It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind.
Decide How to React
It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected ... Views: 610
The most important quality of leadership, the one quality for which you want to be known, is extraordinary performance, with the goal of achieving extraordinary results.
These results then serve as an inspiration to others to perform at equally exceptional levels. People ascribe leadership to ... Views: 768
The way you think about money will determine how much of it you accumulate more than any other factor.
Your attitude toward money affects your emotions and your motivations.
Do You Feel That You Have Enough?
In psychology, money is what is called a "deficiency need." This means that it only ... Views: 1060
The way you can stand out from your competitors is for you to position your self as a business part ner, always looking for ways to improve your customer’s business.
Help Your Customer’s Business
When you deal with a business person, you can be sure of one thing: that person thinks about his ... Views: 904
Have you ever lost a sale because a prospect came up with an objection?
It may have happened at the start when they said they were too busy to talk to you or later when they told you your price was too high.
Has this ever happened to you? Has a prospect ever said:
"I have to think it ... Views: 722
One key to becoming a great conversationalist is to pause before replying. A short pause, of three to five seconds, is a very classy thing to do in a conversation.
When you pause, you accomplish three goals simultaneously.
The Benefits of Pausing
First, you avoid running the risk of ... Views: 1537
Here’s an exercise for you.
Imagine that it’s possible for you to earn ten times your current annual wage. If you’re earning $25,000, imagine for a moment that it’s possible for you to earn $250,000, a 1000% increase.
Don’t Sell Yourself Short
The first reaction of most people to that exercise ... Views: 843
Achieving your own happiness is the best measure of how well you are living your life and enjoying your relationships.
You can learn how to be happier and more fulfilled in everything you do.
Everyone is Different
Happiness in life is like a smorgasbord. If 100 people went to a smorgasbord and ... Views: 2074
The Law of Accumulation: how your financial fortune accumulates slowly over time and then becomes enormous, like a snowball.
The Law of Accumulation: Every great financial achievement is an accumulation of hundreds of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates.
Develop ... Views: 1039
There are four strategies you can use to find a new product or service to start or build your own business.
Search Your Own Field
The first strategy is to find a new product or service in your own field or skills. You may have a million dollar idea in your own mind. Many people have had the ... Views: 698
Don’t Sell Yourself Short
It’s not what you have but what you do with what you have that will determine your success or failure. Abraham Maslow, the great psychologist said that the story of the human race is the story of people selling themselves short. He said people have a tendency to settle ... Views: 798
There are two great principles for achieving financial success.
The first Principle is what we call the law of attraction. The law of attraction says that you are a living magnet. It says that your thoughts create a force field of energy that radiates out from you and attracts back into your ... Views: 545
The one quality that all leaders have in common is that they have a clear and exciting vision for the future.
This is something that only the leader can do. Only the leader can think about the future and plan for the future each day.
Take the Time to Think
Excellent leaders take the time to ... Views: 652
Six Ways To Get Fast Feedback
How do you test market a product or service? How do you find out if people are actually going to buy it? First, make or get a prototype. Create or get a sample. If it’s being manu factured somewhere else, get a sample of it. If you’re going to manufacture it your ... Views: 600
Invest in yourself to achieve the best.
In the world of work, some people earn a little and some people earn a lot. What is the difference? This question has been studied for more than 100 years, and now we know the answers.
People who earn a lot—the top 20% in any field—make a greater ... Views: 550
Learn to Listen Well
A vital key to sales success is listening. The ability to listen well is absolutely indispensable for success in all human relationships. The ability to be a good listener in a sales conversation is the foundation of the new model of selling. It leads to easier sales, ... Views: 982
The only real measure of business leadership is results.
This requires the ability to act boldly with no guarantees of success. The greatest obstacle to overcome is fear of the unknown.
The Key to Confidence
Most fear however, is rooted in ignorance. The more knowledge or skill you have in any ... Views: 745
Clarity accounts for probably 80% of success and happiness.
Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor. That’s why we say that "Success is goals, and all else is commentary." People with clear, written goals, accomplish far ... Views: 571
There is a close association between personal charisma and success in life.
Probably 85 percent of your success and happiness will come from your relationships and interactions with others. The more positively others respond to you, the easier it will be for you to get the things you want.
The ... Views: 710
There Are No Buffers
Selling is one of the toughest jobs in the world. There are no buffers between you and the reality of daily difficulties, delays and disappointments. You often ride an emotional roller-coaster, up and down, that never seems to stop. You are all alone.
You Must Motivate ... Views: 595
Your self-concept is made up of three parts, each of which affects each of the others.
Understanding these three parts enables you to put your hands on the keyboard of your own mental computer. When you learn to take charge of the development of a new and positive self-concept of selling, you ... Views: 781
The starting point of all riches is the development of a prosperity consciousness.
You must become a financial success in your thinking long before you achieve it in your reality. Both poverty and riches are the result of a state of mind, and the most important single step you ever take on the ... Views: 641
Be Clear About Your Goals
There are many similarities between business and war. In both cases, the victor is the one who uses superior strategy against his or her competition.
There are three principles of military strategy you can apply to your work every single day. The first idea from the ... Views: 591
The Key Question for You to Ask.
Why are you on the payroll? This is one of the most important questions you ever ask and answer, over and over again, throughout your career.
As it happens, most people are not sure exactly why they are on the payroll. But if you are not crystal clear about why ... Views: 1761
You already have everything you need to create a wonderful life for yourself.
You know everything you need to know to be your own best friend, a gentle guide, a teacher and a helper to yourself so you can be truly happy and fulfilled.
