I have degrees in Social Science/Anthropology and Educational Counseling. I have been a therapist and consultant in the area of brain function and behavior since 1974. I have been working with and teaching about developmental processes since 1977.
I specialize in re-kindling the sparks of the developmental process and getting children back on track.
Rodger Bailey, MS has recently started a distance learning doctorate degree program at a small graduate school in Tennessee. His dissertation will be about the protocols he uses to re-engage the developmental process of children who have developmental problems. If you have interest in distance learning postgraduate degree programs, come join a social network he has created for those with such an interest.
Years ago I had an idea that developmental problems could be solved. I was told that it was impossible, but I continued my work. I believed that children with these problems could catch up with their peers. Little by little I discovered what sparks developmental processes.
Now, after working with hundreds of children, I have a system which reliably, predictably, and consistently solves developmental problems.
Developmental problems are the result of the developmental process being sluggish or stuck. The only way to solve these problems is to re-engage the developmental process and get it back on track.
The Developmental Discovery SystemTM is non-invasive and is a natural complementary or alternative approach. It is designed for you to do at home with your child. If your child is currently in a treatment or special education program, our approach does not interfere. Our approach is also successful by itself.
The Developmental Discovery System™ is our consulting site. This is the place to read about our work with children who have developmental problems.
Join our free Membership Site. It is focused on the Developmental Process. As a member, you have access to tools and information which will guide you in understanding the basis of developmental difficulties.
As a member, complete the Developmental Checklist and the Assessment Request, and we will get back in contact with you to establish a phone consultation.
The best way to contact us is through the forum in our Failure To Thrive free membership site.