Why would a one time practicing psychotherapist end up focusing his life upon being a numerologist? That is a story that has taken a lifetime to answer.
In the early 1960’s I became spiritually, metaphysically and mystically curious. I had discovered the realm of eastern philosophies, reincarnation, yoga, theosophical, Rosicrucian philosophies and many other occult and esoteric theories. For years my search for the deeper meanings of creation was ardent, active and to a large extent erratic. I bounced from one system of belief to another as each new insight excited my inner transmission and drove on into yet new heights of inner awareness.
During my last year of high school I gave thought to what I would like to do in life. One was to become a psychiatrist and delve into the depths of human experience and consciousness to try and relieve the suffering and angst that I witnessed within myself and others. In the middle 1960’s I read Richard Maurice Bucke’s book entitled Cosmic Consciousness. It was the influence of that book that resulted in a modification of the goal to attain cosmic consciousness and better understand man’s relationship to the universe.
At almost the same time I became interested in numerology and began to do charts for friends, relatives and eventually clients. I would integrate insights from my therapeutic work and gain therapeutic insights from the tens of thousands of numerical sessions. The focal point of my numerology was the cosmology of numerology. I was heavily influenced by Dion Fortune’s book The Cosmic Doctrine. Channeled in the early 1920’s from one said to have been a previously incarnated world philosopher. Although the origin may sound hokey to many, its material has paralleled and even anticipated many of the precepts of modern quantum physics.
Once while contemplating the cosmology of numbers I was lead me into an actual journey through time, space, wormholes, galaxies and generations of cosmic evolution back to the birth of creation. I burst forth in an indescribable pulse of light, euphoria, wonderment and exhilaration of expectation. I came outward from that moment traveling through rounds of new evolutions and life experiences finally arriving at this solar system. Having completed life on several of the other planets I entered earth. It was an overwhelming event and hard to integrate all in that moment of experience. I experienced life from the perspective of the eternal spark looking down at where we are rather that as a human personality looking up to where we aspire.
That journey transformed my work and purpose in life. My desire is to awaken others to their true heritage and lineage. I have presented my numerology teachings and sessions with that perspective. The latest culmination of my writing is The Heart of Numerology. It is available now online or at your local bookstore. Also, you can preview the book on my website www.ForeverNumerolgy.com
You can gaze out at the cosmos as an observer and observe, measure and speculate as to its nature. Or you can be the cosmos. Numerology is a study of cycles, vibration and rhythmn. Through attunement to the numbers you can enter different states of vibrational awareness and dance in tune with yourself, partner, nature, or the cosmos itself.