You can learn how to become your own psychotherapist for ... Views: 569
Get the Cooperation of Others
Empowering people is the key to building a high-performance team. Once you empower people by learning how to motivate and inspire them, they will want to work with you to help you achieve your goals in everything you do. Your ability to enlist the knowledge, energy ... Views: 1423
Your Foundation for Success
Relationship Selling is the core of all modern selling strategies. Your ability to develop and maintain long-term customer relationships is the foundation for your success as a salesperson and your success in business. Relationship selling requires a clear ... Views: 847
There are four rules of time. The first is that time is perishable.
This means that it cannot be saved. In fact, time can only be spent. Because time is perishable, the only thing you can do with it is to spend it differently, to reallocate your time away from activities of low value and toward ... Views: 776
One of the most powerful personal programming activities you can engage in is positive self-talk.
Be your own cheerleader and talk to yourself positively all of the time.
Think About Your Dreams
As it happens, the average person talks to himself in a negative way. As much as 94 percent of your ... Views: 538
Boldness is a necessary part of courage but it must be a boldness based on an intelligent assessment of the potential risks and rew ards.
The wonderful nature of boldness is that, properly directed, it builds the habit of courage in the person who practices it.
Act Boldly in Every Situation
In ... Views: 2710
Why People Succeed or Fail
Parkinson’s Law is one of the best known and the most important laws of money and wealth accumulation. It was developed by English writer C. Northcote Parkinson many years ago and it explains why most people retire poor.
The Way the Law Works
This law says that, no ... Views: 688
The most important quality for success in entrepreneurship and in life is the quality of optimism.
Optimists have an unrealistic expectation of success. As a result, they are willing to try far more things without becoming discouraged. In addition, because of their unrealistically positive ... Views: 637
In golf, there is a saying that, “You drive for show, but you putt for dough.”
In selling, you prospect and present for show, but you overcome customer skepticism and gain commitment for dough. Your ability to answer objections and get the sale is the true test of how good you really are as a ... Views: 762
Push to the Top
All successful people are very productive. They work longer hours and they work better hours. They get a lot more done than the average person. They get paid more and promoted faster. They are highly respected and esteemed by everyone around them. They become leaders and role ... Views: 849
The art of good conversation centers very much on your ability to ask questions and to listen attentively to the answers.
You can lace the conversation with your insights, ideas, and opinions, but you perfect the art and skill of conversation by perfecting the art and skill of asking good, ... Views: 1304
There is a simple eight step method for systematic problem solving.
By solving problems in an orderly way, you can dramatically increase the power of your thinking.
Proceed With A Positive Attitude
First, approach the problem with the expectant attitude that there is a logical practical ... Views: 1261
The Law of Capital - your most valuable asset, in terms of cash flow, is your physical and mental capital, your earning ability.
Your Earning Ability
You may not even be aware that, unless you are wealthy already, your ability to work is the most valuable asset that you have. By utilizing your ... Views: 740
Build Your Own Business
The high road to becoming a self-made millionaire in America is starting and building your own business. But this is not as easy as it sounds. Most businesses started by inexperienced people fail.
Probably the primary reason why people don’t start businesses is because ... Views: 513
Listening Builds Self-Esteem
It has been said that, "Rapt attention is the highest form of flattery." When you listen intently to another person and it is clear that you genuinely care about what that other person is saying, his or her self-esteem goes up. His or her feeling of personal value ... Views: 770
The Foremost of the Values
Winston Churchill once said, "Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend." The systematic development of the deep down quality of unflinching courage is one of the fundamental requirements for leadership in any field. ... Views: 695
How Are You Treated By Others?
Self-acceptance begins in infancy, with the influence of your parents and siblings and other important people.
Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life.
Your attitude ... Views: 1124
Attitude is Everything
The most important attitude for financial success is long-term thinking. Successful people think a long way into the future and they adjust their daily behaviors to assure they achieve their long-term goals. In a longitudinal study done at Harvard University in the 50s ... Views: 774
Look for Opportunities
How do you find a new product or service, recognizing that 80 percent or more will be new in five years? Here’s a series of ideas. Number one, begin with yourself. Begin with your own talents, your abilities, your experience, knowledge, interest, background, education, ... Views: 705
You may have a thousand different goals over the course of your lifetime, but they all will fall into one of four basic categories.
Everything you do is an attempt to enhance the quality of your life in one or more of these areas.
The Key to Happiness
The first category is your desire for ... Views: 648
Never Worry About Money Again
What is the purpose of a business? Every time I ask this question during a business seminar, the immediate answer that I get back is, "To make a profit."
The Real Purpose of A Business
But this answer is wrong. The purpose of a business is to create and keep a ... Views: 1107
Start From Nothing and Become Financially Independent
More than eighty percent of self-made millionaires in America began with nothing or in many cases, less than nothing. I can certainly relate to that because when I was growing up and right into my early 30s, I never had any extra money with ... Views: 676
Many businesspeople achieve their greatest successes in unexpected areas.
They begin a business and then they find that it isn’t as profitable as they had anticipated, so they change direction, using their experience and their momentum, and strike paydirt in something else. The most important ... Views: 638
Your Real Goal
Your goal is to become a transformational leader, the kind of person that motivates and inspires people to perform at levels far beyond anything that they had previously thought possible.
Keep People In the Know
Transformational leaders empower others by keeping them "in the ... Views: 608
At the time of the American Revolution, Abigail Adams, a very perceptive woman and the wife of our third president, John Adams, said, “All men would be tyrants, if they could.??
It was an astute observation. There is within almost every person, the “urge to power.”
It is amazing how many ... Views: 662
How to set standards for excellence and back them with total integrity.
A Commitment to Excellence
Leaders have specific responsibilities and must fulfill certain requirements. One requirement of leadership is the ability to choose an area of excellence. Just as a good general chooses the ... Views: 886