Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic Exercises also known as cardiovascular exercises are low intensity physical exercises that works on your heart, lungs and muscles along with intake of oxygen. The main aims of these exercises are to utilize oxygen efficiently by the body. Whatever movement our body ... Views: 2033
Fibers also known as Roughage are indigestible part of food that we eat and are made of polysaccharides like linin,inulin, cellulose, dextrin and many more. Fibers are also indispensable part of good balanced diet. They should be taken regularly as like other nutrients. Legumes, Fruits, ... Views: 1015
Nature’s products like fruits and vegetables are great source of nutrients, they contain real things that maintains health, all these supplements ,pills or tablets that are made up for giving particular nutrients can’t be compared to the natural source of those minerals. Fruits contains so many ... Views: 1384
Yoga is a science of well being and fitness, an art to unite mind and soul, a practice to eternal bliss. Power Yoga as the name suggests is a yoga that is a form of Asthanga Yoga and has also some features of Bikram Yoga and Iyengar Yoga. It is a combination of series of postures or asanas that ... Views: 1449