The Roots of Anxiety
What is anxiety? Where does it come from? How did I get it?
When I first see, or speak to a new client on the phone, they are often puzzled as to how they became the anxious people they are.
To tell you the truth the story begins millions of years ago. The culprit is an integral part of what is often referred to as the Mammalian Brain.
In evolutionary terms the Mammalian Brain is that part of our brain which closely resembles that of our hereditary ancestors, who existed way back in time.
The part of our brain that appears to causes anxiety to get out of hand is a small almond sized structure called the Amygdala. Here is the little device that switches our reaction to threats.
The amygdala is an integral part of our emotional brain and is also linked to our ability to store and process information that we learn. It has various roles to play in our wellbeing and development.
Our amygdalas control our “Fight Flight Reaction.” We can of course add to this the “Freeze Response” that is used by some creatures and humans to remain still and quiet when under threat.
The primitive Fight Flight Freeze Response is common to all mammals.
Growing up in a potentially hostile environment allowed early animals to develop a rapid response system to threats of any kind. The amygdala is the switch for our rapid response. If a threat is perceived by any of our senses the amygdala rapidly responds to the danger by calling into action a specific set of responses.
The following will happen.
Adrenalin will be flooded into the blood stream
Our hearts beat faster
Breathing speed increases
Our bodies shake and chest can hurt
Digestion systems close down
Muscles are prepared for action
Blood pressure rises
Skin can become paler
The emotion of fear overcomes some of our more intelligent reactions
Sweating increases to cool our bodies
All the above give us the correct state of body to respond to the threat, flee, fight or if needed freeze.
Since our primitive ancestors developed this very useful response our brains have evolved significantly. Above our mid brain there is now the Cerebral cortex. Our more logical thinking brain now makes complex rather than emotional decisions. But as the amygdala is programmed to operate very quickly it over-rides our more logical thoughts.
This is the root of the problem.
Fear is the result of a direct threat to your safety. If we are threatened our reaction is to take action, either to run or fight.
On the other hand anxiety is a perceived fear and exists in our fertile imagination. In the amygdala the reaction to anxiety is the same as the reaction to fear. All those physiological changes take place but there is no action for us to take that will release the heightened state. All the extra energy is trapped inside us. That need to take action is suppressed. We are all set up to respond but have no way of using up the flood of extra resources.
The changes now appear as an internal threat. “Help! There is something wrong with me!” Is the thought that comes to mind. What develops from this is the fear of the fear. It could also be the fear of the anxiety.
Think about it. Your heart is beating faster, your chest aches, and you are sweating and feeling shaky. It feels all wrong! I could be having a heart attack!
At a lower level it just creates continual lower levels of unease an ongoing anxiety. A sense of free floating fear or anxiety.
As an emotion anxiety is there to help. If we feel a mild anxiety about completing a task or taking a test it gives us motivation to ensure that we do our best.
That’s all for now I’ll add more information to this in the near future.
Author Ian Bracegirdle has run one-to-one sessions using NLP and other techniques to help people overcome Anxieties and Blocks to personal progress for over 16 years. He runs Designing Change and . Find more details at
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