If you want to make things happen and get things done you've got to stay focused! But saying so and doing so are two very different things. The following nine tips will show you various ways to find and keep your focus, in the midst of it all!
1. Revisit Your Big Picture
Make sure the actions you take support the big picture you have for your life. Your day-to-day activities should get you closer to where you want to be, not farther away from it! If you feel like you're getting no where fast STOP what you're doing until you've had a chance to revisit the big picture you have for your life and business. Big picture need a brush up? Then do this before you go any further.
2. Leverage Your Core Gifts
Are you leveraging your core gifts to get what you want? Doing so will help you get what you want faster and it will also make the journey so much more pleasurable. Life can feel much harder when we spend our time doing things that don't suit our natural talents, passions and core passions. Focus on work that you're great at and if possible give the rest away. Again, if you're not sure what your core gifts are, do some self-discovery work. It's the key to your success!
3. Revisit Your Passions
We can feel off track when we're spending most of our time doing work that doesn't inspire us or make us feel good. What are you most passionate about in life? What do you most want for yourself and others? REMIND yourself of why you're doing what you're doing...it will anchor your focus and actions to something you care about.
4. Write it Down
Make a list and check it twice! Don't try and keep it all in your head. That's the surest way to forget something AND it adds to mind clutter. Write it down and work off a list.
5. Ask For Help
Enlist the help of a friend, mastermind or accountability partner to keep you focused on what you most want to create in your life and business. It's hard to go it alone, so don't!
6. Keep It Simple
Too much to do? Sometimes we have LOTS of balls to juggle! BUT, do you always? Having too much to do can lead to overwhelm. Break your to-do list down and focus on just one or two things at a time. Commit to getting those done and then move on from there.
7. Acknowledge Yourself
Take a moment to pause, reflect and acknowledge all that you've done. By appreciating and focusing on everything you do you'll be less likely to focus on the things you think you lack. Remember, you get more of what you focus on so focus on your blessings and successes.
8. Remain Realistic
High expectations? It's OK to expect the best but don't drive yourself into the ground trying to get it! Be realistic regarding how much you can do in any given moment. You can't be all things to all people AND get it all done to boot! Get real...set goals that are achievable or a little outside your comfort zone. Ask for help when you need it. S-T-R-E-T-C-H, but not so much you risk breaking your neck!
9. Be Flexible
Focusing doesn't mean you should work with blinders on. Remain alert to what's coming your way. Don't risk missing a great opportunity because you're stubbornly sticking to your plans. Make room for the unexpected, because without a doubt, the unexpected happens!
Cari Vollmer, founder of LifeOnTrack.com and creator of InspireYourSuccess.com, simplifies personal growth by showing you step-by-step how to create and live a life that works well and feels great! To sign up for her FREE how to articles and no-charge 5-Day Feel Great Now E-Course visit www.LifeOnTrack.com.
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