Have Everything At Hand
One of the best ways for you to overcome procrastination and get more things done faster is for you to have everything you need at hand before you begin. When you are fully prepared, you are like a cocked gun or an archer with an arrow pulled back taut in the bow. You ... Views: 911
You’ve gone as far as you can with what you now know.
Any progress you make from this moment onward will require that you learn and practice something new.
Commit to Lifelong Learning
One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and ... Views: 981
The Most Important Measure of Success
Being respected by others is very important to each of us. A survey done by the Gallup organization found that the most prominent living Americans rated the respect of others as the most important measure of success in life. They worked very hard to earn ... Views: 1042
Creative thinking can be stimulated by two things; intensely desired goals and pressing problems.
Your creative capacities need something to hone in on and your job is to provide it.
A Continual Stimulus for Ideas
Intensely desired goals, clearly defined with detailed plans for their ... Views: 868
W. Clement Stone once said, “If you cannot save money, then the seeds of greatness are not in you.”
Throughout the history of American enterprise, you’ve heard the words, "work hard and save your money." Work hard and save your money. It is the oldest rule for success in America. It’s so ... Views: 1051
Your mission statement is always written in the present tense, as though you have already become the person that you have described.
It is always positive rather than negative. And it is always personal.
Program Yourself Correctly
Your subconscious mind can only accept your mission statement ... Views: 735
Your goal is to organize your life in such a way that you enjoy a good income, a high standard of living, and that you are the master of your economic destiny rather than a victim of changing economic times.
Contribution is the Key
Your job is an opportunity to contribute a value to your ... Views: 685
One of the most important traits of all motivators at work is consideration.
Employees report that the best managers they ever had were people who cared about them as people and as friends. These managers took the time to ask them questions about their lives, and to listen patiently while they ... Views: 1143
Eight Keys to MLM Success
If you’re looking at a multi-level marketing opportunity, here are eight key considerations. Look for a multi-level business that has, number one, quality products with a good reputation. Never waste your time trying to sell anything that is not of excellent quality. ... Views: 922
Perception Is Everything
There are four "Ps" that will enhance your ability to persuade others in both your work and personal life. They are power, positioning, performance, and politeness. And they are all based on perception.
Develop Personal Power
The first "P" is power. The more power and ... Views: 3050
Discipline yourself to do what you know you need to do to be the very best in your field.
Perhaps the best definition of self discipline is this: "Self discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not."
It is easy to do ... Views: 660
The most important thing you do for your success is to take control of the suggestive elements in your environment.
Be sure that what you are seeing and listening to is consistent with the goals you want to achieve.
Listen Your Way to Success
Listen to educational audio programs in your car. ... Views: 639
Persuasion power can help you get more of the things you want faster than anything else you do.
It can mean the difference between success and failure. It can guarantee your progress and enable you to use all of your other skills and abilities at the very highest level. Your persuasion power ... Views: 1403
What do wealthy people do or have that enables them to accomplish so much more than the average?
I believe that these people are successful as a result of what I call leverage. Leverage is the key to maximizing and multiplying your potential for success and financial achievement. Here are three ... Views: 1339
How to be sure that you have a great business idea before you put time and money into it.
There are four great ways for you to test any product or service idea before you start a business built upon it.
The Best Source of Advice
Number one, seek out people who are already in the same business ... Views: 670
Overcome A Major Fear
A major source of stress in your life is the "fear of rejection" or "fear of criticism." This fear of rejection manifests itself in an over-concern for the approval or disapproval of your boss or other people. The fear of rejection is often learned in early childhood as ... Views: 955
The very worst use of your time is to do well what need not be done at all.
The Pareto Principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of the value of your activities. This means that, if you have a list of ten items to accomplish, two of those items will be worth more than the ... Views: 796
Being the Best In Every Area
What is character? Your character is the degree to which you live your life consistent with high, life-enhancing values. A person who lacks character is one who compromises on higher order values in favor of lower order expedience, or who has no values at all. Your ... Views: 723
The Definition of Leadership
Leadership has been called "The ability to get followers." One of the deepest cravings of human nature is the need to feel important, to have a sense of meaning and purpose in life and work. Leaders are invariably those who can tap into the deeper emotions of others ... Views: 1116
The Law of Abundance- there is ample money for everyone who knows how to acquire it and keep it.
We live in an abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who really want it and are willing obey the laws governing its acquisition.
You Can Have All You Want
There is plenty of ... Views: 1181
Three key considerations to assure that your business grows rapidly.
What to Look For
There are three reasons for business growth. Look at where you work right now and see if these three reasons apply there. Number one, the product or service is well-suited to the needs of the current market. ... Views: 1556
For ten years, I was consistently overweight.
My clothes were too tight and then didn’t fit at all. This year, I developed a formula that I have used to get my weight under control for the first time in a decade. I have dropped from 196 lbs to 179 lbs. I feel terrific and get compliments from ... Views: 1226
Saving the Lost Sale
There is a powerful technique you can learn called the "I Want To Think It Over Close." This is the only way I know to save this kind of lost sale. You know by now that when the customer says, "I want to think it over," he is really saying "good bye." You know from your own ... Views: 1120
Most successful people can be characterized as having very high levels of energy.
Since energy is the fuel with which everything is achieved, there seems to be a direct relationship between energy levels and levels of accomplishment. It is hard to imagine a tired, burned-out person achieving ... Views: 658
Financial freedom comes to the person who saves ten percent or more of his income throughout his lifetime.
One of the smartest things that you can ever do for yourself is to develop the habit of saving part of your salary, every single paycheck. Individuals, families and even societies are ... Views: 691
How and why you can start your own business with little or no money by using sweat equity.
