling says it will impact the world with the message, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the time of His judgment is come.” Rev 14:7.
How do we give God glory? Isaiah 42:8 says, “I am the LORD; that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another.” But God’s name is not “LORD.” Translators removed God’s name and replaced it with LORD in all caps, but “lord” is also the translation of Baal—the god that Israel worshiped before Elijah restored true worship.
“LORD” is from catholic (universal) translators who wanted to make God’s name more generic for non-Jews, but it goes against “not one yod” being removed, Matt 5:18. The yod was the first letter of God’s name.
But God’s name is not Allah. His name is four Hebrew letters that Josephus, a contemporary of the apostles, said “consists of four vowels.” Wars of the Jews, Book 5, Chapter 5, Section 7. Some sources agree,
Abraham’s claim to the land was his faith. His name meant “father of a great nation” but he believed God when he was 100 had no children and Sarah was 90. We need faith to be Abraham’s “seed.” Y’shua debunked blood lines as a claim by Jews when He said, “God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.” Matt 3:9.
Abraham believed God; can we believe Scripture? It should be even better than hearing voices because we have it in writing! Our first text above was from Zechariah, a prophet whose name means renowned (re-known). So when Jews in Jerusalem today think they know God, they may be scattered as Zech 1:18-21 suggests, but then comes a re-knowing and rebuilding by a covenant-keeping people.
Jews, Christians, Muslims and anyone who wants to keep the covenant should have freedom to live in the land of the covenant because “the stranger within thy gates” who keeps the Sabbath (Exod 20:10) is welcome, while Jews who hate Christians or Muslims, thinking their blood-line makes them superior, are missing the meaning.
God shows the end of militant Islam when Isaac was saved from sacrifice by a ram caught by its horns in a bush. Islam teaches that Ishmael was spared by sacrificing the ram, and they celebrate it in a ram sacrifice, Al-Adha. What’s coming should prove to honest Muslims that the Bible is the true holy book that gives more detail in Daniel 8 where a ram is sacrificed, stomped by a western power that breaks the horns of Medes and Persians.
The horns are said to be their kings (who lead innocent people into war), Dan 8:20. But now we see Iraq and Iran are those same areas and Iran will soon be stomped… When this is seen and understood, honest Muslims will respect the Bible as superior to the Quran and will become peaceable in the land of the covenant where they should have freedom as any child of faith as Abraham had.
The lesson from history that is easy to miss is, Who is Israel? The kingdom was divided in the days of Rehoboam. The two southern tribes were Judah and the 10 northern tribes were called Israel, but they went into apostasy and were scattered among the nations, especially settling Europe (Saxons were Isaac’s sons; Dan became Denmark, etc.)
They intermarried with Christians and fled the papacy for freedom in the New World. America, more than any other nation, represents Israel, the 10 tribes that God will gather in the “latter day” in the context of His New Covenant Promise in Jeremiah 31. The same idea is seen in Ezekiel 36:24, but in the next chapter, after a shaking (earthquake) dry bones come together and two sticks, one for Israel (Christians who accept torah) and one stick for Judah, Jews who accept Messiah) become one stick and one kingdom, Ezek 37:16-22.
Those who don’t see these lessons from Scripture may be in for some tough times. God afflicted Egypt and took Israel to a covenant, later saying, “I am married to you,” Jer 3:14. We should expect a similar time of judgment on the US for murdering 60 million in the womb as Egypt murdered a few hundred or thousand.
Egypt enslaved Israel and the US has enslaved millions with alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and a medical system falsely called ‘healthcare’ that is more about and millions are slaves to appetite, food, greed, gambling, crime, sex and perversion.
If we see judgment begin in Jerusalem, we should know that the US is next, but it also brings an opportunity to be part of God’s kingdom as suggested by where the wedding parables are explained as the covenant relationship we must have.
The above websites are Dr. Ruhling’s—he offers more at He says it’s better to be ready a year early than a day late as we see things impending.
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