Jennifer Webb is an author, oil painter, and faith healer. As a Near- Death Experiencer, she is a living example that Miracles are Supernaturally Real, and that God loves every one of us.
She finds joy in nature and inspriation from the triumph of humananity that rises above great tribulations to give and receive Love!
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" Purity of the Spirit is Attainable in the Body!"
"All of creation is made of energetic frequencies, and you have a spiritual blueprint that is changable, mutable, and transformative!"
"We Are All Spiritually Immortal Beings and We All Live Through Dying."
"Life Is Not About The Time It Takes, It's About Getting It Right!"
"Help The Healer, Heal The Hurting."
"What would you do differently if you knew that you were going to live through dying and return to Mother Earth and back to how you left her? Would you help heal the Earth and Humanity?"
"Know that when one is floating in the prescence of God, one will wish they had lived their life in such a way as to earn the Grace that shall be Given Unconditionally."
"When spirits float out of bodies, some go to places of unspeakable darkness...they do not have to stay there...ask for God's help and look for the light..."
Some healers, spiritualists, religionists, and more all say that once a person is in the place of eternal darkness that there is no salvation; that belief is SO INCORRECT, for ONE CAN ALWAYS ASK FOR HELP from God, Jesus, and your Guardian Angels! One can receive Salvation and be shown a Flicker of Light just be seeking and searching for it. Go to that Light and it shall be done for you! You can change and transform for the better, at any time in the space of forever's existence..."
Jennifer T Webb, NDE
Please contact through this platform or the following link has a consultation messenger.
Free, Master Spirit Healings are available upon request.