The Law of Attraction says that whatever you think about, you bring about. The way we think is a choice that we make.
We can think good thoughts - OR - We can think bad thoughts.
We can think about what we really want - OR - We can think about all the problems that are overwhelming us. ... Views: 1452
This mind-set has to exist before any objectives or goals can be realized. Optimism - “ism” means “a belief in” and “optim” comes from the word “optimal” and the Latin word “optimus,” which means “the most, the max, the best, all the way, the top of.” So optimism, for our purpose here, means ... Views: 1116
We can see spirituality manifesting in our lives daily. When we obey our parents, we are being spiritual. When we share our toys, we are being spiritual. When we feel and show love to our family members and nonmembers, we are being spiritual. When we forgive others and ourselves, we are being ... Views: 849
Universal spirituality is a very important concept. Unfortunately, most of us have not been exposed to the idea of spirituality that is presented here. I am going to describe spirituality as it differs from “religion” as most of us have been taught and experienced in the various churches, ... Views: 1060