Cancer Management at Vedanta Ayurveda
Integral care of cancer is possible thru Ayurveda that target the disease process & improve the available natural healing power of the person
The incidences of various types of cancers are increasing so much that The Cancer war was declared in 1971 by cancer industry & Federal govt.Since then 2trillian USD on conventional treatment but success is just 2.4%.In this system the chemotherapeutic agents mostly derived from herbs, but the artificially formed these active agents produce much more side effects. Ayurveda have better option in improving the quality of life, reversing the disease process involved & by improving the immunity level against carcinogens.
After a vigorous study on the subject from ayurveda Dr. Prasher developed his insight in this particular subject & treated a few cases of different types of cancers & noted that Ayurveda system of treatment helpful in overcoming this dreaded disease at various stages- When there is option left like in a case whose billirubin level was to high that no known chemo-agents can help; in that state some herbal combinations found to be helpful.
This treatment can be taken along with chemo-/radio-/after surgery, to improve the status of immunity, mental strength& physical strength. To minimize the side effects of chemo-/radio- therapeutic agents.
There are lot of world wide success stories who have get benefited from this Indian system of medicines & from yoga also. Some Panchakarma therapies are also helpful in this particular disease. The personalized Yoga & Paranayama technique are also developed by Dr. Prasher found to be very beneficial. Proper guidelines for life-style & dietary habits.

Author's Bio: 

Vedanta Ayurveda was started in 1998 by " Dr. Ramniwas Prasher with a vision to treat Chronic diseases specially stress & life-style generated disorders and to aware about the potentials of the time tested model of therapeuics & diagnostics & integral way of living based on Ayurveda - Ancient Indian Life Science ;after doing M.D. [Ayurveda] from the most reputed institute of Ayurveda in the world.
"Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research" in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar.