I have lived many lives in my 47 years and have evolved into a Practical Girl. Common Sense and Consistency are the required principles that we must live by. I grew up with no moral plumbline and had to find peace with God on my own. The only way you can find this peace is individualy and not collectively. There is no Religion that can tell you how to achieve this peace. I hope that by sharing my experiences and insight I can help others avoid the pitfalls that are all around us. I believe in Faith, Family, Friends. Faith must come first and it starts with a personal relationship with God. We have collectively become a Moral Miasma and are told that we need to use our "Moral Imaginations" POTUS. Since this means there are no absolutes, we will never acheive the peace we all require and desire to live our best lives. God has provided the Rules and Guidelines, which are so direct and simple while offering the Common Sense and Consistency that we all need and desire. If we all chose to follow this Divine Wisdom the entire world and all its inhabitants would immediately live again the Garden of Eden. The Rules are simple and the Guidelines allow for everyone, everywhere, no matter what Religious Dogma they subscrib to, to retain their free will and individuality.
“The Bible is not only many books. It is literature, History, poetry, prophesy, philosophy, theology, oratory, humor, sarcasm, irony, music, drama, tragedy, strategy, love tales, war tales, travelogues, laws, jurisprudence, songs, sermons, warnings, prayers, all are here. Was there ever such literature? The Bible begins with a garden and ends with a city. It starts with a morning followed by a night and ends with a day that shall know no night. It breaks the silence with “In the beginning” and it hushes the universe to sleep with “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all”. John Snider
This is the book we should turn to the most to receive Divine Guidance for our lives. The answers are here and if we seek them for oursleves the Creator of the Universe will never let us down.