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By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
February 15, 2016
The state of Divine Grace is a most wonderful experience, and it's available to all of us – even if you are an atheist. ... Views: 1274
By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
February 08, 2016
Learning to discern the difference between mind and soul communication is essential to learning to love yourself. Learn how to tell when information is truth from Spirit or made up from the ... Views: 1637
By Margaret Paul, Ph. D.
February 01, 2016
You CAN heal a fear of being excluded and rejected!
Many of us grew up experiencing, in one way or another, the pain of ... Views: 1180
By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
January 25, 2016
Discover the big difference between reaching out as your loving adult or as your wounded self.
Dorothy asked an important question:
"What is the difference ... Views: 1195
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
January 18, 2016
When others are mean or rejecting, do you tend to take their behavior personally?
One of the biggest issues that ... Views: 1358
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
January 11, 2016
Have you been mystified when someone who has appeared to be very kind and caring suddenly becomes blaming, critical, or just disappears?
How often have you had ... Views: 1211
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
January 04, 2016
Do you sometimes get confused regarding whether a relationship issue is about you, about your partner, or about both of you?
Alexa asked me the following question:
"How do you know when you are self-abandoning and being needy versus setting off ... Views: 1444
We want to be able to trust others to be honest and reliable. Yet are you honest and reliable with yourself? Do you trust your own inner knowing? You will not be able to trust others until you are trustworthy with ... Views: 1235
Are you a person who has experienced being tuned into
your spiritual Guidance, yet you frequently forget to check in, especially in times of anxiety and stress?_______________________________________________________
Gerald was raised ... Views: 800
There are many experiences that create momentary happiness, but there is only one experience that is truly the greatest joy in life.
Take a moment to think about what you ... Views: 1209
Creating a loving relationship doesn't have to be as hard as you might think!
As most of us know, relationships can be very challenging. We generally enter a relationship with ... Views: 1548
Discover that self-love and narcissism are actually opposites!
It's interesting to me how often people confuse self-love with narcissism – because they are actually opposites in many ways.
Ramona ask a ... Views: 1602
Do you have a mother wound that plagues you in your life and your relationships?
Many of us have a deep and painful mother wound from not receiving the nurturing we needed. Without adequate healing, this ... Views: 1396
Is convenience bringing you fulfillment and joy?
How did we get so deeply into instant gratification? How did we get so far away from receiving satisfaction from doing things that take some time?
A good ... Views: 1451
Heal your inner cult with the Six Steps of Inner Bonding.
What do you picture when you think of the word 'cult?' For me, what comes to mind is being involved in a community where you have to follow certain ... Views: 1185
Do you keep attracting narcissistic or emotionally unavailable partners? You CAN learn to attract a healthy partner!
Have you found yourself continually attracting the same kind of unhealthy person into your ... Views: 1314
Inner Bonding is a powerful process for healing attachment wounds.
Did you have a secure, reliable loving bond with at least one parent or caregiver? Was one of your parents or caregivers consistently emotionally available and responsive to your needs? If not, then you likely have attachment ... Views: 1453
How honest are you willing to be with yourself regarding your intent?
Sometimes, when there is conflict in a relationship, it's hard to tell if you are withdrawing ... Views: 1727
Are you stuck in misery? Do you resist taking responsibility for making yourself happy? Discover a possible cause of this.
One of the issues I frequently encounter with my clients is the following:
Sasha is in a long-term, on-again, off-again, relationship with Fabio. When Sasha is taking ... Views: 1258
Do you get stuck in not being able to resolve conflicts because you don't know how to bring up issues in a way that works?
Bringing up difficult issues is often a major challenge in relationships.
Laurie wrote to me about this issue:
"My biggest trigger in relationships is bringing up ... Views: 1338
Discover whether or not it is loving to yourself to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
I was having a Skype session with Raul. He was feeling down because a woman he has recently met rejected him. He was confused because he hadn't actually really liked her on their first date, but he ... Views: 1439
Are you addicted to trying to get love from unavailable, unloving people?
Have you found yourself repeatedly 'falling in love' with an unavailable person? Have you wondered why you keep doing this?
This is the question Wanda asked:
"What about our wounded self causes us to attach so ... Views: 1274
Have you found yourself in relationships where you feel empathy for your partner but your partner lacks empathy for you?
Were you born with the ability to feel others' feelings? I was, and one of the issues that I had to face was that not everyone is empathic.
This was very confusing to ... Views: 1485
Are you addicted to fixing others? Do you believe this is loving rather than controlling?
Many of us were raised to base our identity on helping or fixing others. Fixing others is often the addiction of choice for people who have a naturally deep level of empathy and who easily feel ... Views: 1296
Discover the things you might need to change in yourself in order to have a chance at creating change in your partner and in your relationship.
How much energy do you spend trying to get what you want from your partner? Think about it for a moment - ... Views: 1239
Do you really see your children? If you operate from core shame and cannot see the beauty of your own essence, your children will not feel seen by you. Yet they need to be seen by you to truly value themselves.
One of the things I loved doing as a ... Views: 1347
Is there a difference between loving yourself and loving others, or are they one and the same?
