Mr. Wright is a popular radio show guest. He has been interviewed by Newsweek, Lowes, AOL America Online, Sedona, and Essence magazines for his work. If you would like to schedule his appearance, please contact him via contact info. provided.
What is transformation?
It's all about shifting your energy from where you don't want it to be, such as powering up negative habits and feelings, over to where you do want your energy to be, powering up productive habits and feelings of satisfaction.
In the work that I do with people it's when your energy shifts from powering up all of your programmed reactions, and instead, powers up your chosen responses. This shift in the use of your energy produces positive results, miracles, and has all manner of desired skills come to the surface. How about more health and more money to begin with!
In short, you manifest what you desire across the board of your life! This process is called abundance acclimation in The One Penny Millionaire!™ web based seminar, because it's perfect training for you to get used to being, having, and doing, more and more in your life. Why? Because who wouldn't want more of what they love! And the maxim is that once you have more, you have more to give to those you love. This is where everyone wins, with no one, and no thing left out.
I live out of the quote that came to me one day: "Success isn't what comes to you, it's what comes out of you." Tom Wright.
“Degrees and pieces of paper aside, the only real success we can ever have is in the creation of who we are, what we do, and what we manifest in every moment, from this moment on!” . . . Tom Wright, Author/Inventor
Tom Wright overcame tremendous odds growing up in a life threatening environment overrun by racially charged violence in the 1960s. He now looks upon these early influences as the crucible that forged his will to continually rise above his circumstances and to overcome all obstacles he encountered throughout the course of his journey in search of a better life.
A student of Ancient Toltec Wisdom, Ernest Holmes work, and the martial arts, Mr. Wright is a respected Science of Mind licensed practitioner and seventh degree black belt. Before creating The One Penny Millionaire!™ transformational seminar, he enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a practical personal growth trainer, professional communicator and writer. Early in his career, Tom Wright was a professor of English and he served as a communications aide to two U.S. Presidents. For the latter, he was awarded a Presidential Service Citation.
To date, Mr. Wright’s professional accomplishments also include:
§ Presidential Service Citation: Gerald Ford, 1974 for communications.
§ Licensed Practitioner, Science of Mind
§ Executive Director and coursework creator for The Mastery Project, conducted with prison inmates in
Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Texas
§ Licensed Avatar© Master, Worldwide Transformational Seminar Series
§ Guest Seminar Leader, Landmark Educational Corporation
§ Staff member, The Six Day Intensive, Life-altering courses, in New York and San Francisco
§ Invited to speak at the International Amazonian Conference On Shamanism, Mr. Wright is an
internationally recognized shaman, rain maker, and speaker.
§ Co-Founder and President Of The Board, Katuah Sudbury School.
§ Participant, (By Invitation Only) Forum Leader Program, in recognition of transformational skills
§ Business Owner, The Wright Builders, Inc.
§ Business Owner, ABI Licensed Home Inspection Service
§ Editor, The Texas Review and The Alfred Review
§ Executive Editor, Xerox Corporation
§ Practitioner ancient Toltec wisdom.
In addition to his work as a practical personal growth trainer, Tom Wright is an author, business owner, inventor and philanthropist. Mr. Wright has published a series of personal growth-oriented books, including Acronyming Power, Acronyming Power II, and Be BAD! Do Good How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself! (St. Pauls Press/India international sales), One, How To Change Your Life Completely In Ten Seconds, The Answer, and How Anger Makes Me Happy! All of which are available both on The One Penny Millionaire!™ website, on Amazon, and on Kindle. He was also nominated for The Pushcart Prize in poetry. He founded The Wright Builders, Inc., and co-founded the Katuah Sudbury School for Children in Asheville, North Carolina, as well as TwIxSilver Press.
There are audio books, and free article downloads in MP3 format on The One Penny Millionaire!(tm) Website! And a short video at:
Zen Gem on Kindle:
"Success isn't what comes to you, it's what comes out of you." TB Wright
"We often have it backwards. We pray, asking for the Universal to recognize us, rather than to pray with the silent intent to have that which is Universal, and already inside of us, to come forth. We try to demand our separateness from God, by asking something outside of ourselves for what we want, rather than to know we are part of God, and so nothing is outside of ourselves. We ask to get things, rather than ask to disappear resistance to experiencing what we already have."
We come into our games already primed. It isn’t the game that defeats us, but our already-in-place negative mindsets that bring us to a halt. Learn this, if nothing else: That it is we and we alone who have the power and persistence to break through this a priori junk, and junk it is. We have the power to defeat our negativity through our commitment, because the two advantages we have over our rigid mindset are that we can change and it cannot, and, that it thinks it is God, Everything, and it is not. These are its greatest weaknesses and our greatest strengths: our ability to be Sourced (and its inability to be Sourced by being so rigid that it never acknowledges any power outside of itself) and our ability to change (and likewise, its inability to change as a result of that same rigidity). To be Sourced and to shift, are two things we can do, and our negative default system cannot. We have the advantage. All it has is its persistence. Now be more persistent than it. Commit!
"The day when we shift from defining ourselves by anything other than how we treat ourselves and others, will be the day the human race will finally achieve peace." TB Wright
"A leader does not wait for nothing, instead, he creates out of that." TB Wright, Author
"Darkness forces us to go inside, because that's the only place where enough light exists that would make the dark disappear." TB Wright
"Disappear the rule that says struggle is necessary in order to produce success."
Transformation isn't about change, it isn't about fixing either. Transformation is about so shifting the totality of our energy from where it currently is (by first living out the truth about where we are at) over to where we would like to be, that we then become something totally different. It is the journey from promise to power, from speculation to practice. It is the path that leads to who we really are, and always have been, and are even now; whole, complete, powerful, and unconditionally loving human beings. The One Penny Millionaire!(c) simply strives to create the safe space for that person who you really are to show up.
Zen Gem is my latest book on Kindle: