I believe that we all have a deep seated memory that whispers within us telling us why we were born and what we came into life to experience. I perceive this resounding, embedded echo to be the voice of our Soul guiding us to live our Soul Purpose through living of one’s passions and heeding our intuition.

Why Bother?
Why bother knowing your Soul Purpose? Why bother identifying and living your passions? Do you think that having a life filled with joy and meaning improves your health, relationships, self image, spirituality, intuitive capacities, creativity, and, perhaps, your income? Yes! Do you think that giving up on your dreams steals your joy, inspiration, success, vitality, and positive approach to life? Yes! The chaos and problems of our current world suggests that we each find our own truth, source of joy, and ways to feel inner peace. When we get in touch with our passions and understand what really matters to us, it is easier to handle the challenges of life. Creating a life to Succeed In Sync With Your SoulTM guarantees an approach to living that will help you unleash a greater happiness to being alive. Additionally, one of the greatest healing potions is the energy generated from enjoying and being grateful for our own lives. Being immersed in such energy can uplift you and those whose lives you touch. Today, more than ever, having a life in alignment with your Soul Purpose and Passions is critical to having a life of meaning, fulfillment, sanity, and success. It is critical to having a life that matters. It is necessary so that one may have an energy field that broadcasts the YOU that you want to be so that you may have the life of your dreams.

Living One’s Passions

A guide to living a passion filled life:

Step 1: Discover what really matters most to you.
Your passions are what you hunger to do, to be and to have as you create your life masterpiece.

Step 2: Consistently choose in favor of your passions.
Whenever faced with decisions, opportunities, and choices, select the direction that honors your top passions. Find ways to further amplify your passions and that which you are passionate about both at work and in your personal life.

Step 3: Design a roadmap of goals and actions to fulfill your passions.
This is a path consisting of your identified experiences and time frames that, once accomplished, feed back to you whether or not you are living your passions to maximum fulfillment.

Step 4: Develop a toolkit of self management skills and education.
We all have limitations, fears, moments of confusion, and paths to take to arrive at our chosen destinations, and areas to grow. Sometimes it is necessary to heal, train, and transform ourselves so that we can better achieve our objectives. Those are the times when we realize what it takes to be the YOU that you need to be to have what you want. Rather than become stopped in your tracks, find the resources that will keep you in motion towards fulfilling your passions and your ideal life.

In Conclusion
May you step through your summer and complete 2009 prepared, poised, and organized to launch your passions with even more infectious inspiration and excitement! May your Soul Force blaze forth to light up the lives you touch as you bring transformative inspiration to your world.

Author's Bio: 

Sasha Sabbeth is The Entrepreneur’s Soul Coach, Personal Development vibrational practitioner, Certified Passion Test™ Facilitator, Reiki Master, PrintTM Strategies personality assessment tool, and Intuition instructor. Her message is Succeed In Sync With Your Soul TM. Sasha Sabbeth has been a coach, personal development facilitator, seminar leader for 21 years. Sasha guides her clients to regard themselves as Leadership Souls who commit their lives to their Soul Passions, Soul Purpose, Intuitive guidance, and core values with a motivation to contribute to their world.

Her passion is to help others "craft yourself, your business, your world...to passionately live your Soul Purpose”. Her skills: Passion Test™ process, NLP systems, Hypnotherapy, various project design strategies to help clients connect to their intuition, core values and intrinsic talents to achieve their objectives, Reiki and Soma Pi energy balancing, Psyche K belief change work, Intuitional development, business and personal achievement coaching and training programs. Her website: http://www.entrepreneursoulcoach.com