Dr. Tony Fiore is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Anger Management". You can find complete information on Dr. Tony Fiore and his products by visiting Anger Coach.
Have you ever found times where you want to express yourself freely, but something inside just stops you? I know I have. Or how about this: someone else is freely expressing themselves on a subject but you cut them off? Or, just the opposite, how many times have you sat back not liking what ... Views: 1415
“Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an Easy Button for life?” This question is the tag line to a TV commercial by the office supplies store, Staples.
The ad depicts people in various predicaments, including a bewildered boy called on by his teacher, a dad trying to change two babies’ diapers ... Views: 2367
Anger is just one of many emotions that individuals experience. Anger is also an emotion that many try to deny. “I am not mad at him,” This type of thing happens all the time.” “It’s really not her fault.” “It’s not that big of a problem.” These statements are just some of soothing phases ... Views: 12161
This anger management Practice draws on the dual wisdom of Aikido and scientific research, "The gift of forgiveness" will help you explore how to change long term anger into a wider range of life affirming emotions. It is a simple yet profound Practice following the Seishindo principles of ... Views: 2121
Incidents involving Ron Attest, Jose Guillen and Milton Bradley as well as college athletes have thrust anger management into the news on an almost daily basis. Many questions are being asked about the effectiveness of anger management. Questions are also being asked about the training, ... Views: 3143
1. Experience
I think most people will agree that they see more and more harmful expressions of anger in their everyday life, and thus I feel this is an important topic for all of us to take a closer look at.
Recently I had a client who came to me because he was feeling a lot of anger ... Views: 2115
1. Experience
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut of anger, wishing you understood a bit more about anger management?
Recently I worked with a client who stated she had a lot of unresolved anger. When I asked her what she meant, she said she often blew up at people, even when she knew ... Views: 2611
Do you know WHAT MAKES ME MAD?? It makes me SO MAD I just want to...
Sound familiar? If you want to manage anger, the only way of doing so is to listen to your self-talk. This doesn’t mean listening to yourself talk. It means listening to your SELF-TALK.
It’s quite true that anger is ... Views: 3238
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primaryway we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting aboutanger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we arehaving. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time youwere really upset. ... Views: 971
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primaryway we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting aboutanger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we arehaving. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time youwere really upset. ... Views: 1405
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primaryway we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting aboutanger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we arehaving. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time youwere really upset. ... Views: 1111
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primary way we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting about anger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we are having. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time you were really ... Views: 4399
Although anger is one of the most common emotions that people have, it is the least understood. These phrases are probably familiar to you:
“If someone hits you, hit ‘em back.”
“Turn the other cheek.”
“Don’t get angry; get even.”
Have you noticed how they ... Views: 14909
Energetic Solutions To Conflict, Aggression, and Violence In the Workplace
It’s been almost seven years since that fateful, stormy, dismal, day when Mary Richmond, an HR specialist for United Applications in Atlanta, Georgia, had lunch with Bill Cole, an account manager. They had just rushed in ... Views: 2167
Preventing Workplace Violence
While training in anger management can be very helpful in preventing workplace violence incidents or even minimizing their effects, there are a number of other things an employer can do.
One of the best ways to prevent workplace violence and avoid law suits is to ... Views: 1713
Being able to manage our emotion well is crucial to our health as well as our ability to foster healthy relationships with others, particularly our loved ones.
Recent studies have revealed that the state of our emotional well-being plays an important role in our physical health. For instance, ... Views: 1558
Getting the tools to help you wake up to a happier, more fulfilling life is so important these days, especially since we live such fast-paced, over stressed lives. I would like to describe tools that are easy to use and produce immediate results that help you resolve everyday problems with ... Views: 1665
The emotion of anger has many purposes, some of which can serve us well. Anger can be used by others to confuse or control you. In conflict resolution anger is a useful emotion when used to support yourself against attack by others. Anger takes away your energy, because it charges you ... Views: 4320
"I am very angry. God knows that I try, but I can't help it - I have every reason to be mad." If this sentiment sounds familiar, it is because all of us have experienced similar inner struggles with respect to anger.
Wouldn't you be angry, if what you have built with sweat and blood is snatched ... Views: 3756
"The other night I ate at a real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going."
One of the biggest obstacles to personal and career success is anger. When we fail to control our anger, we suffer several blows:
- Anger impedes our ability to be happy, because anger and happiness are ... Views: 6209