Over the many years I've been coaching, my clients have achieved extraordinary personal and professional results through following the strategizing process outlined below, everything from changing career from one that bores to one that delights, gaining rapid promotion, turning a team (and company) around, turning a redundancy into a life-enhancing opportunity for positive change, writing a novel, starting a successful and dynamic business, moving countries, attracting soulful love, becoming a millionaire, and much more.
Here are 10 steps to creating strategies that deliver:
1) Look at your personal and/or business foundation. Are you in a solid, healthy place in order to make changes, or do you need to pay initial attention to your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health in order to move forward? Are your needs getting met? Are you bouncing with energy? If not, some initial attention to these underlying areas is fundamental. After all, there's no point in designing a spectacular house if it has weak foundations that won't sustain it.
2) Ask yourself what your priorities are? This is an important precondition to goal planning.
3) What's your vision? Reflect on your values, strengths, life experiences, dreams and desires. Create a vision that is true for you and your priorities and make sure you find it compelling. If it doesn't light up your day when you think about it, work on it (creatively and analytically) until it does.
4) Clear your time and energy. What can you let go of that stands in the way of achieving your vision? Do you need to declutter your time or your space in order to free up the space for turning your vision into reality? Can you work 4 days rather than 5? Where can you delegate more? etc.
5) Set your goals! Make sure they reflect your priorities and vision, are achievable, and genuinely excite you and resonate with you. Do the goals align with your personal and/or business foundation? Create a timeline and order for achieving them.
6) Put your goals and desired outcome in writing.
7) Create a strategy to achieve your goals. What is your time line, order, and what are the stages? Perhaps create a diagram or picture to chart your goals. Are they realistic? How will you know when you've achieved them? Describe your desired outcome.
8) What resources and support do you need to get successful results? The support of a strong, qualified, experienced coach can make all the difference in getting the results you want. Alternatively, perhaps you can team up with a friend or colleague and organize regular brainstorming and support meetings.
9) Hold yourself accountable! Check in with yourself to make sure you are making progress, keeping to your time lines, doing the practical work you need to do every day and week to move forward, and aligning the rest of your life and work with the goals and underlying vision.
10) Enjoy the journey and make it an exciting and fulfilling one. Celebrate all your achievements along the way and celebrate your success when you achieve the significant, sustainable goals that are right for you and which reflect your vision.
©Dr. Nicola Bunting, 2009
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Are you a successful professional who has big dreams and plans for both your personal and work life and doesn't want to compromise on either? Whatever you really want, start creating it today and don't postpone it! Discover the secrets of a brilliantly fulfilling personal and professional life by signing up for our free monthly ezine, "Your New Life: Inspiration for Personal and Professional Fulfillment." Take the first step today to create more balance, harmony, and joy in your life by accessing your full potential, visiting http://www.la-vita-nuova.com and signing up for our free monthly strategies; along with your subscription, you receive a complimentary three-part audio series designed to inspire your life and work.
Dr. Nicola Bunting is a top international personal and professional coach, with the Master Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF), one of only 1% of coaches in the world to reach this level of certification. Working with successful professionals in Europe and the USA, either as a personal or executive coach, Dr. Bunting specialises in helping ambitious individuals dramatically accelerate their success and fulfillment. With individual, group, and corporate coaching programmes on offer, Dr. Bunting's coaching company, La Vita Nuova (the New Life!), can design a coaching plan to help you achieve beyond your expectations.
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