Everyone wants to be physically healthy. You want to be mentally healthy as well.
Everyone wants to be physically healthy. You want to be mentally healthy as well. The true measure of "mental fitness" is how optimistic you are about yourself and your life.
In this newsletter, you learn how to ... Views: 1029
Everything worthwhile is achieved by a variety of people coming together to perform a variety of jobs, all of which are coordinated and sequenced together to achieve a final result.
Everything worthwhile is achieved by a variety of people coming together to perform a variety of jobs, all of ... Views: 749
Your ability to achieve your own happiness is the key measure of your success, of how well you are doing as a person.
Your ability to achieve your own happiness is the key measure of your success, of how well you are doing as a person.
You learn the key to happiness that has been the same ... Views: 605
Eat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing and organizing comes down to this simple concept.
Eat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing and organizing comes down to this simple concept.
Your ability to select your most important task, to begin it and then to concentrate on it ... Views: 831
Management can be defined as “getting things done through others.”
Be a Low Pressure Persuader
Management can be defined as "getting things done through others." To be a manager you must be an expert at persuading and influencing others to work in a common direction. This is why all excellent ... Views: 827
Stress management requires that you take complete control over the activities of your daily life.
Set Priorities
Stress management requires that you take complete control over the activities of your daily life. This means that you plan your day, set priorities and work on high value tasks. The ... Views: 728
You have extraodinary potential
You have extraordinary potential. You could not use all of your talents and abilities if you had 100 lifetimes. Whatever you have accomplished in your life so far is only a shadow of what is truly possible for you in the months and years ahead.
One of the ... Views: 853
“Why is it that some people are more successful than others???
Throughout human history, the very best thinkers have asked the question, “Why is it that some people are more successful than others?”
This is the underlying question of most history, philosophy, religion, metaphysics, psychology ... Views: 558
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines charisma as “a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure.”
Become An Irresistible Person
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines charisma as "a personal magic of leadership arousing ... Views: 974
If you want to be wealthy, you must understand what wealth is.
The Definition of Wealth
By: Brian Tracy
If you want to be wealthy, you must understand what wealth is. Here is the best definition of wealth you will ever find. Wealth is "Cash flow from other sources."
Make Your Money Work For ... Views: 917
This law says that, “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.”
You Always Find the Time
When you run out of time and the consequences for non-completion of a key task or project can be really serious, you always seem to find ... Views: 892
You can only gain control of your life to the degree to which you stop doing things that are no longer as valuable or as important to you as other things you could be doing.
You can only gain control of your life to the degree to which you stop doing things that are no longer as valuable or as ... Views: 834
The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something.
The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something. The potential consequences of any task or ... Views: 1026
If you make a perfect presentation, one that clearly explains the benefits and resolves all the doubts that a qualified prospect might have, the sale will often close all by itself, like a ripe apple dropping out of a tree into your hand.
If you make a perfect presentation, one that clearly ... Views: 711
Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life.
The Key Leadership Abilities
Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to ... Views: 902
A time planner, broken down by day, hour and minute, organized in advance, can be one of the most powerful, personal productivity tools of all. It enables you to see where you can consolidate and create blocks of time for concentrated work.
Use A Time Planner
A time planner, broken down by day, ... Views: 766
The Parable of the Talents is the primary reason for wealth or poverty throughout history.
Reasons for Rich or Poor
Why do some people retire rich and most people retire poor? This subject has fascinated philosophers, thinkers, mystics and teachers throughout the ages. There have been so many ... Views: 899
Salespeople are different based on their values.
Salespeople are different based on their values. A higher order value always takes precedence over a lower order value. If you place one value higher than another, and you have to choose between doing one thing or doing another, you will always ... Views: 606
A major reason for procrastinating on big, important tasks is that they appear so large and formidable when you first approach them.
Why You Procrastinate
A major reason for procrastinating on big, important tasks is that they appear so large and formidable when you first approach them. One ... Views: 1081
Anyone who does a great job consistently, over and over, kicks open the doors of opportunity in all directions.
Anyone who does a great job consistently, over and over, kicks open the doors of opportunity in all directions. Such a person will be hired, paid well, promoted, advanced and given ... Views: 610
In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common.
In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They have taken the time to sit down and create a ... Views: 786
There are two questions that you can ask on a regular basis to keep yourself focused on getting your most important tasks completed on schedule.
There are two questions that you can ask on a regular basis to keep yourself focused on getting your most important tasks completed on schedule. The ... Views: 979
Perhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about yourself and money.
Perhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about yourself and money. We call this the Law of Belief. It says simply this: Whatever you believe, with ... Views: 623
There are two powers of personality you can develop that will increase your charisma and your ability to influence others.
There are two powers of personality you can develop that will increase your charisma and your ability to influence others.
Decide Exactly What You Want
The first of these ... Views: 649
You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures.
Organize Your Life Around Your Family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals
You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of ... Views: 1842
One particular self-image possessed by high-achieving salespeople is that they see themselves as consultants rather than as salespersons.
View Yourself As A Consultant
One particular self-image possessed by high-achieving salespeople is that they see themselves as consultants rather than as ... Views: 869
Your ability to communicate is the most important skill you can develop to get on to the fast track in your career.
Your ability to communicate is the most important skill you can develop to get on to the fast track in your career. Perhaps the most important thing you do in business is to solve ... Views: 623
The more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a single task, the more you move down the “Efficiency Curve.”