Everyone Starts Off Broke
I used to feel sorry for myself because I came from a limited background and I had no money. Then I found that nobody has any money. Everyone starts off broke. In fact, most ... Views: 614
Learn from the Lessons of History
The concepts of military strategy have been studied and written about for more than 4,000 years, going back to the early works of General Sun-Tzu in China more than 2,000 years BC. These principles of strategy that have been developed and perfected over the ... Views: 640
The Essence of Business Success
The essence of a successful business is really quite simple. It is your ability to offer a product or service that people will pay for at a price sufficiently above your costs, ideally three or four or five times your cost, thereby giving you a profit that ... Views: 1105
The high road to becoming a self-made millionaire in America is starting and building your own business.
But this is not as easy as it sounds. Most businesses started by inexperienced people fail. Probably the primary reason why people don’t start businesses is because they’re afraid that ... Views: 820
When I was growing up, my dream, and my fantasy was to be a millionaire by the age of 30.
I soon found out this is a common dream; everyone wants to be a millionaire by the age of 30.
Throughout my twenties, I traveled and worked all over the world, touching down in eighty countries on five ... Views: 814
Advancing Your Career
As your career advances, you move along the scale from employee, to supervisor to manager and finally, to leader. Managers, and some leaders, engage in what is called transactional leadership, the deployment and management of people and resources to get results.
Arouse ... Views: 1065
The Five Roads to Financial Success in America and How to Choose Your Own
There are basically five ways that you can become wealthy starting with nothing in America based on over 25 years of research into American millionaires. Number one, you can inherit it. Less than 10 percent of wealthy ... Views: 1210
The Sale is More Complex Today
The entire process of selling today is more complex than it has ever been before. It used to be that we would make a single call on a single buyer who would make a single decision on our product or offering. In this simple form of selling, we used the ... Views: 800
What is your most valuable asset?
According to Dr. Theodore Leavitt, Dean of the Harvard Business School, the most valuable asset that a company has is its reputation.
Dr. Leavitt defines reputation as “How you are known to your customers”.
In marketing and business, we refer to this as your ... Views: 1487
Three Keys to Building Relationships
Top sales professionals see themselves as "Doctors of Selling." They see themselves as professionals, well educated, acting in their "patient’s" best interest, and bound by a high code of ethics.
The medical process is the same everywhere. Whenever you go ... Views: 1048
Do Your Homework
The best time to do your market research is in advance. Here are some key ideas to help you make the right choice before you invest in a product, a service or a business.
Bootstrap Your Way To Success
One of the best ways to build a business is to start off on a bootstrap. ... Views: 956
“Esoteric Arts??
More than 5,000 years ago, in the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, the mental and spiritual laws and principles of success were taught to students who dedicated their entire lives to learning in what was called the “Esoteric Arts.”
One of these “secrets” was the Law of ... Views: 798
Visualize Your Goals
There are seven formulas for business success. Number one, set a specific goal and visualize it as a reality. Play the picture of your goal as already realized on the screen of your mind over and over again. Number two, look for a problem you can solve with a product or ... Views: 673
Do Your Homework
How do you do fast, cheap market research? How do you find out whether or not the product will sell before you get into it? Before embarking on any new business venture, considerable time must be spent in research. Your payoff will be in excess of ten to one in time and money ... Views: 631
The Invitational Close is simple, low-key, classy and powerful.
You use it at the end of a sales conversation to conclude the transaction. It is preceded by a Trial Close such as: "Mr. Prospect, do you have any questions or concerns that I haven’t covered up to now?" Or, "Mr. Prospect, does ... Views: 824
Create a Big Vision
To become a motivational leader, you start with motivating yourself. You motivate yourself with a big vision, and as you move progressively toward its realization, you motivate and enthuse others to work with you to fulfill that vision.
Set High Standards
You exhibit ... Views: 854
Put Your Career on the Fast Track
There are many things you can do to put your career onto the fast track. You can set clear, specific goals for each area of your life and then make plans to accomplish them. You can plan your work and work your plan.
Ask For Greater Responsibility
You can ... Views: 1071
There have never been so many opportunities to start and build a successful business than there are today.
One Million Every Year
Ambitious individuals like you, with dreams and hopes, are starting new businesses today at a faster rate than ever before. Over one million new enterprises are ... Views: 764
Little Things Mean A Lot
One of the greatest success principles of all is called the Law of Accumulation. This law says that everything great and worthwhile in human life is an accumulation of hundreds and sometimes thousands of tiny efforts and sacrifices that nobody ever sees or appreciates. ... Views: 690
How You Can Be More Effective in Giving Feedback to Your Staff
An important part of business communication is giving feedback, correction and discipline to your staff. One of the jobs of the manager is to be a teacher, and in some cases a disciplinarian. This means that, in order to do your job ... Views: 656
Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems.
Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Every successful entrepreneur, every successful businessperson has been a person who has been able to identify a problem and come up with a solution ... Views: 751
"The first law of success is concentration - to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right or to the left." –William Mathews
The more thought you invest in planning and setting priorities before you begin, the more important things you ... Views: 1477
This strategy requires a commitment from you to work at scheduled times on large tasks.
This strategy requires a commitment from you to work at scheduled times on large tasks. Most of the really important work you do requires large chunks of unbroken time to complete. Your ability to create and ... Views: 1001
There are three personality powers that top leaders use to increase their personal power and influence.
Your Emotions Are Contagious
The first power you can develop is enthusiasm. The more excited you are about accomplishing something that is important to you, the more excited others will be ... Views: 604
Why it was that some countries and some parts of countries were more successful economically than others.
Many years ago, I began studying economics. I wanted to know why it was that some countries and some parts of countries were more successful economically than others.
Before my study was ... Views: 713