For a little while now, someone may have had issues with their throat. So, they might often have a sore throat, find it hard to swallow and have tension in their neck.
Thanks to what is going on for them in this part of their body, it could often be hard for them to speak clearly and as loudly as they need to. Being this way could have a negative impact on every area of their life.
A Closer Look
When they are at work, they could find that being this way often prevents them from being able to speak confidently. Due to this, they might often not be listened to and this might have prevented them from being able to move forward in their career.
In their personal relationships, they could often have the same challenge, with them often being ignored and talked over. Also, it could often be too difficult for them to say anything and they could just stay silent.
One Approach
Sooner or later, they can believe that they need to do something about their throat. And, as this part of their body is causing them problems, it is to be expected that they would come to this conclusion.
The next stage might be for them to see their doctor and they might end up being put on medication. As the days, weeks and months pass, it might not be long until their throat settles down and they are able to speak confidently and clearly.
Another Scenario
Then again, they might find that after going down this route, their throat does feel better but that’s as far as it goes. As a result of this, they are unable to speak more confidently and clearly and, after a while, they experience tension in their throat.
If this is the case, they can be confused and feel helpless and hopeless. They could believe that this is how their life will always be and they just have to put up with what is going on.
Another Direction
However, there is a chance that the tension in their throat, their inability to swallow and the soreness that they experience is nothing more than a symptom. For them to find out what the cause is, it will be a good idea for them to use their imagination.
After they have found somewhere they can relax and not be disturbed, they can imagine that they are at work or with a friend, for instance, and freely express themselves. This can be a time when they will feel free and empowered, and relieved and grateful.
The Next Stage
Yet, it might not be long before they start to experience fear and anxiety, and they can notice that their throat and body tense up. This will stop them from feeling comfortable speaking and it can be as if they have lost their voice.
Assuming that this is what takes place, they can wonder why they have responded in this way. What will be clear is that they don’t feel safe enough to speak freely and this is why it is such a challenge for them to do so.
A Natural Outcome
Therefore, it is to be expected that they would typically have a weak voice and would swallow their words. Their need to survive will be far stronger than their need to freely express themselves and be heard.
Yet, as strange as this may seem, if they were able to go back in time and observe what is was like for them during their childhood, it might soon make sense. This may have been a stage of their life that was generally anything but nurturing.
Back In Time
Their mother and perhaps their father might have been emotionally unavailable and abusive. If so, they wouldn’t have been able to emotionally connect to them and it would have been normal for them to be put down, perhaps hit and isolated.
They would have learnt that for them to not be harmed or isolated and survive, they had to do as they were told and not speak up. This would have caused them to lose touch with how they felt, a number of their needs and to swallow their words – to lose their voice.
A Build-Up
This would have taken place automatically; they wouldn’t have chosen to respond in this way. At this stage of their life, their survival was far more important than expressing their true self.
Consequently, a lot of pain, unmet developmental needs and tension would have built up inside them. Many years will have passed since this stage of their life but a big part of them will be frozen in time.
Moving Forward
For them to freely express themselves, both behaviourally and vocally, they will need to feel safe enough to do so. For this to take place, they will have beliefs to question, pain to face and work through and unmet developmental needs to experience, among other things.
This will take courage, patience and persistence.
If someone can relate to this and they are ready to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.
Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
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