Practically from the moment that someone wakes up until they go to bed at night, they could be on the go. When they are not working, then, they can be exercising, practising a hobby or out socialising.
They can come across as confident, high-energy and as someone who is not afraid to try new things. Due to how they live their life, they might have been able to achieve a lot and be seen as successful.
One Area
They could have a number of friends and be in an intimate relationship. Still, their friendships might not have much depth and their intimate relationship might be the same.
This can just be what feels comfortable, though, and the people in their life could also be comfortable with this. There is then going to be no pressure on them to change their behaviour.
No Different
And, if they were to go on holiday, they might spend most of their time in doing mode and rarely, if ever, relax. Their outlook could be that they need to make the most of their time away and can’t just sit around.
But, if they don’t do anything and do relax, this could be a time when they will drink alcohol. Thanks to the alcohol that they drink, they will be able to artificially settle themselves down.
One Outlook
If another person was to comment on how driven they are and how they seldom relax, they could say that life is too short to sit around or words to that effect. What they have said could be seen as being accurate.
After all, they, like everyone else, are not going to live forever, so they will need to take action and not wait around. Nonetheless, what if there is another, deeper reason why they are this way?
A Closer Look
There is a chance that if they were to just be and sink into their body, they would end up coming into contact with a lot of pain. Therefore, by being on the go, they are able to be in their head and stay out of their body.
Of course, their body will still be connected to them but they won’t be aware of what is taking place in this part of them. How they are behaving is then going to be a way for them to distract themselves.
A Defence
They can then say that they behave in this way because of one or a number of reasons but what they say won’t be the truth. What this illustrates is how disconnected their mind will be from their body.
But, as disconnected as their mind will be, what is going on in their body will still be influencing this part of them. The sense of independence that it has from the rest of them will then be nothing more than an illusion.
The Catalyst
What could cause them to become aware of what is going on is if they were to experience a loss or breakup. After this has happened, their ability to run away from themselves might be greatly diminished.
The reason for this is that there will be the pain that they have experienced due to what has happened and what has happened will have unlocked some of the pain that was already inside them. Thanks to this, they can feel overwhelmed and no longer be able to avoid how they feel.
A Strange Scenario
At this point, they can end up reaching out for external support. During this time, they can become aware of how they have unknowingly done their best, for as long as they can remember, to avoid being in their body and feeling their feelings.
They will see that this has stopped them from being overwhelmed and allowed them to keep it together and function. What might then enter their mind is why they were this way and why they are carrying so much pain.
Back In Time
If they were able to go back and time and observe what it was like for them during their formative years, what is going on for them might gradually make sense. This may have been a time when they were greatly deprived and deeply wounded.
From a very young age, they might have missed out on the attunement and care that they needed. Being left when they needed attention and receiving attention at the wrong moments would have been the norm.
A Brutal Time
This would have caused them to experience a lot of pain and as they were powerless and dependent, they couldn’t change what was going on externally. Therefore, the only way for them to stop themselves from being overwhelmed and their life coming to an end was for their brain to repress how they felt and a number of their needs.
This would have involved them losing touch with their connected and feeling, true self and creating a disconnected and unfeeling, false self. They would then have been connected to their body when they were born but lost touch with their body as time passed.
Moving Forward
For them to gradually reconnect to their body, they are going to have pain to face and work through and unmet developmental needs to experience. This will take courage, patience and persistence.
If someone can relate to this and they are ready to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.
Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
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