International and National Predictions 2025 Lynn Buess MA, EdS

(Author/s Note) The numerical configuration of 2925 packs beyond the normal amount of added expletive’s than in other 9 universal years. Think of the following comments and predictions to the power of 3-4x!

The universal year for 2025 is a nine year (2+0+2+5=9). Nine is the number of ideals, utopias, human aspirations, compassionate actions and collective human experience. You don’t have to study numerology to see that 9 is the last number of the sequence, or cycle. It is the number of revelations, visions, inspiration, purification and ascension.
On a personal level passing through the 9 year usually includes releasing old and outworn aspects of the personality such as dated relationships, bad habits, non-productive traits, toxic and dysfunctional issues to name a few. The 9 year accelerates the rise of hidden negative parts of the subconscious to the surface for recognition and potential processing. After rooting out the old negative patterns comes the potential for realization and rebirth into a new awareness. It is a cycle of cleansing and renewal to pave the way for rebirth and changes that will blossom and expand in the 1 year and continue through the next nine year cycle.
Similarly, on a mass scale the same process occurs bringing previously shadowy and hidden human activates into light, both individually and collectively. Events of the 9 universal year can come about in the most unusual and unforeseen manner. Especially at this time in global awakening you can count on expecting the unexpected! Expect the unknown to become known. It is getting more difficult to hide secrets.
Things you thought could never happen do. People you would never expect to do such things already have. Things you have taken for granted to be stable aren’t. Cosmic time and cosmic destiny have a way of taking place unaffected by human ego and desires. As my grandmother used to say, “The Lord works in mysterious ways”. Expect the dark to be lit up. Expect brilliant flashes of light to reveal the darkness and hidden social issues of entertainment, media, politics, religion, academia, science, medicine, et al to precipitously illuminate revelations of the most hideous, heinous, glorious and spectacular disclosures.
Part of the act of purification includes cleansing of pollution on all levels. Anyone with an ounce of social awareness knows of the massive amounts of pollutants being placed into our air, water, land, as well as, our bodies mind and soul. New technologies slowly become available that can reduce this fingerprint most efficiently. A torrent of new whistleblowers emerge with resulting disclosures that will reveal in greater detail the depth and extent of crimes against humanity. To mention a few>>>sex trafficking of children, blackmail on an international level, extortion, murder, child sacrifice, assassinations galore, massive fraud, embezzlement and theft of funds in the billions and trillions to mention some of the lesser evils!!!
I have revealed and alluded to so many of these topics for years and revel in seeing “conspiracy theories” suddenly blossoming into long hidden truths. As I have pointed out before, it is not a conspiracy theory when it is true. And now truth will reign. Gonna take some time tho, Virginia!! Patience is important along with action. It is a deeply embedded mess, and will require effort and time to remedy the past, and reach a 50/50 point of transition. Perhaps the most important transformation within humanity comes from the awakening of good common folk within every region and nation of the world! An awakening to the fact that good common people do not hate other good common people and wish no war or harm or devastation upon anyone!! Then who does?? As the small minority of perpetrators are finally identified and acknowledged as such by the vast majority of good, a quantum shift will occur. Once the masses simply say, “we see, hear and recognize what you are doing and we no longer choose to participate,” the benign world (not new world order) shall emerge.
The heart of mass human consciousness collectively longs more than ever for a world of harmony, prosperity and peace. Yet, that ever so small percentage of parasites who have contrived to prevent this, desperately cling to last hopes of monopoly and domination. More of the global population is starting to recognize the tactics of propaganda and misinformation that has been used so long to maintain control, lies and abuse. Mathematically speaking, this is a point where critical mass consciousness is reached and global energy moves irrevocably toward the Light.
There is a universal longing associated with the number 9, and humanity still waits for the announcement from a controlled media and governments of our connection to other worlds and other worldly life forms. It is time to recognize and restore our conscious place in the galactic community.
I have rooted for disclosure for decades and even rather naively predicted in 1973 announcement of contact would come forth. Some disclosure has recently been released, and now a flood gate will open this year and in the coming nine year cycle ahead
The year 2025 is witness to the start toward a new global form of monetary distribution. Continuing exposés regarding the fraud and deception of the privately controlled central banking system, the Federal Reserve, and its tax extraction collection agency finally attracts the wrath of American tax payers who have been ravaged of financial freedom by the debt system in place for so long.
The BRIC alliance grows stronger and the little people can only hope that it does not become just another different set of controllers who take over the management of governments and most major institutions around the world. The jury is out if humanity is collectively ready to adopt a true transparent and meritorious commodity backed (gold, jewels, iridium?) global currency.
The introduction of a more evenly distributed monetary system will allow for development of technologies that have been repressed and ignored by money making institutions. The release of zero point free energies and more efficient less polluting forms of transportation pour into the market. Healing technologies abound and the med beds finally hit the market as well.
Events in the Middle East further reveal the changing role of power in the world. Does the real Israel emerge out of the infiltrated government and religious leadership that has been in place? It is possible that peace can come to the region, and the “false” in religious doctrines can be sorted away allowing for the kernel of truth they hold to prevail.
This is a year of consciousness expansion for the masses, and will impact both the studied and disciplined along with the indifferent and unaware. It will come unexpectedly to a larger number of the population. It could be a time for the cosmic light bulb to shine brilliantly while bringing a blaze of cosmic light through the darkness of this controlled maya/matrix shadowy laboratory called terra.
Below are some questions that will hopefully be truthfully answered as this year and the following nine year cycle proceeds onward. >>>>>

What will the “real” history of the US and planet earth reveal that we were never told in schools?
Will America be disappointed with D. Trump in four years? Will mankind believe that a man or men cannot solve all of this, and it will be only BY THE HAND OF GOD?
How will Bill and Hill be recognized in infamy for their littered trail of dozens of “suicided” friends, associates and perceived enemies?
Will zero point free energy be available to the public soon?
Which presidential family has direct connection to both the JFK assassination and 9/11?
What happens to the big “O” and her TV fame once the world learns that the girls in her school in Africa were being “groomed” to do what for whom?
Among the clones, doubles, clowns, CGI inserts and latex masked actors portraying “papa Joe” (beleaguered president elect of the morally and financially bankrupt United States of America, Inc.): who will receive the “best supporting actor” stage award for their performance since his passing in 2020?
Who, in Heaven’s name, is Q?
Will the public ask who is responsible for the fires of LA, and too much DEW and not enough dew? Will growing tension result in the form of release through a powerful earthquake along the US west/northwest coast on February 5, 2025?
Who does Elon Musk serve?
Will Indonesian immigrant Barry S. and his beloved Michael make a move to regain political power? Is Michael detained at Gitmo?
Will the public demand more justice taken toward Dominion 2020 and the use of ”Hammer” and “Scorecard” to influence an election?
Will D. Trump grow a mustache and make us raise our right arm as per the leftwing propaganda fear porn?
And finally, will the time traveling presidential candidate of 2012 and 2016 make another run in 2028 or 2032?

Author's Bio: 

Lynn has been a national and international fixture in the consciousness movement since the mid 1970"s. As a result of his academic accomplishment, cosmological insight and unique military specialty his work reflects deep and penetrating insight into human nature and current events.