Have you ever been confused about the boundary between loving yourself and also being loving to others?
This is what Rosanna is struggling with. She ... Views: 1404
What happens in your relationships when you try to get your point across to someone who isn't open to your point of view?
One of the situations that often creates relationship conflict is when you become devoted to getting your point across.
Most ... Views: 1655
___________________________________________________________________Do you have the courage to do the things you are afraid of, or do you allow fear to stop you?___________________________________________________________________
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the ... Views: 1462
Discover the many good reasons for having animals in your life.
“Until a person has loved an animal a part of the soul remains unawakened." ~Anatole France
People who love animals know that there are many very good reasons to have animals in your life.
Love and Presence
Animals who ... Views: 1343
Are you asking your higher self for the loving action and not receiving answers?
Ernie was having trouble accessing his higher self. He wanted to know about the loving action toward himself, but he couldn't seem to receive any answers. Because his inner child often felt abandoned and unloved ... Views: 1364
Do you know who you are in your essence? If you knew that your core Self, your essence, was a sacred being, an individualized expression of Spirit, would you treat yourself differently than you currently do?
There is a wonderful story about a king who went into a downtrodden village, a ... Views: 1302
Have you ever wondered if your desire to share time with a partner is coming from need or neediness?
Sometimes it's a challenge to know what are reasonable relationship needs and when we are being needy.
Klarese is asking this important question:
"I am currently dating a wonderful ... Views: 1327
In your daily life, are you guided by fear or by love? What are the fears that block being loving to yourself and others?
How often is the question, "What is loving to myself and others - what is in my highest good and the highest good of another?" the question that guides your actions? Is ... Views: 1278
Discover what to do if you are stuck not being able to love yourself.
When you were growing up, did you feel important to your parents? Did they attend to you in loving ways to show you how important you were to them? Or, did you often feel like a bother or a burden to them?
Did either of ... Views: 1379
How is your relationship with your partner? What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship?
What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship?
When you and your partner are both operating as loving adults, you will experience many positive results. When one ... Views: 1483
When someone's behavior is affecting you, what can you do, other than blame them?
We Are Not Separate
Some authors suggest that, when we are healthy enough, we will not be affected by others' unloving verbal behavior. We will rise above it and not take their words personally – that "Sticks ... Views: 1767
Are you longing for connection? Discover what you need to do to create loving connection with another.
Deeply connecting with another is one of the great joys of life, and is something most of us long for. Deep connection takes away loneliness and gives us the experience of being deeply ... Views: 1384
Learn how to embrace life as the sacred privilege it is rather than be stuck just getting through.
Peter experiences life as a burden - a sentence to get through that is filled with suffering. Peter trudges through his life, experiencing little joy. He works hard, makes enough money to feel ... Views: 1370
You might not think you are selling your soul, but is this true?
What have you given up for money and possessions?
Have you given up kindness to get ahead?
Have you given up family time for a bigger TV?
Have you given up fun for a new car?
Have you given up hobbies for a ... Views: 1463
A circle of love is the result of people being together with open hearts, and is the most wonderful experience in life.
Have you ever experienced a circle of love?
A circle of love occurs when two or more people are together with completely open hearts - open with their essence, with each ... Views: 1364
If you grew up in a family where one or both parents used anger to control you, then anger likely plays a role in your life now.
Did you grow up with anger in your household? Did one or both of your parents use anger as a way to keep you in line and have control over you?
How did you ... Views: 1613
Are you being selfish if you do what brings you joy, even if others don't like it? Do you feel trapped, believing you can't really take loving care of yourself without being unloving to others?
One of the questions I often hear from my clients is, "If I take care of myself and do what brings ... Views: 1440
Is your relationship stuck in a pattern of blame where you both feel like victims of the other person?
One of the most common dynamics I see with the couples I work with is that each of them is convinced that if only their partner would see what he or she is doing to cause the relationship ... Views: 1352
Greed is wreaking havoc on our planet.
"We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity." ~Stephen Hawking
"In a country well-governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." ~ Confucius
What Causes ... Views: 1415
Do you find yourself resisting or procrastinating taking loving care of yourself?
Of course you want to be healthy and fit! Who doesn't? But are you always motivated and willing to do what you need to do to create health and fitness?
Are you ... Views: 925
Discover when compromise is healthy and when it's self-abandoning.
Compromise! What does this word conjure up for you? Is it is a positive or negative word for you? Does it bring up a sense of loving resolution, or a sense of losing yourself and losing your integrity?
When you think about ... Views: 991
Do you sometimes feel trapped with some who wants to be listened to but doesn't want to listen to you?
One of the common complaints I hear from my clients is that they listen well but they end up just listening and never being heard.
This is the ... Views: 1077
Your spiritual guidance is always here for you, but you need to know how to access it. Connecting with Spirit is simple, but not always easy.
What if you knew that you are never alone - that you are always being guided by a personal source of ... Views: 1051
By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Do you often see people as you want them to be rather than as they are? Has this caused you problems in your relationships?
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ... Views: 1005