If you are already getting some success in consciously creating your own reality using any technique now you can know how to supercharge your manifesting of what you imagine, desire, and expect. Just keep reading.
You already know that thoughts create reality. This YOU ARE working with. ... Views: 2586
There are thought forms in the collective mind that you can use to empower a most magical set of manifestations.
I am writing to you today to convey thought forms to you that are so well defined, so concise, and so clear that if you connect with them you can enjoy a most marvelous success ... Views: 1638
The language used to describe things that you need to do to manifest with thought can be clarified so that your work and results are easier. This article looks at the word, "visualize" and the idea behind it and demonstrates how there is more to using your imagination that "vision". Read this ... Views: 2081
Why It is So Difficult to Live at Maximum Power...and How You Can Turn Your Inner Darkness to Your Positive Advantage.
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
—Jesus ... Views: 1765
Your Dark Side
Why It is So Difficult to Live at Maximum Power...and How You Can Turn Your Inner Darkness to Your Advantage.
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy ... Views: 1718
What Happens After You Make a Wish?
Personally, I don't recommend wishing or dreaming. You see, when you wish, in the physical universe, you go out of the present moment, and your mind observes this. Your mind sees that you are dreaming about some future event or situation, and it puts you on ... Views: 4566