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12 Step Treatment GuideA comprehensive site focused on 12 step treatment centers worldwide. Provides information on addiction related issues and offers 12 step help and advice. Centers shown on the site have descriptions, contact details and photos. Views: 934
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YOU CAN RECOVERExperiential Therapy Programs to enable participants resolve issues which interfere with relationships and over which we medicate many different ways (i.e. alcohol,food,sex,work,drugs...) We learn what is behind the symptoms of compulsive behavior. Views: 191
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Addiction Free ForeverAn inexpensive, proven 10 phase method that guarantees a permanent end to an addiction (including alcohol and drugs) in a short amount of time without having to give up the addiction until there is a natural peace and strength to do so. Views: 129
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Altered StatesTo really touch our souls, we must journey deep within ourselves. It's an exciting trip, full of all sorts of revelations and surprises. It can also be harrowing, since we must go alone naked, and in silence.
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DreamCatchers AnonymousWe are a community based website helping people apply the Law of Attraction to their daily life through affirmation, a 12 Step Program, and the best visualization tool EVER!! Views: 117
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The Sponsors Aide12 Step site friendly to all 12 steppers covering topics such as sponsorship, step work, spiritual aides, big book aides, boundaries and limitations, free forum, free downloads, sober giggles, living life on life's terms and more! Views: 84
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The Wisdom of the Rooms12-Step sayings and quotes emailed for FREE each Monday. "There are no victims, just volunteers" "God, help me to from where I am, to where I need to be, for who I am" Start your week with a little "Wisdom from the Rooms."
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Rays of HopeRays of Hope helps people deal with grief issues due to challenging life transitions. It helps them navigate their grief journey in healthy ways. Views: 78
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Recovery ChatRecoveryChat.com® offers online chat room services for those afflicted with or impacted by addiction of any form. All are welcome to join, its free and there's no need to signup! Views: 78
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Center for Creative TransformationThe Center for Creative Transformation is where the behavioral sciences and spirituality are brought together to help individuals and couples achieve the healing and growth they need to achieve a more joyful and productive life. Please see our website for more details. Views: 77
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