We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "12 Step Programs". If you have expertise in 12 Step Programs and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Drug Rehabilitation, it’s a medical treatment available across the world to treat the people who are abused by drug and alcohol. Generally, drug abuse can be said as people tend to take alcohol, prescription drugs and dangerous drugs like Cocaine, Heroin and other dangerous drugs etc., in order ... Views: 2054
12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are tradition based programs and have been proven to work. Part of the glue that keeps these programs effective is sponsorship. In AA and in NA, people are required to seek sponsors. A sponsor is a mentor and someone that has ... Views: 2636
Isolation is often thought of in physical terms, as being a process where people physically remove themselves from other people and live apart, either from society or from family and friends and other people.
Isolation is sometimes thought of as a good thing, often in the context of someone ... Views: 3391
Quite recently there was television footage of a politician surrounded by his advisers, listening to a voter telling him what she thought about a particular subject.
The commentary was about how this politician had been listening to this woman, and was designed to show him in a more human ... Views: 1624
Self-improvement has become something of a mantra and a watchword for a vast industry that has grown up around it in the last 30 perhaps 40 years. A lot of the self-improvement industry has flourished in the last 10 or 15 years with the growth of the Internet.
Perhaps an inevitable ... Views: 1805
When many people hear the word spiritual or spirituality, or any word associated with religion or spiritual terminology they immediately assume that the underlying idea or rationale behind it is that of becoming a good or a better person than they were before.
To many if not most people, this ... Views: 1675
The serenity prayer has a special place for many people, aside from its actual or little meaning, it has become something of a mantra for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 step fellowships.
The wording and dating of the serenity prayer goes back far beyond the beginning of ... Views: 2689
Giving hope to someone who needs it, whether their situation be a desperate one or simply a need for inspiration is perhaps the most important gift one can give, as well as in many ways being the most difficult thing to help instigate. It is often easier to give a false sense of hope than a real ... Views: 4986
What follows is a list of common traits and characteristics among all forms of eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and related addictive relationships with food and weight. As alcoholism and drug dependency share more common ground than differences, so too do the different ... Views: 2310
In modern day usage, self-help really refers to a process concerning people's own personal development or self growth. The good side of this is that it leads to people trying to become aware of who and what they are, and pursuing avenues that can help them become more rounded and happy people. ... Views: 1944
When people talk about abandonment, or fear of abandonment, they often feel it is something that either happened to them, or what happens to other people in childhood, often without a really clear sense of what it might mean.
There is some truth in this interpretation of abandonment, but its ... Views: 1848
Many people who have been involved in any type of personal growth or self development work and have subsequently sensed a real change in their inner world, will often forget the real difficulty and fear involved in doing any type of work that necessitates change.
People approaching ... Views: 1647
Many people will hear the word boundaries and immediately think that it only applies to someone who works in or understands the world of therapy or counselling.
In fact healthy boundaries are something that hopefully will be developed in most families with kids, and are essential for any ... Views: 1576
Enabling is a term often used in the context of a relationship with an addict. It might be a drug addict (which includes an alcoholic), gambler, or compulsive shopper. Enablers suffer the effects of the addict’s behavior rather than the addict. Enabling “removes the natural consequences to the ... Views: 2501
In August of 2010 Overeaters Anonymous celebrated its Golden Anniversary at its world convention in Los Angeles. As someone who has treated compulsive overeaters for more than three decades, I was privileged to be an invited guest to join in the celebration. As a point of reference my ... Views: 2599
There is so much in the news of politicians, celebrities, and public figures with secret children born out of affairs. When I first heard Arnold Schwarzenegger interviewed on 60 Minutes last fall, and he referred to fathering a love child during his affair by saying: “It was the stupidest thing ... Views: 2187
Is 2013 the year that you are finally serious about your recovery or are you just talking to hear yourself talk? Sure, you may have gotten clean but what are your intentions to make sure you stay that way? Are you prepared to fight the toughest battle you will likely ever face? To stay clean you ... Views: 2426
Here’s a brief story from a few years ago. Ok, a couple of decades ago. Anyway, I was a student [intern] at a fairly renowned psychiatric hospital and the chief of the psychiatry division, a rather charismatic and bright fellow, was taking us on rounds. All of the sudden, out of nowhere comes ... Views: 2424
A clear and concise understanding of your insurance benefits and what will or won’t be covered for an eating disorder [or a related diagnosis] can be both confusing and overwhelming. As an example, your insurance may list mental health as a covered benefit [eating disorders fall within that ... Views: 2618
Your Help, Please, With This Extraordinary Edited Manuscript Copy
DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers
Will you, or someone you know, please help us find a steward and home for the large, edited manuscript copy of DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers
This exact copy was acquired by my deceased friend ... Views: 2174
Many years before I found my way into a group room or sat in a chair before a client, I listened to a recording of Dr. King and his "I Have a Dream" speech. Having listened to his speech I knew I wanted to help people in some way and I knew I wanted to affect change, I just didn't know how. I ... Views: 1839
Let’s be clear from the get go, when it comes to getting help for an eating disorder there are a couple of assumptions to consider. Let’s look at a one of these and consider if this might “ring true” for you.
When it comes to best place to get help, people differ with respect to their own ... Views: 1996
Despite some disparity estimating the number of people who seek treatment for an eating disorder, there is an ever increasing body of evidence to suggest an eating disorder diagnosis rarely is unaccompanied by at least one other bona fide illness. Those most often identified as “primary ... Views: 1943
Entities looking for medical record review service should find the right service provider. There are certain qualities to look for in the medical review company that will help ensure its reliability.
