Are you creating a purpose-filled business, or would you like to? Then without a doubt you've experienced days, nights and weeks when YOUR EMOTIONS seem to be running the show.

It's important to be present with your emotions as they arise. Why? Well, there's a big reason: the only power you have to create the life and business you want exists in THIS moment, not the next.

If in this moment it means you're happy, sad, scared, enthusiastic, joyful, petrified...or all of these things at once, unless you acknowledge the emotions that are present they'll keep running from behind the scenes UNTIL you acknowledge them. That means you'll be carrying a "bag of emotions" along with you that are actually "old" emotions. This limits the amount energy you have to focus on the "here and now"...the only time you can CREATE.

Now, I know this can get mind-boggling. And unless you're an enlightened monk you carry old emotions around with you all the time. That's OK. Even when you think you've cleared away lots of old emotional pain from old wounds and past traumas there could still be parts of you that carry around your "emotional past" and at some point these "past issues" may want your attention.

So give it to them. Give your past issues your attention. By doing so you'll be able clear through them once and for all and say GOODBYE. Doing that will leave you with more time and energy to focus on the here and now and the things that bring you joy. That's also why simply by acknowledging how you're really feeling in each moment you open up space within yourself to create and focus.

Give it a try! This week:

Instead of hiding or stuffing your emotions, let them out. If this means you have to lock yourself in your room and cry into a pillow, do it!

Or, if you're working on a project and get scared or frustrated find someone you trust and share your fears with them. By doing so you'll create space within yourself to be able to focus on the "here and now" once again.

If your emotions begin to overwhelm you then it might be time to consult with a coach, therapist or mentor. Remember, your emotions are your on board deluxe navigation system and they are always giving you signs. Overwhelming emotions may be trying to tell you something...perhaps a story. The best way to put these emotions to rest is to let them tell their story. This can be hard to do alone, so consult with someone who can help you process.

The key is to acknowledge your emotions, rather than hide them or ignore them. Showing signs of emotion is not weak and it doesn't mean you don't have what it takes to be a brilliant business person!

I know, allowing yourself to feel your emotions can make you feel vulnerable like nothing else can. But trust by doing so you will gain strength and confidence and have more YOU available to build the purpose-filled life and business you were born to create.

Author's Bio: 

Cari Vollmer, founder of and creator of, simplifies personal growth by showing you step-by-step how to create and live a life that works well and feels great! To sign up for her FREE how to articles and no-charge 5-Day Feel Great Now E-Course visit