The Roots of Anxiety
What is anxiety? Where does it come from? How did I get it?
When I first see, or speak to a new client on the phone, they are often puzzled as to how they became the anxious people they are.
To tell you the truth the story begins millions of years ago. The culprit is ... Views: 1247
General Anxiety Disorder
We all have the ability to be anxious. It is a normal emotion and can be useful to help us keep safe in some situations. General or chronic anxiety is a long term problem. I have worked with some people who have suffered this problem from early childhood.
We all ... Views: 1606
Anxiety in itself is not a concern just a natural reaction to circumstances. Sadly for some people heightened anxieties can rule their lives. This can lead to a range of personal problems that can limit and debilitate the enjoyment of life. This is the first of a series giving a brief ... Views: 1805
In an earlier article Phobias - A Description I told you about the way Jane reacted when confronted with a snake. What follows is a brief introduction to the model I use to explain phobic reactions and why they are so very real for the individuals that experience them.
All phobias are ... Views: 1757
What is a phobia?
Forgive me if I seem to go around the house a bit but all will come clear to you as you follow along.
For you, if you are the sufferer, it is a compelling fear. A real gut wrenching feeling "I have got to get away!" instinct. In the situation where the fear happens it can ... Views: 1511