We instantly recognize energy when we see it. People with energy are alive with that special something that makes them stand out from the rest of us like shining stars. They sparkle and attract people like bees around a honey pot.

But why do some people have more energy and more vitality than others?

In the West we tend to think of our physical energy first. We assume that healthy skin, and a toned physique bursting with energy is the product of good nutrition, regular exercise and sufficient rest. And it certainly helps but it isn’t the whole story. It is tempting to consider all physically fit people as being energetic, however that isn’t necessarily true. Not all clinically healthy and ostensibly fit people are energetic in nature whilst there are some physically frail individuals who still manage to emanate an extraordinary life force or joie de vivre.

So what is this energy we are seeing which is so unmistakeable in its presence but difficult to define in its absence?

Each and every one of us, as well as every other living thing on this planet is composed of energy. It is around us and within us. It motivates your every thought and makes possible your every action. Once you are in tune with your own energy field, your relationship with self shifts, enabling you to benefit from a higher level of awareness, you overcome barriers to success and consciously create the life you want. Learning your own unique energy signature empowers you to discover the pathways to your best self. and if u find your best self then you will be in a strong position to build your best business!
Energy is your life force, it is that part of you which sustains your physical body and also infuses the non physical aspects of your life. We are all familiar with our physical energy, we are taught from a young age that good health signifies a stronger life force, however physical energy alone can’t deliver all of the energetic charge needed for you to live a fulfilling life. Your essential well-being has as much to do with your emotional, mental and spiritual energetic health as it does your physical habits. E.g. diet and exercise play a large part in the amount of energy you have available in any one day but it is the other aspects of energetic health like how you feel emotionally, and your sense of purpose and community, which motivates you to get out of bed in a morning.
Think about it for a moment for most of us life is becoming ever more stressful and the reality is that no-one is immune. We need to build our individual energy reserves so that we have access to our own reservoir of energy in times when we need it most. If you think about a car, the more gas it has in its fuel tank the further it can go; its the same with you and your energy but you don’t just have one fuel tank, you actually have 4 types of energy which contribute to your fuel tank:

Physical energy
Emotional energy
Mental energy
Spiritual energy

Some you will be more familiar with than others, but if you know that you start your day with a certain amount of energy it becomes obvious that how you spend your energy determines the quality of your day.

You can have profound impact on your energy reserves by merely asking yourself a simple question; Am I adding to my energy or taking away? This simple question can give you immediate insights. Some things energize you and some things drain your energy and it can be useful to be able to determine one from the other. No doubt there will still be things you need to do in your life which drain your energy, but your awareness can enable you to understand why you feel so tired and literally drained afterwards. It also gives you the opportunity to build in some energizing activities immediately after.

Your energy is a complex and integrated system, if you can learn to manage all of your energy from the physical to the spiritual then you are on your way to living an energetic and a seriously fulfilling life. Many people are now waking up to the fact that we need to value our energy and are learning how to read and clear blockages from their own energy and use their knowledge of energy to connect with the energy of others. The good news is that you can also learn how to generate your own energy so you too are full of vitality. Energy affects literally everything so developing your energetic awareness will bring you numerous benefits from increased confidence to better health as you move into natural flow with your life.

If you want to live a more fulfilling life you need to develop your energy, it is not a choice. It affects your health, wealth and joy in life. Be prepared for amazing results as once you become more aware of your energy life gets a lot easier! Yes, easier as you reap the benefits of an enhanced life force. What are you waiting for?

Author's Bio: 

Jayne Warrilow is CEO of three international brands:
1. Max Executive Coaching, a collaborative coaching company working with senior executives across the globe. She is particularly sought out for her insights on fully engaged leadership and harnessing the energy of the organization
2. Resonant Coach, specializing in advanced level training for coaches leading them into resonance, to the next level of mastery and beyond.
3. SoulEnergie, a private client brand enabling individuals to unleash the power of their energy to design their lives and businesses as an expression of their energetic flow.
Working internationally, Jayne has gained a reputation for exceptional coaching; combining a flair for strategic thinking with a passion for harnessing the client's own intuitive power. Her unique skills have brought the transformational power of energy into the C-Suites of leading global corporations impacting not only the individuals, but also the energetic flow of business through the organization. As author of An Energy Awakening, she is passionate about using energy to drive change. As a highly sought after speaker she enjoys guiding individuals towards their learning edge, to step into energetic awareness so they can shift themselves, their clients and their business into alignment and flow.