Mike Kettle, or Michael Christopher Kettle, was born September 17th, 1985 in the town Of San Luis Obispo, Ca. he was raised in the city of Montclair Ca. and went to elementary and junior high and high school in Montclair Ca. and graduated from Montclair High School in the year 2003. He started studying the word of God at the age of 21, and was baptized at the age of 21 in Southern California. Mike Kettle then started fasting and fasted for many years, even doing three fifty day fasts, that is where he got all of his knowledge and wisdom from God, by fasting. Mike Kettle is also a bodybuilder, bodybuilding and training now for the Mr. Olympia competition, a Martial Artist studying to become a Sensei, a gospel rapper who goes by the name Mike 1,000 Kettle, and talented actor and model, writing many screenplays for biblical movies.
God is the answer to everything, surrender your life right now to God's son and the work he did on the cross and you will be saved and set free and blessed, and no longer cursed!
Jesus is the way the truth and the life!
The beginning of your life is just one prayer away!
Satart your new life now in God, and live forever assured of salvation.
Check out Mike Kettle Ministries and all God has to offer you!
God can help, nothign else can.
God is the answer, acknowledge him and he will comfort you.
looking around for something to last and be holy and eternal, God is the answer.
stop finding poorness in this life, be rich in faith in God.
Mike Kettle
kettlemichael77@gmail.com personal email for business and ministry.