Russel Brownlee uses the modalities of hypnotherapy, EFT and close inquiry to help clients end their physical, emotional and mental suffering. He also has a passion for learning new techniques and passing on the knowledge by writing and speaking.
Russel has observed that the search for enlightenment and the search for healing both involve letting go of the stories about who we think we are. On the one hand we can use therapy and inquiry to resolve our projections and limiting stories, and on the other we dwell in the suchness of Spirit where nothing has to be changed and we are already all that we seek.
He likes to call this approach - which addresses both the relative and the absolute aspects of being - enlightening therapy.
Russel is one of the inspired minds behind the Ambient Therapy range of music for hypnotherapy and meditation.
No story leads to who you are. All stories lead away from you. - Byron Katie
There is nothing you have to do or be except what you are doing or being right now. - Neale-Donald Walsch
Read my articles, which I'll start posting in a short while, or visit my therapy website
Anyone interested in the technical aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy can check out
To listen to the best hypnosis music for hypnotherapy, reiki and mind-body healing, go to