The more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a single task, the more you move down the "Efficiency Curve." You get more and more high quality work done in less and ... Views: 2087
Selling is hard work.
The Hard Work of Selling
Selling is hard work. It is one of the most difficult jobs in our economy. As a salesperson, you face continual rejection, potential failure, persistent disappointment, setbacks, obstacles and difficulties not experienced by most people. Selling is ... Views: 777
Human beings are mental organisms. Everything we are or ever will be, will be as the direct result of the way we think.
Improve the Quality of Your Thinking
Human beings are mental organisms. Everything we are or ever will be, will be as the direct result of the way we think. If we improve the ... Views: 872
Closed-ended questions allow you to get definite answers and move toward closing the sale.
Start Sentences With Verbs
Closed-ended questions allow you to get definite answers and move toward closing the sale. Closed ended questions start with verbs, such as "Are," "Will," "Is," "Have," "Did," ... Views: 2504
Your mind is your most precious asset. You must be continually working to increase the quality of your thinking.
Your mind is your most precious asset. You must be continually working to increase the quality of your thinking.
Turn Driving Time Into Learning Time
One of the best ways is to turn ... Views: 938
Thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent studying the most successful salespeople in our society.
Thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent studying the most successful salespeople in our society. They have been interviewed exhaustively, as have their ... Views: 1070
Every person who’s ever tried to close a sale has been through it.
Every person who’s ever tried to close a sale has been through it. You’ve talked to a good prospect three or four times. You think they are ready to buy. But just when you think you’ll be able to close the sale, it stalls.
How ... Views: 3751
You become what you think about most of the time.
You become what you think about most of the time. And the most important part of each day is what you think about at the beginning of that day.
Start Your Day Right
Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and to reflect on your goals. ... Views: 868
Successful people have been studied in depth for more than 100 years.
Successful people have been studied in depth for more than 100 years. They have been interviewed extensively to determine what it is they do and how they think that enables them to accomplish so much more than the average ... Views: 618
Time management is the central skill of success.
Time management is the central skill of success. Your ability to manage your time, to focus and channel your energies on your highest value tasks, will determine your rewards and your level of accomplishment in life more than any other ... Views: 665
All successful businesses and successful salespeople do certain things in common, over and over again.
Last week, I was invited by Mark Victor Hanson to give a talk at his Mega Speaking Empire Conference in Los Angeles at the Westin by Los Angeles International Airport.
More than 800 people ... Views: 812
Any change, or even an attempt to change anything you are doing, makes you uncomfortable.
Any change, or even an attempt to change anything you are doing, makes you uncomfortable. By attempting to change, you move out of your comfort zone. You feel increasingly uneasy. You experience stress and ... Views: 1795
Fast tempo seems to go hand in hand with all great success.
Fast tempo seems to go hand in hand with all great success. Developing this tempo requires that you start moving and keep moving at a steady rate.
The Key Action to Orientation
When you become an action-oriented person, you activate ... Views: 602
The most important quality for success in entrepreneurship and in life is the quality of optimism.
The wildfires swept through San Diego in October, destroying hundreds of houses. The air was full of smoke for days, filling the nostrils and burning the eyes. Homes were on fire within a mile of ... Views: 726
Your self-esteem is the most important part of your character.
The Reactor Core of Your Personality
Your self-esteem is the most important part of your character. This is the emotional part of your self-concept. It is the "reactor core" of your inner power. It is the emotional component of your ... Views: 770
The most common form of stress that we experience is the feeling of being overwhelmed with far too much to do and having too little time to do it in.
The most common form of stress that we experience is the feeling of being overwhelmed with far too much to do and having too little time to do it ... Views: 772
A transformational leader is one who excites and inspires people to perform far beyond their own expectations of themselves.
Inspire Others to Peak Performance
A transformational leader is one who excites and inspires people to perform far beyond their own expectations of themselves. ... Views: 772
If you’re looking at a multi-level marketing opportunity, here are eight key considerations.
Look for Quality Products
If you’re looking at a multi-level marketing opportunity, here are eight key considerations. Look for a multi-level business which has, number one, quality products with a good ... Views: 2639
Want your ads or sales pitch to get people’s attention in 15 seconds or less?
"We just bought a full-page ad in our local newspaper promoting our computer sales and repair services, and as far as I can tell we didn’t get a single response. Why didn’t our newspaper ad bring in at least one ... Views: 811
To increase your own personal income, you must be in a position to influence the company’s income, to somehow increase revenues or cut costs.
To increase your own personal income, you must be in a position to influence the company’s income, to somehow increase revenues or cut costs. So look at ... Views: 2251
More than eighty percent of self-made millionaires in America began with nothing or in many cases, less than nothing.
More than eighty percent of self-made millionaires in America began with nothing or in many cases, less than nothing. I can certainly relate to that because when I was growing ... Views: 1028
The starting point of career success is for you to select your boss carefully and refuse to work for a difficult or negative person.The starting point of career success is for you to select your boss carefully and refuse to work for a difficult or negative person. Much of your happiness and job ... Views: 755
Identify the Real Need of the Prospect
As a salesperson, you are in the business of gap analysis. You are a "problem detective." Your job, somewhat like a police inspector searching for suspects, is to find problems for which your product or service is the ideal solution. In a way, your product ... Views: 990