Prosperity is a key to living a life fully. So many of you think or have beliefs instilled in you that to be prosperous is to be unworthy or less than supreme. By supreme we mean that you feel that you will be less of yourself in regards to honesty and righteousness if you are prosperous. That is such a false and limiting belief for you were created and you came forth to this physical life experience to enjoy and experience all things in a prosperous manner. It is through enjoying prosperity that you allow yourself the freedom of time to pursue other experiences in your life. If you are less than prosperous and have to toll many hours of the day to get by, then you will not have the time or hours to enjoy the fullness of life. You have limited yourself to a limited existence.

Now many of you when you came forth knew that prosperity was your birthright and many of you then have been taught and had beliefs instilled in you to the contrary. This was done by well meaning people, but they were passing on to you beliefs they held within themselves. Many beliefs that were not serving them well, but they could not see past the limitations of their own thoughts and beliefs. You have now come to a place in your life where you know on a deep level that you are to enjoy and have more, but you are not sure what is standing in your way. It is a block felt, but unseen. It is only seen by the outward manifestation of a life that is not as prosperous as you would choose it to be. In there lies the proof that there is something you are carrying within your consciousness that is not allowing the prosperity to flow to you as desired and as meant to be. Removing these blockages can appear to be alot of work, but once you have removed them you will realize that the time and effort put in was miniscule compared to the rewards of prosperity received. It is just for you to decide if you desire to move towards and embrace the prosperity that is inherently yours or if you desire to remain where you are presently. It is your choice and no choice is bad or good, it is just for you to decide and to choose the experience of prosperity or not. But do make a conscious decision.

You have come here to experience. You get to choose. All experience is good in that it gives you an experience that you come to know. Any experience can be yours. It is only through the limitation of your own beliefs and perspectives that you limit your experiences and you do not continue to grow in your physical consciousness. Prosperity is just one aspect of conscious experience and prosperity is key to allowing the experiencing of more.

Why would a loving Spirit bring forth life to limit it? We are extensions of a loving Spirit. Would not a loving Spirit want to have and experience unlimited prosperity? Is it only through the lack of love that the people have for themselves that they limit themselves? If a person fully loved him/herself and had a strong knowing of self worth then unlimited wealth, goodness, and prosperity would be brought forth into his/her life. People have limited themselves through beliefs of limitation, lack of fully loving themselves, and through beliefs of unworthiness. Release these beliefs and you will see flow into your life more prosperity than you could have ever imagined. You are worthy and prosperity is your inherent gift. This gift is yours because you are the expression of Spirit in physical form and Spirit does not limit itself.

This is an excerpt from Auriella's new book The Divinity of the Mind: Writings for Inspiration and Empowerment

Author's Bio: 

About Auriella O’Neill

As a child, Auriella knew intuitively that the mind was very powerful and somehow formed our lives. She didn’t understand how this happened and there was no one in her life at that time that could shed any light on this concept. So it was forgotten as she went through her childhood.

Many years later, as an owner of a successful multi-million dollar company, Auriella became aware of how her thoughts were contributing to the growth and success of the company. Her interest in the power of the mind was rekindled and she went on to study from many sources about the power of thoughts and mind empowerment. In subsequent years, Auriella came to understand and use conscious creating successfully in her life which also included the healing of several physical health issues through the changing of beliefs she held.

Unlimited Mind Unlimited Power, Inc. was formed to assist others in using the power of their minds to consciously create the lives they desire as well as to discover and remove any beliefs that are limiting them from achieving all they desire.

Consciously Create Your Life workshops are structured so participants successfully and consciously manifest a desire during the time of the workshop.

Release and Replace is a powerful, effective technique for quickly and permanently changing limiting beliefs, fears, and emotions and is conducted through Personal Sessions.

The Mindset Program is available to corporate clients and teaches using the power of thought to create a positive, profitable, and prosperous mindset in the corporate environment.

Recently released is Auriella’s book The Divinity of the Mind: Writings for Inspiration and Empowerment

More information is available at Auriella may be contacted directly at 530-276-1664 or