Medical record review is not a simple process – it requires the reviewer to be well-versed in ... Views: 2100
The Unmanageable Life
What brought You to A.A. or a 12 Step Fellowship?
By Dick B. Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved.
A Little Chunk of History For Openers
Some of us get all wrapped up in difficult words when we enter A.A. or another 12 Step Fellowship. We wonder what ... Views: 2189
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer ... Views: 2579
When you have decided to run an online business, you will use your own blog, right? This is where most of the important information will come in concerning your services and products that can be shared with other users and customers. As for your part, you should also utilize some advertisement ... Views: 2292
SEM is the acronym of Search Engine Marketing, and is form of Internet Marketing. As many business are based online since the 90's, so in order to succeed in Search Engine Marketing, rather in any type of business market one need to have solid plan to place in order to succeed. Search Engine ... Views: 1769
Drug rehabilitation New York, drug rehabs in Pennsylvania, and Long Island drug rehab are some of the noted drug and alcohol rehab in New York. All these rehabilitation centers across New York have been involved in the service of alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Any form of substance abuse can ... Views: 2501
Where is your power center? Is it in you or in other people or circumstances? Paradoxically, controlling people often believe that they don’t have control over their lives or even themselves. Control is important to codependents. Many attempt to control what they can’t – other people – rather ... Views: 5015
It is likely there are a few things you’d like to accomplish in your sobriety. The reality is that the machinery that helps your goals manifest is the same no matter the subject, time-line, or importance.
I would like to posit that in order to reach your goals there are specific ways of ... Views: 2059
It’s not easy to be free of drug addiction. There are many treatment options available for drug addiction including medication and psychological therapies. There are rehabilitation centers to help addicts get out of their addiction. The recovery process does not end as the treatment is ... Views: 2460
There is a solution to the madness of alcoholism and addiction; a solution that will restore sanity and health, repair relationships and rebuild finances. The solution will have different components for different people but the key to the solution is personal responsibility. If you can, for ... Views: 3263
Throughout the first sixteen years of my marriage my husband, Dean, struggled with his addiction to alcohol, prescription pain pills, and crack cocaine. As his addiction continued to get worse, my ability to set healthy boundaries failed. This didn’t happen overnight -- it was a gradual process ... Views: 3363
How many times have you decided that you need to stop smoking or eating sugar and find that you can't? It becomes even more difficult to quit once you've decided that you have to. The internal saboteur takes over and tells you that, "just one more won't hurt."
One in every twelve adults abuse ... Views: 2522
A.A. and AA.’s Own Talent
Let’s Get Our Speakers, Sponsors, Historians, and Archivists Producing
By Dick B.
Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved
Put A.A. and 12 Step Speakers, Sponsors, and Historians to Work! Now.
Look at the Talent Before You Right Now!
Right now, take a ... Views: 2830
I have worked with several hundred alcoholics and addicts since 1989 when I first worked in this field. In all that time I have come to the conclusion that one of the most dangerous things that leads to relapse is fantasies of “controlled use.” I have talked with addicts of all shapes and ... Views: 2745
Did you know there is danger in doing well in recovery? This comes as a surprise to many people in recovery. So, you are probably wondering how doing well in recovery could possibly lead to problems. Here are some situations for you to consider:
Many people stop doing everything the program ... Views: 2506
International Christian Recovery Coalition Workshops in Orange County, CA
Do you know how many Christian organizations influenced the ideas, principles, and practices of the AA of Akron Christian Fellowship founded in 1935?
Do you know the details of the Christian upringing of A.A. ... Views: 2622
Identifying Teen Drug Abuse
Parental and peer drug abuse are regarded as as among the more common variables influencing a teen's decision concerning substance use. The age at which teenagers start to consume alcohol is lowering, with 25% of adolescents beginning to drink prior to 13 years of ... Views: 2657
A random poll among newly sober clients, recovery counselors, and people who have achieved years of clean time would probably produce a varying consensus about the most pressing need for successful recovery. Most respondents, however, would likely agree that relapse is often an indicator of ... Views: 3041
Why do so few people receive driving under the influence violations (DUIs) for marijuana? Statistics show how many people are smoking and using marijuana these days. In 14 states, including the District of Columbia, weed is legal for "medical" purposes. The entire idea of marijuana's medicinal ... Views: 2748
Is your habit of drinking alcoholic interfering with various areas of your life? Is your significant other threatening to leave you if you do not get help? Is your child scared of you? Perhaps you have gotten fired from your job or received a stern warning from the manager. It is when problems ... Views: 2745
The Twelve Steps of AA
“Stick With the Winners”
Dick B.
Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved
This article is written to show how one who believes in God, and certainly one who has come to Him through Jesus Christ, can look at “old school” A.A.—the original A.A. Christian ... Views: 3979
The vice of drug abuse has always impacted negatively on the friends and families of the addicts. These substances transform the victims into different creatures. Subsequently, these drugs interfere with their metabolism thereby; they experience physiological problems. In this regard, substances ... Views: 2583
Overcoming Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Joining in Support, Not Splitting in Departure
By Dick B.
Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved
Some Comments and Some Questions
Introduction and Three Approaches
It would be naïve to think that there are only three ways—mutually ... Views: 2654
The Real Time Lines —Two of Them—That Marked the Beginning of A.A.
March 12, 2012
Akron Events
September 1931
Russell Firestone gets saved and healed of alcoholism with the help of Rev. Samuel Shoemaker on the train back to Akron from the 50th triennial General Convention of the ... Views: 2452
12 Palms Recovery Center believes that the foundation for any quality treatment plan should revolve around the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, working in conjunction with other successful options.
12 Palms Recovery Center believes that the foundation for any quality treatment plan should ... Views: 2116