Several years ago I read the book "The Achievement Challenge - How to be a 10 in Business". The authors, Don Beveridge Jr. and Jeffrey P. Davidson outlined ten specific activities and personality traits hat will help you reach that goal. In this article, I've given examples for each of these elements.

1. HONE YOUR SKILLS. It doesn't matter what you produced last year or what your performance level was, keep exploring. Take classes, sell to different buyers, try a new hobby, learn more about other people's job, etc. Compete with yourself because the challenge is to continually improve.

2. SWEAT ! Since others seek the same goal as you, you must work hard. This doesn't mean you focus all of your attention on your job, but it does mean that when you work, you really work.

3. BE YOURSELF. The challenge in achieving, excelling, and getting ahead in business is to use the best of your abilities, skills, and style. Stretch your capabilities and your mind. Don't mimic others; rather, emulate those you view as successful.

4. MAINTAIN YOUR INTEGRITY. You may be exposed to certain "opportunities" that might cause you to compromise your standards or ethics. Don't do it.

5. INNOVATE. Individuals rise to positions of power because they are different and better than the rest. Asking the reporter's questions of who, what, when, why, where, how or how come can help you achieve a new focus and strive to try new things.

6. LEARN YOUR BUSINESS. Can you relate to another side of the business you are in? Administrative, supplies, financial, manufacturing, servicing, cleaning, marketing, etc.? Participate in other activities within the organization. The generalist has more legitimate opportunities to achieve a powerful position and obtain the extended knowledge to develop a sense of "we're all in this together".

7. EXECUTE. Combined with knowledge, execution is the strength of a leader. Not everyone has the ability and the commitment to use and execute their knowledge and expertise to generate the desired results.

8. PICK A FIELD YOU ENJOY. If you're already in a rut, find a way to get out before much more time passes. Changing fields can keep you challenged and sharp. Your attitude will be reflected in your performance. If you aren't enjoying what you do for a living, others areas of your life will suffer as well.

9. GRAB OPPORTUNITIES. Knowing what you want will help you to identify and act upon opportunities when they come knocking. Be aware of and calculate the risks quickly when something different comes along. As we all know from experience and hindsight: *nothing ventured, nothing gained*.

10. BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE. This is the process of caring about your job and company, as well as caring about yourself, family and friends. Finding a balance between physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial needs isn't easy, but it is critical.

It is your responsibility to stay challenged. If you become bored, find some area in your life in which you can feel productive and act on that. A proper attitude to setting and reaching goals is knowing and understanding that *if it is to be, it is up to me*. Self- confidence, a strong drive and a good attitude will help you reach achievement at many levels in many different projects. Good luck and have fun!

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(c) 2001 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted. Please forward a copy of your publication to the author. Thanks.
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