Increasingly, there's a whole range of interesting scientific studies in the area of positive psychology showing how and why coaching works. How does excellent coaching produce such profound and sustainable results? In my life and executive coaching practice, I find that using practical approaches from positive psychology works wonders.

Particularly with the current economic climate, but always really, it's so important to create a positive mental and emotional framework in order to attract and sustain abundance in your life and work. Let's look at some ways in which we can do this.

* Attracting Abundance: Focusing On What We Want To Attract.

We tend naturally to focus on the negative, still retaining a pre-civilisation fear of predators waiting to pounce on us, fearing financial loss and pain. However, by focusing on the positive, paying attention to what makes us happy and doing more of it, clinical studies show increased well-being and decreased depression as well as significantly improved performance for both individuals and teams. So why not focus on all the abundance already in your life, all the elements you're grateful for, and clearly visualise the abundance you want to create on all levels? A case in exercise I always ask my clients to do is to reflect, at the end of every day, on 3 things you enjoyed that day that you're grateful for. I always knew it worked and helped clients appreciate the joy in their lives. But I didn't know why. One study focused on just this practice, and shows that after 6 months of doing this daily, people are about 60% happier! The 10 Daily Delicious Habits exercise I ask my clients to follow also fits in this category.

*Focusing On Strengths.

Again, this is a practice I invite my clients to follow. Identifying your strengths, assessing them, and consciously drawing on them to meet challenges and create abundance and prosperity can be a break-through strategy. For example, is one of your strengths creativity or another connecting with people? How can you fully take advantage of these strengths to make your visions and ideals come to life?

*Draw On Positive Emotion

Positive emotion is a resource to consciously draw on to increase your success, rather than just a feeling. Cultivate and develop and enhance your positive feelings, and each time you catch yourself thinking or feeling something which saddens you, consciously replace this with a reframing or happy thought or feeling.

*Build Hope And Optimum Performance

Hope helps us cope with adversity, and access optimal performance and motivation. What can you do to increase your hopefulness and positive expectation? The clearer you can be about what you're trying to achieve personally or professionally, the more deliberate and effective you can be in enhancing your positive thinking framework. Ask yourself where and how you've succeeded in the past to achieve elements of your plan? Where have you excelled before and what strengths and resources do you have to create abundance and prosperity in your life, abundance that goes much deeper than prosperity alone, abundance that makes your life generally a fulfilling and joyful experience.

Dr. Nicola Bunting Master Certified Coach (MCC, ICF) Director, La Vita Nuova Personal and Professional Coaching Want To Use This Article In Your E-Zine or Website? Feel free to reprint this article. Please write copyright Dr . Nicola Bunting, 2009, La Vita Nuova Personal and Professional Coaching. Get our FREE e-course/audio mini-workshop and FREE monthly inspirations for your life and work at

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Author's Bio: 

Dr. Nicola Bunting is a top international personal and professional coach, with the Master Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF), one of only 1% of coaches in the world to reach this level of certification. Working with successful professionals in Europe and the USA, either as a personal or executive coach, Dr. Bunting specialises in helping ambitious individuals dramatically accelerate their success and fulfillment. With individual, group, and corporate coaching programmes on offer, Dr. Bunting's coaching company, La Vita Nuova (the New Life!), can design a coaching plan to help you achieve beyond your expectations.