Vedanta Ayurveda was instated by Dr. Ramniwas Prasher in 1998 with a vision to treat the Chronic disorders specially stress-lifestyle generated disorders and to aware the people about the time tested ways of living based on Ayurveda guidelines.
Both of them are M.D. [Ayurveda] from the most reputed institute of India-
"Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research" in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar.
Dr. Ramniwas Prasher is conducting Short Term Training Programs/Workshops on Ayurvedic way of Health Care & Panchakarma for Indians as well as Foreigners. About 34000 patients suffering with various Chronic Disorders like Arthritis, Auto-immune Disorders, Osteoporosis, Slip-disc, Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension, Paralysis, Diabetes, Hepatitis- B, hepatitis- C, Chronic Renal Failure, Nephrotic Syndrome, Cancer, Asthma, Infertility, Impotency, Menstrual disorders, Migraine, Menopausal Syndrome, Psychological disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer disorder, Prostate and Thyroid Disorders, Psoriasis, Vitilago from all parts of the world have consulted him. He has a successful patients’ satisfaction rate of more than 90%.
About 150 National &International Scientific Seminars on related subjects were attended.
More than 150 articles are published on the Clinical activities in various Local, National & International News Papers, Magazines; interviews for some Radio and T.V. channels.
Ayurveda Consultation
Personalized Herbal products for Chronic diseases like Cancer,CRF,Mysthenia Gravis..
Panchakarma Therapies
Health Education & Ayurveda Study & Resource Centre
Satmya- Training cum Detoxification Programme for Prevention of Diseases
5000 years back, Ancient Indian Health Scientists documented the devised techaniques to predict the quality & span of personal & social health & therapies to restore, maintain & upgrade it, based on Vedic metaphysics.
Disease is the sole responsibility of our, so is the cure, ayurveda can help all to learn this art & science of Healing...
Some of the life saving & revolutionary molecules are driven from the herbs documented in Ayurveda then why not the time tested concepts, procedures, life-style at least till the time we reach in a better position thru researches in stead of doing some hit & trail experiments as in India; from my childhood I am keenly following these things e.g. An awareness campaign were carried out against feeding the child and now from years for feeding.
We should also think about the radical control/cure on the line that a patient of hypertension carry on taking medicines for whole life even when there is no known related pathological factor, here I am talking about increase in dozes, numbers of medicines & their short /long –term side effects .Ok, right if this treatment can just control BP in terms of its related hazards on various systems of the body.
Before three decade it was not possible to regenerate any types of damaged cells like hepatic, pancrease, nerve cells, but now gene therapy/stem cells implantation makes it possible. These concepts of repair, regeneration of damaged cells in some pathological state is described in Ayurveda & more advances than this; measures to rejuvenate the damaged cells due to ageing process & to prolong the age elaborately described.
The measures for regeneration,rejuvenation,maintenance & promotion of health at cellular level and integral health status;proneness,manifestation,diagnosis,type,virulence,prognosis & principles of management along with treatment modalities of various kind of diseases depending on the constitution are dealt in detail. We should look it as a main stream health science in light of modern zone of science,to understand the leads provided in rich literature of Ayurveda.
Surprised to see some proven areas like RASAYANA,YOGA NA TASYA ROGO NA JARA NA MRITUH, PRAPTASYA YOGAAGNIMAYAM SHARIRAM, The physiological-psychological nature can be transformed to retard the ageing process,health state for ever & steping towards immortility by revealing spritituality .
Vedanta Ayurveda
Herbal Treatment & Panchakarma Centre
F,195,Ff,westend Marg,Saidulajab
New Delhi[India]-110030
+91 9811635915
Telefax +91 11 29536209