Deborah Hayes is a CTA Life Coach and mentor to women in transition who are ready for a new phase in life. Through her unique coaching program, Get Your Year in Gear, she inspires supports and empowers women to live a life of consequence; a life without regrets that is their own unique version of the life they love.
To subscribe to her FREE bi-monthly ezine and receive a complimentary Special Report; Conquering Change, Take the Scary Out of Transitions visit or visit for a new 3 Step System to Revitalize your Life, Goals, and Relationships!!
"You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you." Isadora Duncan
Deborah Hayes is a fellow woman in transition and founder of Women in Transition Online, a website dedicated to the wise and beautiful women of a certain age. For interesting and sometimes amusing articles of interest, kindred spirits, coaching programs, tips and tools to transform your Midlife to your Bestlife visit
You can contact Deborah via her website: where you will find a contact page. If you prefer to speak in person please feel free to call her at: 480.656.2026