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Do I have to practice Pilates to improve my posture?
Not necessarily. However, the Pilates exercises can be a wonderful way to help you change habits. Everything that you learn about your body with the Pilates Method can be applied to both your everyday life and other fitness activities. The ... Views: 2192
What is The Pilates Method? The Pilates Method teaches a holistic, common-sense approach to efficient movement habits for whole-body health. Developed as a system or movement regime, Pilates training provides a variety of choices in both exercises and specialized Pilates equipment to help ... Views: 3277
“What is the purpose of learning how to properly use the iliopsoas muscle, and how does this affect exercise technique from a Pilates perspective?”
In Part 1 the anatomy, benefits, and function of the iliopsoas muscle were reviewed for a greater understanding of the importance it plays in ... Views: 4379
The cover of BioMechanics - The Magazine of Body Movement and Medicine caught my eye. The February 2007 issue / Volume XIV Number 2 had a barefoot runner on the front and the tag-line, “New barefoot designs challenge footwear conventions.” Since the subject of happy feet and improved posture is ... Views: 1704
Every Pilates exercise involves utilizing the joints as a lever and pulley system. All movement of the body happens as we contract and release different muscles in the proper order to achieve a desired action. If our muscles don’t understand their proper firing patterns, the body will compensate ... Views: 1615
“What is the purpose of learning how to properly use the iliopsoas muscle, and how does this affect exercise technique from a Pilates perspective?”
This was the question asked of me, which led to an interesting few days of contemplation about how I think, what I teach, how I originally learned ... Views: 2706
The Benefits of Spine Extension.
Tips and Techniques for Increasing Spine Mobility.
Exercises to Practice Spine Extension.
Practicing Extension with Pilates.
Extension (As defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
Pronunciation: ik-’sten(t)-sh&n Function: noun
The action of ... Views: 3556
The scoop is a signature concept for Pilates training, as well as a topic for much debate. Every teacher has an opinion on whether the Pilates exercises should be done with a scoop or neutral spine. It’s impossible not to land on one side of the political fence or the other with a viewpoint on ... Views: 4954
“A man is as young as his spinal column. If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” — Joseph H. Pilates
It seems that one of the primary differences between Pilates and “traditional” weight room workouts for developing fitness is ... Views: 2180
The benefit of Pilates is efficient movement. Movement is health, health is life. The spine is the vertical support for our structure. It protects the nerves that cue our bodies for movement. Breath pumps nourishing fluids from the brain to the body and assists in lengthening the spine for ... Views: 4215
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates. In Pilates, the mind is used to control the muscles. Pilates attempts to create a fusion of mind and body, allowing the body to move with grace, balance and economy.
Traditional Pilates is performed on a ... Views: 6982
Have you ever experienced the frustration of back pain? Back pain affects all aspects of your life. Physically, the pain wears you down and drains your energy so you can’t do the things you love. The emotional stress and anxiety leave you constantly fatigued. You can’t think straight because of ... Views: 2194
Try utilizing one of these principles during your next session...
Like most disciplines, Pilates has certain basic principles that should be followed to get the most benefit. The six principles of Pilates are Control, Concentration, Centering, Precision, Breath and Flow. Most are of no ... Views: 2396
Pilates has become increasingly popular in recent years with a growing number of practitioners and studios available. Pilates offers both an equipment-based and floor-based exercises that can deliver a range of benefits. This article provides a summary of the top five benefits that you can ... Views: 1221
Exercise Underutilized for Chronic Back and Neck Pain
A recent study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, looked at exercise prescription—who is prescribing it, who is getting it, and what type of exercise is being prescribed—and found that exercise may be underutilized for ... Views: 3290
“What is the purpose of learning how to properly use the iliopsoas muscle, and how does this affect exercise technique from a Pilates perspective?”
This was the question asked of me, which led to an interesting few days of contemplation about how I think, what I teach, how I originally ... Views: 5437
Try utilizing one of these principles during your next session...
Like most disciplines, Pilates has certain basic principles that should be followed to get the most benefit. The six principles of Pilates are Control, Concentration, Centering, Precision, Breath and Flow. Most are of no ... Views: 5666
Core training, as in Pilates, does much more than augment the physical body’s strength, endurance and shape. Core training can also strengthen and reshape the mind and its emotions. Standing tall, and moving and breathing from the center of the body can increase confidence, decrease ... Views: 1241
Fancy some pilates moves or to be a pilates performer? Pilates for beginners is gentle exercise for everyone and great for women having had breast cancer. I signed up for pilates workouts at my local night school to begin with. All these ladies, different shapes and sizes, different ages and ... Views: 1360
Pilates apparel is about comfort, fit and style. Find out what to look for when buying yours. This decision could be the difference between a good workout and a great workout.
Pilates has become such a buzz word, it's value has grown and grown. This has been great news for the retailers. But ... Views: 1959
The Pilates Method teaches a common-sense approach to efficient movement habits for whole-body health. Every Pilates exercise combines strength and flexibility with breathing and total body awareness. Learning to pay attention to what your body is doing and how it moves is a must for getting ... Views: 2929
The benefit of Pilates over other exercises lies not just in the quantity or duration of the workout but the quality of the exercises performed. This is achieved through muscle Symmetry.
What Muscle am I Working?
Clients sometimes ask me while doing a particular exercise, “What muscle ... Views: 2030
Do I have to practice Pilates to improve my posture? Not necessarily. However, the Pilates exercises can be a wonderful way to help you change habits. Everything that you learn about your body with the Pilates Method can be applied to both your everyday life and other fitness activities. The ... Views: 4712
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Pilates. The Pilates Method (or simply Pilates) is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are ... Views: 1902
The Pilates Method (or simply Pilates), is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. As of 2005 there are 11 million people who practice the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States.
Pilates called his method Contrology, because he ... Views: 2808
Q: What is The Pilates Method?
A: The Pilates Method teaches a holistic, common-sense approach to efficient movement habits for whole-body health. Developed as a system or movement regime, Pilates training provides a variety of choices in both exercises and specialized Pilates equipment to ... Views: 2603
With a little luck, the older we get the wiser we become. For sure, we remain emotional creatures of lots of crazy habits, but as we age and mature, we do generally try to take advantage of the experience of living and our growth to help us coast thru life more gracefully. At least we hope we ... Views: 1223
Every Pilates exercise involves utilizing the joints as a lever and pulley system. All movement of the body happens as we contract and release different muscles in the proper order to achieve a desired action. If our muscles don’t understand their proper firing patterns, the body will ... Views: 2121
The scoop is a signature concept for Pilates training, as well as a topic for much debate. Every teacher has an opinion on whether the Pilates exercises should be done with a scoop or neutral spine. It's impossible not to land on one side of the political fence or the other with a viewpoint on ... Views: 2552
Sixty minutes? Work my abdominals for a “full 60 minutes?” I’ll bet you are thinking Jesh! Isn’t that too much time?
Actually, if all you were doing were crunches and sit-ups, it would most definitely be a bit too much and you would probably see diminishing returns as ... Views: 1339
An area of concern for many women - no matter what age - is the shape, tone and length of muscle of our legs. The suppleness of front, back, sidelines of the legs and surely the curve of the derriere are the parts of our bodies that get a lot of focus and attention in everything we do, every way ... Views: 3036
The cover of BioMechanics – The Magazine of Body Movement and Medicine caught my eye. The February 2007 issue / Volume XIV Number 2 had a barefoot runner on the front and the tag-line, “New barefoot designs challenge footwear conventions.” Since the subject of happy feet and ... Views: 3095