“This week take inventory of what you would like to leave in the old year, what you would like to take into the new year, and what you would like to create anew” -Alan Cohen-

Once again it is that time of year we always take an inventory of where we are in our lives, what we want to accomplish and the things we want to let go and/or get rid of.

Here is a new twist to New Year resolutions; let’s call them projects to enjoy and do. Many times what we call or name things, makes a difference in how we view them. Projects sounds like something fun, new and exciting and as you list them you can feel the excitement forming – sort of that Oh! Boy! or YES! Let’s do that.

Resolution to me is kind of stiff and stuffy – more of a have to do or not do something. There doesn’t seem to have a fun energy behind it. See, projects are much more fun.

Definition of resolution is: a formal statement of a decision
Definition of project is: to form a plan or intention

Even the definition of project is more fun, in any case get your project list going, the ones you want to change and/or eliminate and the projects you want to start and get done. Then take copies of them and keep them where you can review and refer to them daily.

Be sure and put some short-term projects on your list so you can mark some off, as this will keep you encouraged, as you will feel you are accomplishing finishing projects as you go along.

I intend great success for you in your projects for 2008!

Darlene Siddons

Author's Bio: 

Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths: Feng Shui for personal tranquility; Sacred Movements for a disciplined life; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Whole and organic food advocate-Food as Medicine; artist of handwoven and beaded amulet basket necklaces. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in her writings. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. She accomplishes this thru her Wellness Coach Program, which is offer to individuals and corporations. Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique