I describe myself as a modern-day house-holder yogi and lover of what-is; living in peace, contentment, and joy.
In November 2005, during a moment of profound silence...total stillness and presence seemed to come out of hiding from behind everything. There was no future and no past…just what is – that is sort of timeless. There was no “I” or identification with anything. The senses functioned and so I saw, but there was no seer…no “I”…just seeing. Also, everything I had read about and studied in the prior 13 years came into sharp focus and there was understanding. It was a direct, sudden realization into what is as it is. There was a clear and deep seeing through the false “I”. At the same time, as it is connected and not separate, there was a clear seeing of the nature of the world.
After realization, there was a noticing of a lack of suffering (problems, worries, fears, guilt, etc.). There was no denying what was realized - it hit all the way to the bone (deepest being). Even still there are no attachments, fears, suffering, seeking, etc. The mind is usually fairly quiet now and what thoughts do occur do not fool me (i.e. cause me suffering). I live in a constant state of contentment.
I offer satsangs in St. Petersburg, FL (https://www.facebook.com/StPetersburgSatsang/) and produce videos on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/ericputkonen).
"...our normal conception of self is a false self. What many people see as themselves is not their true selves."
~ Eric Putkonen ("True Self" - January 2006, Edge Life Magazine online)
"Upon awakening, you clearly realize that all of that time you spent in the process of freeing yourself from bondage was the delusion of bondage itself.."
~ Eric Putkonen (Engaged Nonduality blog 2017)
Check out our YouTube vidoes at https://www.youtube.com/ericputkonen
There is a Facebook page for the satsangs at https://www.facebook.com/StPetersburgSatsang